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highest fashion. Whether the Ravel family, or the Rossuets, or Burton's admirable company, occupy the stage, the same brilliant and crowded assemblage graces the beau tiful building erected upon the site of that destroyed by fire some years since. During the present summer the Ravel family and Burton's company of comedians play on alternate nights of each week. Gabriel Ravel, after many years retirement, has again ap. peared with more than his wonted eclat. On the front of the lot formerly occupied by the garden exclusively, Mr. Niblo has erected a block of buildings, which forms one of the chief architectural ornaments of the city. Its symmetry, beauty, and general appearance, has scarcely an equal in any other city of the Union.


As the city of New-York swells in numbers of residents, and experiences an annually increasing influx of strangers, not only the variety, but the style of amusements, requires multiplication; and Mr. Brougham, with much enterprise, detected, not only the want, but the mode of meeting it. Single-handed, and backed by nothing but his energy and popularity, he purchased a site and built a theatre, which, from the start, was successful, and has been since gaining upon public esteem. The manager himself, a most successful "playwright," is indefatigable in the production of novelty, and has a happy manner of working up the foibles, follies and fallacies of the day into most amusing, satirical sketches, which please without fatiguing, and hit without wounding. This style of things seems to penetrate through the "heavy business" of the latter ages, and reach the classic era, when existing men and manners were correctly reflected by the mimic art.


SHAKSPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS. With Introductory Remarks and Notes, Original and Selected. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co.

This magnificent edition has been increased beyond the compass of the origiual plan, by the addition of the Miscellaneous Works of the great poet. To facilitate the completion of Shakspeare's Works, the publishers thought it advisable to issue the Poems in three large Parts—each one containing about three times as much as the average of the preceding numbers. The present number, containing Nos. 39-40-41, with a beautiful portrait of Desdemona, forms the first of this series.

The next number will contain a magnificent vignette title page, now engraving, from an original design by Billings.

The third, and concluding part, will contain a splendid engraving of Mrs. Siddons as the tragic muse, from the celebrated painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

THE PARTHENON: Containing Original Characteristic Papers. By living American Authors, Illustrated by Darley, Billings, Wallen, Wade, Croome, Kirk, and others. New-York: Loomis, Griswold & Co.

Mr. Griswold has labored long and well in the cause of American literature, and has, in the general effect of his works, done much to consolidate and nationalize it. This new work, now presented to the public, we doubt not will have an importan influence in the same direction, thereby rivalling, we hope, both in importance and

duration, its Athenian prototype. The design is a magnificent one, and the first number, in its execution, well sustains the design. Each living American author contributes a gem in his peculiar style. It is superbly printed, in quarto form, accompanied with illustrations in the best style of American art, and subscribed with the fac simile autographs of each author. The number of writers is large, and the engravings will reach, for the volume, 200 in number, of which 50 are full page size, in tint. A splendid frontispiece, title-page, with comprehensive index to authors, artists, and engravers, will accompany the 12th number, which will complete the volume. The price is $1 per number, or $9, in advance, for the volume.

The first number opens appropriately, with an article, by Cooper, entitled the "Lake Gun," illustrated with exquisite sketches of Seneca Lake-a poem by Mrs. Sigourney follows; two by Miss Gould; one by Augustine Duganne; closing with an other by Wallace.

Meg and Alice. George P. Putnam.

This series of well-wrought stories has reached its fifth number, under growing popularity.

A SCHOOL DICTIONARY of the Latin Language. By Dr. J. H. Kaltschmidt. Blan chard & Lea.

This volume forms the 2d, or English-Latin part, of the Dictionary, of which the 1st part has already obtained a wide-spread reputation.

TRENTON FALLS, Picturesque and Descriptive. Edited by N. Parker Willis. Embracing the Original Essays of John Sherman, the First Resident. With Illustrations. George P. Putnam.

This little work, having the marks of Mr. Willis' editorship, is elegantly printed and illustrated with nine engravings. It is descriptive of one of the most lovely spots of Western New-York.

PARA; or Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon. By John Esaias
Warren. G. P. Putnam.

This work, written in a very lively and anecdotical style, has great attractions. It describes a country, almost a fairy land, and a people of whom but little is known, comparatively, but which will yet play a very important part in the world's history. The sportive manner of the writer lends a charm to scenes which, although before described, derive a new interest from the attractive garb in which they are now clothed.

THE AMERICAN COTTON SPINNER, and Manager's and Carder's Guide; A Practical Treatise on Cotton Spinning, giving the dimensions and speed of Machinery, draught and twist calculations, etc., with Notices of Recent Improvements, &c. &c. Compiled from the Papers of the late Robert H. Baird. A. Hart, late Carey & Hart, Philadelphia.

A practical treatise on cotton spinning, requiring only its announcement in a country like this, to make it eagerly sought for. That we are the sole resource, from which the spinners of the world look for supplies of the raw material, is known; that we shall soon become the sole source of supply for cotton cloth, is certain; and it is by means of such information, as is contained in this little cheap volume, that the public become interested and instructed in that important branch of industry.

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CALEB FIELD. A Tale of the Puritans. By the author of "Markland," &c. Harper


This little story, of the times of Cromwell, is of much interest, notwithstanding that it travels over an oft-beaten path.

FRESH GLEANING; or a New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. By Ike Marvel. Charles Scribner.

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The high reputation which "Ike Marvel" has acquired since the publication of the first edition of these sketches, has made a new edition desirable. The Lorgnette" and the Reveries of a Bachelor," the latter more particularly, have won their way to the public admiration, and, in many cases, awakened an enthusiasm beyond that which most new books inspire, and thereby produced a demand for more of the author's productions. The new edition is beautifully printed, uniform with the other works of Marvel, published by Scribner.

THE MOULDER'S AND FOUNDER'S POCKET GUIDE; A Treatise on Moulding and Founding in Green Sand, Dry Sand, &c. &c. By Fred. Overman, Mining Engineer. A. Hart, late Carey and Hart.

It is always with pleasure that we hail these little practical works, on the different branches of the great business of life. Anything that diffuses useful and practical information among the people at large, is a benefaction to society, and these works of Mr. Overman are peculiarly of this class.

MODERN HISTORY, from the coming of Christ and the change of the Roman Republic into an Empire, to the year of our Lord 1850. By Peter Fredet, D. D., Professor of History in St. Mary's College, Baltimore. John Murphy & Co., Baltimore. The great learning and ability of Dr. Fredet are conspicuously manifest in this work, which contains a very concise, yet clear and harmonious history of human progress during eighteen centuries and a half. The matter is admirably arranged, chronologically, and with every facility for dates and reference, making it valuable as a book of easy reference. It has also the merit of taking a catholic view of historical events, and in so far frees the narrative from that singularly malignant prejudice which pervades English Protestant histories, and which are the result of the political strife of the 17th century. The degree, in which the animosities against Catholics, growing out of the misconduct of James II., has been prolonged in the New-England States, is scarcely credible. Although Catholicism has never existed there, it is only within a few years that thə parade of an effigy, with hoofs and horns, and called the Pope, has been discontinued. It was one of the many modes adopted by politicians, to prejudice the masses, that was continued long after the import had been forgotten. It is now time that history, at least, should be purged from the misrepresentations of both sects; but Gibbons are not found in every age.

MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, Poet Laureate, D. C. L. By Christopher Wordsworth, D. D., Canon of Westminster. In Two Volumes. Edited by Henry Reed. Ticknor, Reed & Fields, Boston.

The poetry of Wordsworth has found many zealous admirers on this side of the Atlantic, and the Memoirs now published by Messrs. Ticknor, Reed & Fields, and so ably edited by Professor Reed, will be to them a welcome publication. The clear-headed and earnest manner in which, like a true-hearted metaphysician, Wordsworth was wont to present the true, won for him on this side of the Atlantic, a better apprecia

tion, than if he had been endowed with more of the fire of passion. The faculty of love seemed to be that which he most liked to exercise. The present Memoirs develop more fully those circumstances of the poet's life, which he so fully brought into review in the Prelude, and are replete with interest.

PROMETHEUS BOUND, and other Poems: including Sonnets from the Portuguese, Casa Guidi Windows, etc. By Elizabeth Barret Browning. New-York: C. S. Francis & Co., 252 Broadway.

We echo but the general sentiment, in saying that Mrs. Browning is the most accomplished poetical writer of the present day among lady authors. There is in her poetry freshness and vigor, breadth of intellect, and purity of expression ;--a combination seldom met with in modern poems. "Casa Guidi Windows" is the principal poem in the present volume; it is a narrative of late revolutionary movements in Florence, as observed from Casa Guidi Windows, interspersed with reflections suggested by passing events. It contains many passages of great beauty, and is, perhaps, the finest, as well as the latest production, of Mrs. Browning's pen. The sonnets from the Portuguese are new to us; we were most pleased with the fifth and sixth, though, indeed, the poorest of the entire number is far above the generally so-called sonnets.

The volume is issued in the usually neat and elegant style of Messrs. Francis & Co.'s publications.

Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. By Alexander Von Humboldt. Translated from the German. By E. C. Ottè. Vol. III. Harper Brothers.

The third volume of this great work of Humboldt has made its appearance, from the press of Messrs. Harpers, well translated, and printed in the usual admirable style of that house. Such a work, from such a man, requires but announcement.

REN; OR THE SNOW BIRD. A Tale of Real Life. By Caroline Lee Hentz, author of Linda, &c. A. Hart, late Carey & Hart, Philadelphia.

A well printed and interesting story, which well sustains the reputation of the authoress.

LE COURRIER DES ETATS-UNIS-[The United States Courier.] Office 73 Franklinstreet, near Broadway, New-York.

This French newspaper is now issued daily. Terms of the daily, $8 00. The Courrier des Etats-Unis gives now, in full, the Trial of H. de Bocarme and Wife, which is going on in Belgium, and creating an extraordinary sensation throughout Europe.

A few copies of the numbers containing the report can be had at the office: four cents a number.

The complete report will also appear in the weekly edition of the Courrier des Etats-Unis, the first number of which will be issued Saturday, 28th this month.

Terms of the weekly, $3 00 a year. Single copies, six cents. A liberal discount to Clubs, Agents and Publishers.


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