The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesU.S. Government Printing Office, 1882 - Confederate States of America |
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Common terms and phrases
advance arms arrived artillery Assistant Adjutant-General attack battalion battery battle boats Bowling Green Brig brigade Brigadier-General Buckner C. S. Army Cairo camp Capt Captain cavalry Clarksville Colonel Columbus command companies Creek Cumberland Cumberland River D. C. BUELL December defense direction division Donelson East Tennessee enemy enemy's engaged February February 15 field fire flank Floyd force Fort Donelson Fort Henry forward front gunboats guns H. W. HALLECK HDQRS HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT Henry Illinois Indiana infantry intrenchments J. P. BENJAMIN January Kentucky killed Lieut Lieutenant Lieutenant-Colonel Louisville Major-General MCCLELLAN ment miles Mill Springs Mississippi Missouri morning move movement Nashville night o'clock obedient servant officers Ohio Paducah pickets Piketon Pillow position Prestonburg railroad re-enforcements rear rebel received regiment respectfully retreat rifle road Saint Louis sent Somerset surrender Tenn Tennessee River troops U. S. GRANT Volunteers WESTERN DEPARTMENT wounded Zollicoffer
Popular passages
Page 161 - SIR :—Yours of this date, proposing armistice and appointment of Commissioners to settle terms of capitulation, is just received. No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works.
Page 161 - SIR : — The distribution of the forces under my command, incident to an unexpected change of commanders, and the overwhelming force under your command, compel me, notwithstanding the brilliant success of the Confederate arms yesterday, to accept the ungenerous and unchivalrous terms which you propose.
Page 679 - It is hard to censure a successful general immediately after a victory, but I think he richly deserves it. I can get no returns, no reports, no information of any kind from him. Satisfied with his victory, he sits down and enjoys it without any regard to the future. I am worn out and tired with this neglect and inefficiency. CF Smith is almost the only officer equal to the emergency.
Page 679 - I have had no communication with General Grant for more than a week. He left his command without my authority, and went to Nashville. His army seems to be as much demoralized by the victory of Fort Donelson as was that of the Potomac by the defeat of Bull Run.
Page 261 - The test of merit in my profession with the people is success. It is a hard rule, but I think it right. If I join this corps to the forces of Beauregard (I confess a hazardous experiment), then those who are now declaiming against me will be without an argument.
Page 160 - SIR : — In consideration of all the circumstances governing the present situation of affairs at this station, I propose to the Commanding Officer of the Federal forces the appointment of Commissioners to agree upon terms of capitulation of the forces and fort under my command, and in that view suggest an armistice until 12 o'clock to-day. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your ob't se'v't, SB BUCKNER, Brig. Gen. CSA To Brigadier-General US GRANT, Com 'ding US Forces. Near Fort Donelson.
Page 284 - Forrest to cut his way out. Under these circumstances Gen. Buckner accepted the command, and sent a flag of truce to the enemy for an armistice of six hours to negotiate for terms of capitulation. Before this flag and communication were delivered, I retired from the garrison.
Page 125 - Taylor and company, and the sick. The garrison, I think, must have commenced their retreat last night, or at an early hour this morning. " Had I not felt it an imperative necessity to attack Fort Henry to-day, I should have made the investment complete, and delayed until to-morrow, so as to secure the garrison. I do not now believe, however, the result would have been any more satisfactory.
Page 283 - We had accomplished our object, but it occupied the whole day, and before we could prepare to leave, after taking in the wounded and the dead, the enemy had thrown around us again, in the night, an immense force of fresh troops, and reoccupied his original position in the line of investment, thus again cutting off our retreat. We had only about 13,000 troops, all told. Of these we had lost a large proportion in the three battles.
Page 329 - The river line exceeded a mile in length. The line of defense was about two miles and a half long, and its distance from the river varied from one-fourth to three-fourths of a mile. The line of...