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BEE. a Selection of


from the best


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Most perfons in the early season of their

lives, have a relish for the beauties of poetry; free from the fordid and inordinate love of self, and uncorrupted by the vices and follies of an alluring Qworld, they are most commonly captivated by those animating descriptions which a warm and lively fancy draws from the bosom of nature, and presents to them. in the pure unfullied garb of chastity and innocence. In some measure to direct this taste to proper objects, this selection will confift of such pieces only as in the judgment of the Editor, have a tendency to animate the hearts of those



who read them with a love of virtue and of honour : to awaken the most tender sensations in the human breast; to inculcate sentiments of philanthropy; and to elevate the mind with love and gratitude to Him from whom every good and benevolent affection derives its existence, and who alone enlightens the understanding with every really beautiful and ufeful idea, thereby rendering it subservient to the great end of creation-the true happinefs of all his


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