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Union City, surrender of, by Col. Harkins, to For-
rest, 563.

United States debt, tabular statement of the, 678.

Vallandigham, arrest and banishment of, 657;
Democratic nominee for governor of Ohio, 658.
Valley of the Shenandoah. See Shenandoah Val-

Valley of Virginia, Gen. Patterson's operations in
the, 103, 109.

Van Dorn, Gen. Earle, biographical sketch of, 297;
Star of the West seized by, off the Texas coast,
75; in command of Confederates at the battle of
Pea Ridge, 298; force concentrated under, at
Vicksburg, 868 operations of, in Tennessee,

Vicksburg, deription of. 868; bombardment of,
by Commodore Porter, 368; batteries of, passed
by Farragut's fleet, 368; canal on the peninsula
opposite, 869; siege of, abandoned. 870; an ex-
pedition organized against, under Sherman and
Grant, 412; siege of, 418-432; Porter's fleet pass
the batteries at, 422; assaults upon, 429; corre-
spondence between Gens. Grant and Pemberton
in relation to the surrender of. 480-432; chrono-
logical record of the siege of, 438; cheering effect
in the North of the fall of, 434; expedition of
Sherman from, to Meridian, 562; operations of
McPherson from, 597.

Viele, Gen. Egbert L, appointed military governor
of Norfolk, 257.

Vienna, Va., Gen. Schenck surprised near, 91.
Virginia, popular vote in, for secession, 43; decides
to join the Confederacy, 74; first advance of
Federal troops into, 86, 69 physical formation
of, 97.

Virginia Central Railroad, destruction effected on,
by Sheridan, 548, 707.

Virginia Convention, secession ordinance passed
by the, 42; Confederate Constitution adopted
by, 43; reply of Mr. Lincoln to the Commission-
ers of the. 62.

Virginia Legislature, action of, favoring the Crit-
tenden compromise, 55; resolutions passed by,
inviting a Convention of States, 55.
Virginia ordinance of secession, 42.
Virginia, Western, action of the loyal convention,
83; senators from, admitted to Congress, 89;
McClellan's operations in, 110-113; other mili-
tary operations in, 180-186

Virginia, Western and Eastern, black and white
population in, 181.

Voltigeurs, organized by Napoleon, 137.

Volunteers, the President's second call for, 93;
abundance of, 95.

Volunteer troops, pay of, 142.

Vote, popular, at the Presidential election of 1860,


Vote, popular, for secession, 39, 41, 43, 45.
Votes for Lincoln and McClellan, in 1864, 668.

Wachusett captures the Florida in the bay of San
Salvador, 627.

Wadsworth, Gen. James Samuel, biographical
sketch of, 513; his report of the forces left under
his command for the defence of Washington,
240; death of, 513.

Wallace, Colonel, routs a body of secession troops
at Romney, 111.

Wallace, Gen. Lewis, proclaims martial law in Cin-
cinnati, 403; defeat of, at the Monocacy, 552.
Walker, William, expeditions of, into Nicaragua,

War, art of, remarks on the, 134-189.

War Department, Federal, treachery in, 100.
War Department frauds, 52.
War order, President Lincoln's first, 215.
War powers of the Government, 355.

Ward, Capt. James H., death and biographical
sketch of 98.

Warren, Gen., organization of the Fifth Army
Corps under, 475; operations of, against the Wel-
don Railroad, 555; superseded by order of Gen.
Sheridan, 728.

Warsaw Sound, contest in, between the Atlanta
and Weehawken, 503.

Washington, Federal Constitution not satisfactory
to, 18; measures taken by, to suppress the Whis-
key Rebellion, 19.

Washington, Col. John A., death of, 179.
Washington, Gen. Mansfield's report of the number
of troops in, June, 1861, 96; disorderly crowds
of troops in, 140; Col. Porter appointed provost-
maushal in, 141; system of earthworks con-
structed for the defence of, 144; troops employed
in strengthening the defences of, 210; force left
for the defence of, under Gen. Wadsworth, 240;
corps of McDowell retained for the defence of,
241; anxiety of President Lincoln for the secu-
rity of, 236, 373: alarm caused in, by the move-
ments of Jackson, 272; 50,000 militia called for,
for the defence of Washington, 274; threatened
by a rebel force under Early, 552; the Sixth
Corps detached from Grant's ariny for the de
fence of, 544.

Washington, N. C., evacuation of, by the Federal
garrison, 621,

Webster, Daniel, the nullification doctrine anni-
hilated by, 23; on the Constitution, 25.

Weehawken, monitor, fight of, with the iron-clad
Atlanta, 503,

Weitzel, Gen., assault of, cn Port Hudson, 439; en-
trance of, into Richmond, 724.

Weldon Railroad, operations against the, 542; ope-
rations of the Fifth Corps against, 555; Hill's
attack upon the Fifth Corps near, 556; destrue-
tion effected on the, 557.

Weldon and Danville Railroads, expedition of Wil-
son and Kautz against, 544.

Western Virginia, McClellan's operations in, 110-
113. See Virginia, Western.

West Point, new oath administered to the cadets
at, 143.

West Point, Miss., defeat of Smith and Grierson
at, by Forrest, 563.

West Point, on the Chattahoochie, capture of. 738.
Wheeler, Gen., captures the train of the Four-
teenth Corps, 494.

Wheeling, proceedings of the Western Virginia
convention at, 88.

Whipple, Gen., death of, at Chancellorsville, 450.
Whiskey Rebellion, history of the, 18.

White House, destruction of stores at, 287; be-
comes the new base of Grant's army, 529.
White River, expedition to, 317.

Whitworth gun, description of the, 226.

Wigfall, Gen., visit of, to Fort Sumter during the
bombardment, 70.

Wilder, Col., his defence of Mumfordsville, Ky.,

Wilderness, battles of the, 509–515.

Wilkes, Captain, account of his seizure of Mason
and Slidell, 222; action of, approved by Congress,


Wilkins, Mr., measures proposed by, for the coer-
cion of South Carolina in 1833, 25.

Willey, Mr. W. T., admitted to the Senate from
Western Virginia, 124.

William Aiken, revenue cutter, surrender of, 65.
Williamsburg, battle of, 253.

Williams, Gen.. Baton Rouge occupied by, 368;
attacked by Gens. Breckinridge and Ruggles,
870; death of, 370.

Williamsport, defeat of Gen. Imboden at, 464;
Lee's army at, 465.

Wilmington, operations of Admiral Porter and
Gen. Butler against, 687-690; amount of English
capital invested in the trade with, note, 687;

operations of Gen. Terry against, 700; occupa-
tion of, by Terry's forces, 701.
Wilson, Geu. James H., raid of, in Alabama and
Southern Georgia, 737–739.

Wilson and Kautz, expedition of, against the Wel-
don and Danville Railroads, 544.

Wilson, Mr., conscription law brought into Con-
gress by, 862.

Wilson's Creek, Mo., battle of, 149.

Wilson's Wharf, Fitzhugh Lee repulsed by colored
troops at, 532.

Winans, Mr. Ross, attempt of, to send a steam-gun
to Harper's Ferry, 82.

Winchester, Gen. J. E. Johnston at, 98; battles
of, 267, 616; advance of Ewell's corps against,

Winder, Gen. G. H., his infamous treatment of
Union prisoners at Andersonville, 741.
Winslow, Captain, details of his action with the
Alabama, 623-626; his own account of the action,
625; his account of the conduct of the Deer-
hound, 626,

Winthrop, Major Theodore, biographical sketch of,
93; death of, at Big Bethel, 98.

Wirz, Capt. Henry, tried for cruelty to Union
prisoners, 741.

Wise, Gen., rapid retreat of, from Gauley Bridge,
before Gen. Cox, 181.

Woodbury, Gen., testimony of, in relation to the
Fredericksburg failure, 895.

Woodstock, dispatch of Sheridan from, 648.
Wool, Gen. John E., biographical sketch of, 63;
occupation of Norfolk by, 257.

Worden, Capt., his fight with the Merrimac, in
the Monitor, 248.

Yancey, Mr., appointed Confederate Commissioner
to Europe, 116, 216.

Yazoo River, expedition of Col. Ellet up the, 369.
Yellow fever, attempt of Dr. Blackmore to intro-
duce into the United States, 744.

York, Pa., contribution levied upon by Early, 456
York River, McClellan abandons his base on the,

Yorktown, description of the defences of 243;
siege of, 241-245; evacuation of, by the Confed-
erate forces, 251.

Zagonyi, Major, noted charge of, with the body-
guard of Gen. Fremont, 159.

Zeigler, Col., part of the town of Guyandotte
burned by, 185.

Zollicoffer, Felix B, appointed brigadier-general
in the Confederate service, 118; occupies Cum-
berland Gap, 164; camp of, at Mill Spring, 171;
defeat and death of, near Mill Spring, 172.
Zouaves, New York Fire, at Alexandria, 90; night
attack on, at Santa Rosa Island, 207.

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