Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers ...The Institution, 1895 - Engineering |
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2nd edition 3rd edition 4th edition Account Adelaide Annual Report Architecture Arts Atlas of plates Berlin Bill Birmingham Board Bridge Brisbane British Bruxelles Bulletin Cambridge Canal Capt Catalogue Chatham chemins de fer Coal Colliery Commissioners Company construction Dept Description Drainage Dublin Edinburgh édition Electric Engineering Essay Explosion folio Geological Glasgow Harbour Holyhead improvement India Inst Institution Iron Journal Lectures Leipzig Letter Lighthouse Liverpool Lond London Longitude machines Manchester Mechanical Melbourne Memoir Mining minutes of evidence Naval Navigation Newcastle-upon-Tyne Notes Observations Papers Paris Patent PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS Phil Philadelphia Port practical Proc Proceedings proposed Railroad Railway Rapport Rio de Janeiro River Shannon River Thames River Tyne Royal Royal Engineers Science Select Committee Severn Sewage Sewerage Ships SMITH Society South South Wales Steam Survey Sydney System Telegraph Thames Embankment Torino Tract Traité Trans travaux Treatise U.S. Geol Wales Washington Water Supply Westminster Wien York Zürich
Popular passages
Page 199 - Hydraulics. The Flow of Water through Orifices, over Weirs, and through Open Conduits and Pipes.
Page 257 - ... CHART, exhibiting at one view the Symptoms, Treatment, and Mode of Detecting the various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal. To which are added, concise Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation.
Page 322 - THE GLACIERS OF THE ALPS : being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents. An Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related.
Page 156 - SCHELLEN'S SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, in its application to Terrestrial Substances and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies. Translated by JANE and C. LASSELL; edited, with Notes, by W. HUGGINS, LL.D. FRS With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 223 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 28s. CELESTIAL OBJECTS for COMMON TELESCOPES.
Page 305 - R. BOND. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged : to which is appended, QUESTIONS on MAGNETISM, ELECTRICITY, and PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY, for the Use of Students, by W. MCGREGOR, First Assistant Superintendent, Indian Gov.
Page 456 - Origin and Formation of the International Association for obtaining a Uniform Decimal System of Measures, Weights, and Coins.
Page 304 - New Edition. Crown 8vo. $s. KEY TO PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Crown 8vo. los. 6d. A TREATISE ON SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. New Edition, enlarged. Crown 8vo. 4-?. 6d. PLANE CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY, as applied to the Straight Line and the Conic Sections. With numerous Examples.
Page 45 - Indicator. — A Treatise on the Richards SteamEngine Indicator and the Development and Application of Force in the Steam- Engine.
Page 155 - Warfare. A Treatise on Coast Defence ; based on the experience gained by Officers of the Corps of Engineers of the Army of the Confederate States, and compiled from Official Reports of Officers of the Navy of the United States, made during the North American War from 1861 to 1865, by VON SCHELIHA, Lieutenant-Colonel and Chief Engineer of the Department of the Gulf of Mexico, of the Army of the late Confederate States of America...
Page 52 - GEOLOGICAL INQUIRY RESPECTING THE WATER-BEARING STRATA OF THE COUNTRY AROUND LONDON, with reference especially to the Water Supply of the Metropolis, and including some Remarks on Springs. By JOSEPH PRESTWICH, FGS, &o. 8vo, with a Map and Woodcuts, 8».