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[Enclosure No. 2.-Translation.]

PARIS, April 26, 1865.

SIR: I believe I am fulfilling a duty, but a very painful one, in begging you to accept the expression of the profound affliction I feel in hearing of the death of President Lincoln. The sympathy with which that great man has honored my father's memory, increases my profound regrets. These shall be shared by all noble hearts in all countries, and the glorious name of Lincoln, standing by the side of Washington, shall be the everlasting honor of your great republic.

With great respect and cordial fraternity, I have the honor to be, sir, your very obedient servant,

Monsieur le MINISTRE.


Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward.

No. 87.

Paris, May 3, 1865.

SIR: His excellency the minister of foreign affairs was kind enough, on Saturday last, the 29th of April, to read, and at the same time to hand me, a copy of a communication which he had made, by order of the Emperor, to the French minister at Washington in reference to our recent national bereavement. His excellency also informed me that it would be communicated to both of the legislative branches of the government on the Monday following. It would have been communicated on the day it was shown to me if the corps legislatif had been in session.

As I had been notified, his excellency Mr. Vuitry, minister president of the council of state, at the opening of the senate yesterday, and by order of the Emperor, read the despatch to which I have referred, and added that he hoped the members of the senate would unite in the sentiments which the Emperor had charged him to testify to them.

The president of the Senate, M. Troplong, replying in the name of the assembly to the commissioner of the government, declared that the senate shared entirely the views of the Emperor; that it had been struck with the same sorrow and even indignation when it heard of the attempt made upon the person of a citizen borne to the supreme power by the free choice of his country; that this sorrow could only be increased by the recollection of the noble sentiments of moderation and of conciliation manifested in the recent proclamation of President Lincoln.

The President Troplong then proposed, and the senate unanimously voted, its adhesion to the sentiments of the despatch to the French minister at Washington in the usual form.

The same communication was simultaneously submitted to the corps legislatif by his excellency Monsieur Rouher, minister of state, with a few impressive remarks. The Vice-President Schneider, interpreting the feelings of the assembly, expressed its horror at the crime which had been thus brought to their notice, and announced that the corps legislatif shared completely the sentiments of the government.

An account of the proceedings, as reported in the Moniteur this morning, will be found in the annexed enclosures Nos. 1 and 2.

I am, sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant,



Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.

[Enclosure No. 1.]

[Translated from the Moniteur of May 2, 1865.]

Communication from the government,

THE PRESIDENT. M. the minister resident of the council of state has the floor for the purpose of presenting a communication from the government. (The house becomes attentive.) His excellency M. FECHTRY, minister resident of the council of state. Gentlemen of the Senate: In pursuance of the orders of the Emperor, I have the honor to communicate to the senate the despatch addressed on the 28th of April last by M. the minister of foreign affairs to M. the chargé d'affaires of France at Washington, on the occasion of the death of President Lincoln.

This despatch reads as follows:

PARIS, April 28, 1865.

SIR: The news of the crime of which M. le President Lincoln has fallen a victim has caused a profound sentiment of indignation in the imperial government.

His Majesty immediately charged one of his aides-de-camp to call upon the minister of the United States, to request him to transmit the expression of this sentiment to M. Johnson, now invested with the presidency. I myself desired, by the despatch which I addressed you under date of yesterday, to acquaint you without delay of the painful emotion which we have éxperienced, and it becomes my duty to-day, in conformity with the views of the Emperor to render a merited homage to the great citizen whose loss the United States now deplores. Elevated to the Chief Magistracy of the republic by the suffrage of his country, M. Abraham Lincoln exhibited in the exercise of the power placed in his hands the most substantial qualities. In him firmness of character was allied with elevation of principle, and his vigorous soul never wavered before the redoubtable trials reserved for his government.

At the moment when an atrocious crime removed him from the mission which he fulfilled with a religious sentiment of duty, he was convinced that the triumph of his policy was definitively assured. His recent proclamations are stamped with the sentiments of moderation with which he was inspired in resolutely proceeding to the task of reorganizing the Union and consolidating peace. The supreme satisfaction of accomplishing this work has not been granted him; but in reviewing these testimonies of his exalted wisdom, as well as the examples of good sense, of courage, and of patriotism, which he has given, history will not hesitate to place him in the rank of citizens who have the most honored their country.

By order of the Emperor I transmit this despatch to M. the minister of state, who is charged communicate it to the senate and the corps legislatif. France will unanimously associate itself with the sentiments of his Majesty.

Receive, &c.,


Chargé d'Affaires of France at Washington,


I do not think, gentlemen of the senate, that this communication needs any commentary. It explains itself. I trust the senate will share the feelings of which the despatch which I have had the honor of reading contains the ready expression. In uniting together to brand with reprobation a horrible crime, the Emperor, the great bodies of the state, and France in its totality, will give to the republic of the United States a fresh testimony of their sincere sympathy. [Loud approbation.]

THE PRESIDENT. Gentlemen, in acknowledging the communication just made by M. he minister, I beg the senate will permit me to express in its name a sentiment which, in its unanimity and energy, is equally felt by all. The senate felt a deep emotion at the news of the crime committed against the illustrious head of an allied nation. Mr. Lincoln, placed, since 1861, at the head of the American nation, had passed through the most afflicting trials that could befall a government founded on liberty. It was at the moment when victory presented itself, not as a signal of conquest, but as the means of reconciliation, that a crime still obscure in its causes destroyed the existence of that citizen placed so high by the choice of his countrymen. Mr. Lincoln fell at the moment when he thought he was on the point of arriving at the term of the misfortunes by which his country was afflicted, and when he indulged in the hope of seeing it soon reconstituted and flourishing. The senate, which has always deplored the civil war, detests still more that implacable hatred which is its fruit, and which disgraces politics by assassination. There can, therefore, be but one voice in this body, to join in the ideas expressed by order of the Emperor, in the name of a generous policy, and of humanity. [Approbation.]

I propose to the senate to decree that a copy of the minutes of the present sitting be officially transmitted to the minister of state. [Long and prolonged approbation.]

[Enclosure No. 2.]

[Translated from the Moniteur of May 2, 1865.]


PRESIDENT SCHNEIDER. M. the minister of state has the floor to transmit a communication from the government. [The assembly becomes very attentive and silent.]

His excellency M. ROUHER, minister of state. Gentlemen: An odious crime has plunged in mourning a people composed of our allies and friends. The news of that odious act has produced throughout the civilized world a sentiment of indignation and horror. [Assent.]

Mr. Abraham Lincoln had displayed, in the afflicting struggle which convulses his country, that calm firmness and that invincible energy which belong to strong minds, and are a necessary condition for the accomplishment of great duties. [Repeated assent.] After the victory he had shown himself generous, moderate, and conciliatory. [Hear, hear.] He was anxious to at once terminate the civil war, and restore to America, by means of peace, her splendor and prosperity. [Hear, hear.]

The first chastisement that Providence inflicts on crime is to render it powerless to retard the march of good. [Repeated assent.] The deep emotion and elevated sympathies which are being displayed in Europe will be received by the American people as a consolation and an encouragement. The work of appeasement commenced by a great citizen will be completed by the national will. [Hear, hear.] The Emperor's government has sent to Washington the expression of a legitimate homage to the memory of an illustrious statesman, torn from the government of the States by an execrable assassination.

By his Majesty's order I have the honor to communicate to the legislative body the despatch addressed by the minister of foreign affairs to our representative at Washington. It is thus worded:

(For the despatch see enclosure No. 1. The reading was frequently interrupted by expressions of approbation and by applause.)

This despatch, gentlemen, does not call for any comment. The Emperor, the public bodies, and France, from one end to the other, are unanimous in their sentiments of reprobation for a detestable crime, in their homage to a great political character, victim of the most criminal passions, and in their ardent wishes for the re-establishment of harmony and concord among the great and patriotic American nation. [Unanimous assent.]

PRESIDENT SCHNEIDER. Gentlemen, I wish to be the interpreter of your thoughts in publicly expressing the grief and indignation which we have all felt on learning the news of the bloody death of President Lincoln. That execrable crime has revolted all that is noble in the heart of France. Nowhere has more profound or more universal emotion been felt than in our country. We therefore heartily join in the sentiments and sympathies which have been manifested by the government. Yes, yes.]

Having been called to the direction of public affairs at an ever-memorable crisis, Mr. Abraham Lincoln has always proved himself fully equal to his difficult mission. After having shown his immovable firmness in the struggle, he seemed, by the wisdom of his language and of his views, destined to bring about a fruitful and durable reconciliation between the sons of America. [Hear, hear.] His last acts worthily crown the life of an honest man and a good citizen. Let us hope that his spirit and his sentiments may survive him, and inspire the American people with pacific and generous resolutions. [Approbation. ]

France has deplored the bloody struggles which have afflicted humanity and civilization. She ardently desires the re-establishment of peace in the midst of that great nation, her ally and her friend. [Hear, hear.]

May our prayers be heard, and may Providence put an end to these painful trials. [Unanimous approbation.]

The legislative body acknowledges the receipt of the communication just made to it by the government, and demands that an extract of the minutes of the sitting shall be officially addressed to the minister of state. [General marks of assent.]

No. 128]

Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow.


Washington, May 5, 1865.

SIR: Your very interesting despatch, of the 18th ultimo, in regard to the effect produced by the news of the flight of Lee and the fall of Petersburg and Richmond, and giving translations of the comments of the leading French journals upon the events, has been received.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

JOHN BIGELOW, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary.

No. 129.]

Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow.

Washington, May 5, 1865.

SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 18th ultimo, No. 80, which is accompanied by a copy of a letter from Mr. Rice, United States consul at Spezzia, published in Galignani's Messenger, in defence of Commodore Craven's courage in the late affair with the ram Stonewall off the port of Lisbon. Mr. Seward's attention will be called to the subject.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

JOHN BIGELOW, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary.

Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward.

No. 90.]

Paris, May 10, 1865.

SIR: At my suggestion a meeting was held at this legation on Tuesday, the 2d instant, which appointed a committee of nine to prepare an address that should express the feelings inspired among them by the horrible crimes perpetrated at the seat of government on the night of the 14th of April.

On Tuesday, the 9th instant, the committee, at the legation and in the presence of a large concourse of our country people, presented me the address, which they had prepared in compliance with their instructions, and which was signed by several hundred Americans. That address, with the signatures attached thereto, and my reply, marked enclosures Nos. 1 and 2, are herewith transmitted. You will find, also, that the address and reply have been deemed worthy of the hospitality of the Moniteur of this morning, a grace which will probably insure their general circulation throughout France.

It would have been more satisfactory to our colony here, because more in accordance with our national usages, to have held a public meeting, in the exercises of which there could have been a more general participation; but, in view of the profound excitement produced throughout France by the events which would constitute the pretext for holding such a meeting, I did not think proper to give to such a demonstration any encouragement. A funeral service, conducted by the respective pastors, was held in both the American chapels here on different days, and both had an overflowing attendance.

The expressions of sympathy which reach me daily from every quarter are to me, as an American, of the most gratifying, I might indeed say of the most flattering, character. The press of the metropolis shows sufficiently how overwhelming is the public sentiment. Among innumerable written testimonials of sympathy, I have received some from public bodies and from groups of people which I propose to send you as soon as I have enough copying force liberated to prepare them.

I am, sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant,


Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

[For enclosures see Appendix, separate volume.]


No. 91.]

Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward.

Paris, May 11, 1865.

SIR: The news of Johnston's capitulation reached us yesterday. I felt that the propitious moment for which I had been waiting had arrived. I immediately prepared the communication of which enclosure No. 1 is a copy, and this afternoon placed it myself in the hands of the minister of foreign affairs. In delivering it to him, I said that I had resumed in that communication the substance of my part in several conversations with his excellency about our affairs, which recent news rendered it proper that I should submit to him in a more formal manner.

His excellency read the paper carefully through, and then proceeded to say that there were two distinct subjects presented in my communication—one relating to the past, and the second to the present and the future. As to the past, he said he did not see how France could have acted towards the United States otherwise than as she did on the breaking out of our rebellion; that it was impossible to treat as a mere local disorder the contest now drawing to a close in America, in which half the territory of the Union was in a state of rebelliona contest which had lasted four years, which had arrayed large armies against each other, and which had presented every known condition of serious war. But while he was not prepared to condemn the past course of his government, he said he was prepared to admit that a very different question was presented from that which they had hitherto had occasion to consider; that the war seemed to be practically at an end; that there was no longer any considerable force in the field against the federal government, nor any apparent organization, such as are the usual conditions of war. Under these circumstances, he said he would deem it his duty to bring the subject of my communication to the attention of the Empress Regent and of the council without delay, and, after taking their directions, he would communicate with me more formally on the subject. He went on to say that he should lose no time in getting the future policy of the government on this question defined, adding with a smile, "I think the result will be satisfactory to you.'

I then presented the military situation of the confederates a little in detail to show that Davis has no longer any army under his orders, and explained that the belligerent rights accorded to the confederates could no longer serve any purpose except to give a sort of license for the depredations of two or three of their vessels, which were now, if never before, pirates by definition.


excellency gave me new assurances of his disposition to have a prompt decision upon the subject, and of his confidence that that decision would be satisfactory to me.


I think I am justified by the language and manner of Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys Expressing to you the belief that a withdrawal of all countenance of the confederates by France may be expected at an early day.

I am, sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant.


Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.

[Enclosure No. 1.]

Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys.


Paris, May 10, 1865.

SIR: Your excellency need not be reminded that during the progress of the civil strife hich has afflicted my country for some four years past, the declaration of the imperial gov

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