Page images
[blocks in formation]

Stowe, Harriet Beecher..

Stowe, Margaret..


Wilde, Oscar, 25, 44, 48, 63, 82, 200, 204, 212
Wilder, Mashall P..



Wiley, Dr. Harvey W..



Willis, N. P..


Stevenson, Robert Louis, 26, 29, 43, 47, 49, 69, 88


Wilson, Woodrow.

.20, 23

.21, 86

[blocks in formation]



Straus, Oscar S..

Sumner, Charles.

Wise, Governor Henry.
Wordsworth, William.


.87, 106, 161, 189


Swift, Jonathan.

.37, 72

121, 123, 128, 226

Yeats, William Butler.
Zangwill, Israel........

.73, 169


[blocks in formation]

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Kubla Khan.

Crane, Stephen

If War Be Kind.

Crawford, Capt. Jack
The Boomerang.

Crosby, Ernest

Life and Death.

Davies, Mary Carolyn

The Dream-Bearer.

Du Maurier, George


Lindsay, Vachel

Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight....44, 45

. 194

Loveman, Robert

April Rain..


Lowell, James Russell




[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

The Man with the Hoe...


Masefield, John



C. L. M..


Mason, Harrison D.

Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg.

.36, 37

Masters, Edgar Lee

William H. Herndon.

.150, 151

Anne Rutledge


Lucinda Matlock..


Meynell, Alice

The Shepherdess.....


On Dante..



Miller, Joaquin

The California Poppy


.60, 61

Miller, Joseph Dana

The Hymn of Hate.

.40, 41

Morris, William

The March of the Workers..

The Idle Singer.

162 . 191

The Wine Press

[blocks in formation]

O'Reilly, John Boyle
The Dreamer..

Tennyson, Lord Alfred

Crossing the Bar



"Break, Break, Break"


Flower in the Crannied Wall.


Reese, Lizette Woodworth

Tears, Idle Tears..




Terry, Edward H. S.

Riley, James Whitcomb



Wet-Weather Talk.


A Parting Guest..

Untermeyer, Louis


Caliban in the Coal Mines.

[ocr errors]

Rossetti, Christina G.


[blocks in formation]

Meeting the First Day.


Song- 0, Like a Queen's Her Happy Tread 81

Remember Rest...


Song April.


Whitman, Walt

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

For You O Democracy


Love's Philosophy.

The House-builder at Work, in Cities or


From "Prometheus Unbound




Sill, Edward Rowland

O Captain! My Captain!.


The Open Road.


The Fool's Prayer.

.84, 85

Wilde, Oscar

Stevenson, Robert Louis

The Ballad of Reading Gaol.

212, 213



Trusty, Dusky, Vivid, True.

[ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]

Swinburne, A. C.

Yeats, William Butler

The Garden of Proserpine.


Wordsworth, William

The World is Ioo Much with Us.

When You are Old..

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud




[blocks in formation]

Truth: Muller, 25; Emerson, 86; Mark Twain, 94;

Munger, 156; Stevenson, 165; St. Augustine, 168;
Hypatia, 187; Stephens, 195; Pindar, 196; Owen,
223; and justice, George, 47; Love of, Burbank, 53;
Evolution of, White, 200; Love of, Parker, 224.
Turner, J. M. W., Hamerton, 141, 144.
Tyranny, Paine, 181.

Union and strength, Esop, 128.
Universe, Forces of the, Jefferies, 41.
Unselfishness, Wilde, 25.

Useful, The, Shelley, 143.

Venice, Smith, 149.

Virtue: Triumph of, Darwin, 34; Oliver, 161.
Vivisection: Victoria, 20; Lamartine, 75.
Vocation, Respect of, Dickens, 51.
Voice, The human, Longfellow, 228.
Walking, Joys of, Burroughs, 65.

War, Hugo, 12; Pasteur, 14; Swift, 128; Solon, 135;
Sophocles, 142; Crane, 178; Von Moltke, 218;
Illusions of, Le Gallienne, 9; Women and,
Schreiner, 31; Foolishness of, Carlyle, 33; Logic
of, Tolstoy, 35; Waste of, Sumner, 37; Hatred of,
Miller, 41; Vulgarity of, Wilde, 44; Evils of,
Channing, 45; Waste of, Franklin, 46; Causes of,
Ingersoll, 82; and Progress, Cobden, 180.
Washington, George, The character of, Webster, 21;
Greatness of, Curtis, 74; Character of, Jefferson,
178; Adams, 190; Fiske, 199.

Waterloo, Battle of, Hugo, 151.
Wealth: Shaw, 14; Lee, 17; Lorimer, 96.

Wesley, Samuel, Letter of mother to, 150.

Will, The: Bennett, 75; and Strength, Hugo, 164. Williams, Roger, Straus, 51.

Wind, The, Garland, 103.

Wisdom: Lincoln, 129; Spencer, 225; Path of, Eliot, 72; Dante, 74; and folly, Goldsmith, 68; and ignorance, King, 228.

Wit: Penn, 218; De Stael, 126.

Woman, Tribute to, Stevenson, 69; Self-deception of,
Ashmun, 73; The heart of, Watson, 81; Uplift of,
Schreiner, 94; Relation of man to, Walker, 204;
Tribute to, Mill, 214.

Women and War, Schreiner, 31.
Wonder, Young, 73.

Work: Norvell, 20; Hood, 28; Ehrmann, 37; Phillips,
44; Ballinger, 68; Du Maurier, 110; Carnegie, 210;
Drudgery of, Fuller, 9; The world's, Keller, 27;
and amusement, Ruskin, 31; and play, Le Gal-
liene, 38; and joy, Briggs, 58; Necessity of,
Burdette, 59; and success, Bolton, 61; Joyful,
Morris, 62; Joys of, Kingsley, 72; the mission of
mankind, Shaw, 74; Creative, Page, 123; Love
of, Weltmer, 156; Energy and, 47.
Workmanship, Good, Ruskin, 30.

Workers, March of the, Morris, 163.

World, The beauty and wonder of, Burroughs, 66;
Wadsworth, 189.

Worlds, Two, Hunt, 144.
Worlds, Other, Spinoza, 148.
Worry: Edison, 21; Hall, 137.
Writing, The art of, Buffon, 165.

Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the lower falls of the, Hoyt, 28.

Youth: Burroughs, 80, 92; Conrad, 98; and age, Holmes, 50; and age, Schopenhauer, 165; and age, Hugo, 196; and old age, Stevenson, 112; and reform, Rousseau, 181.

Zarathustra, Nietzsche, 193.

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