F we were to single out the men who from the beginning of our Colonial state until the present time have most eminently contributed to fostering and securing religious freedom, who have made this country of ours the haven of refuge from ecclesiastical tyranny and persecution, who have set an example more puissant than army or navy for freeing the conscience of men from civil interference, and have leavened the mass of intolerance wherever the name of America is known, I would mention first the Baptist, Roger Williams, who maintained the principle that the civil powers have no right to meddle in matters of conscience, and who founded a State with that principle as its keystone. I would mention second the Catholic, Lord Baltimore, the proprietor of Maryland, to whom belongs the credit of having established liberty in matters of worship which was second only to Rhode Island. I would name third the Quaker, William Penn, whose golden motto was, "We must yield the liberties we demand." Fourth on the list is Thomas Jefferson, that At this point I got in some questions about God's language and the kind of flowers ❤ "Well, dear," she said, "He spakes Irish t' Irish people, an' the charioteer was an Irishman." "Maybe it was a woman!" I ventured. a "Aye, but there's no difference up there." "Th' flowers," she said, "were primroses, buttercups, an' daisies, an' th' flowers that be handy t' th' poor, an' from that day to this there 's been flowers a-plenty for all of us everywhere!""My Lady of the Chimney-Corner," by Alexander Irvine. T is well for a man to respect his own vocation whatever it is, and to think himself bound to uphold it, and to claim for it the respect it deserves. -Charles Dickens. The religions of the world are the ejaculations of a few imaginative men. -Emerson. UNDOWN is the hour for many strange effects in light and shade enough to make a colorist go delirious-long spokes of molten silver sent horizontally through the trees (now in their brightest, tenderest green), each leaf and branch of endless foliage a lit-up miracle, then lying all prone on the youthful-ripe, interminable grass, and giving the blades not only aggregate but individual splendor, in ways unknown to any other hour. HAT gives Anatole France his lasting hold over his hearers is not his cleverness, but himself the fact that this savant who bears the heavy load of three cultures, nay, who is in himself a whole little culture-this sage, to whom the whole life of the earth is but an ephemeral eruption on its surface, and who consequently regards all human Preach about yesterday, Preacher! When the hand of Deity smote and And the heathen plagued the stiff- Or when the Man of Sorrow came, name Preach about yesterday, Preacher, Preach about tomorrow, Preacher! Beyond this world's decay: I have particular spots where I get these effects in their perfection. One broad splash lies on the water, with many a rippling twinkle, offset by the rapidly deepening black-green murky-transparent shadows behind, and at intervals all along the banks. These, with great shafts of horizontal fire thrown among the trees and along the grass as the sun lowers, give effects more peculiar, more and more superb, unearthly, rich and dazzling. Of those hot depths that shall receive (Concluded on next page) -Walt Whitman. F I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week; for perhaps the parts of my brain now atrophied would thus have been kept active through use. The loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature.-Darwin. Better late than never.-Dionysius. endeavor as finally vain-this thinker, who can see everything from innumerable sides and might have come to the conclusion that things being bad at the best, the existing state of matters was probably as good as the untried: that this man should proclaim himself a son of the Revolution, side with the workingman, acknowledge his belief in liberty, throw away his load and draw his swordthis is what moves a popular audience, this is what plain people can understand and can prize. It has shown them that behind the author there dwells a man-behind the great author a brave man.-Georg Brandes. OVE is the river of life in this world. Think not that ye know it who stand at the little tinkling rill, the first small fountain. Not until you have gone through the rocky gorges, and not lost the stream; not until you have gone through the meadow, and the stream has widened and deepened until fleets could ride on its bosom; not until beyond the meadow you have come to the unfathomable ocean, and poured your treasures into its depths-not until then can you know what love is. -Henry Ward Beecher. only in constantly doing more Th greatest good a man can do is to cult vate himself, develop his powers, i order that he may be of greater servic to humanity.-Marshall Field. Preach about the old sins, Preacher! You must not covet your neighbor's E must learn that any person wh will not accept what he knows to b truth, for the very love of truth alon is very definitel undermining hi mental integrity It will be observe that the mind such a perso gradually stop growing, for, bein constantl hedged in an cropped her and there, it sod learns to respe artificial fence more than fre dom for growt And woman must cling at every cost IFE seems a perpetual succession of events, to which man submits. We never know from which direction the sudden blow will come. Misery and happiness enter and make their exits, like unexpected guests. Their laws, their orbits, their principle of gravitation, are beyond man's grasp. Virtue conducts not to happiness; nor crime to retribution; conscience has one logic, fate another, andneither coincide. Nothing is foreseen. We live confusedly and from hand to mouth. Conscience is the straight line, life is the whirlwind which creates over man's head either black chaos or the blue sky. Fate does not practise the art of gradations Her wheel turns sometimes so fast that we can scarcely distinguish the interval be. tween one revolution and another, or the link between yesterday and today. -Victor Hugo. Greatspendersare bad lenders.-Franklin Preach about the other man, Preacher! Not about me! "To the Preacher," by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ACH and every man ought to interest himself in public affairs. There is no happiness in mere dollars. After they are acquired, one can use You have no been a very clo observer of su men if you ha not seen the: shrivel, becom commonplac mean, withou influence, without friends and witho the enthusiasm of youth and growt like a tree covered with fungus, t foliage diseased, the life gone out of t heart with dry rot, and indelibly mark for destruction-dead, but not y handed over to the undertaker. -Luther Burban AN Ꮽ but a very moderate amount. It is given is incomprehensible witho a man to eat so much, to wear so much, and to have so much shelter, and more he can not use. When money has supplied these, its mission, so far as the individual is concerned, is fulfilled, and man must look still further and higher. It is only in wide public affairs, where money is a moving force toward the general welfare, that the possessor of it can possibly find pleasure, and that Nature, and Nature is incompr hensible apart from man. For the delica loveliness of the flower is as much in t human eye as in its own fragile peta and the splendor of the heavens as mu in the imagination that kindles at t touch of their glory as in the shining countless worlds. -Hamilton Wright Mab I would rather be sick than idle.—Sened I might preach through my actions, but People often say to me, "If you think HERE have I come from, where did you pick me up?" the baby asked its mother. She answered, half-crying, half-laughing, and clasping the baby to her breast: "You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling. "You were in the dolls of my child- "In the lap of the deathless Spirit who HRN, and indeed for many years after, it seemed as though there was no end to the money needed to carry on and develop the business. As our successes began to come, I seldom put my head upon the pillow at night without speaking a few words to myself in this wise: "Now a little success, soon you will fall down, soon you will be overthrown. Because you have got a start, you think you are quite a merchant; look out, or you will lose your head-go steady." These intimate conversations with myself, I am sure had a great influence on my life.-John D. Rockefeller. Ꮽ Ꮽa HE old idea of romance: The coun HERE is no place where humor try boy goes to the city, marries his counts for more in a commercial way than in advertising. If you can only land your shot under a man's funny bone you have done the deadly work and can interest him in whatever you have to offer. The necessity of saying things tersely and compactly, as the advertising writer must always say them, is a cardinal point in the training of the humorist, and for this reason I believe that the writing of advertisements is one of the best courses of instruction through employer's daughter, enslaves some hundreds of his fellow humans, gets rich, and leaves a public library to his home town. The new idea of romance: To undo some of the mischief done by the old idea of romance.-Seymour Deming. THINK the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to the gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right.-Cato. OVE is the only bow on life's dark cloud. It is the Morning and the Evening Star. It shines upon the cradle of the babe, and sheds its radiance upon the quiet tomb. It is the mother of Art, inspirer of poet, patriot and philosopher. It is the air and light of every heart, builder of every home, kindler of every fire on every hearth. It was the first to dream of immortality. It fills the world with melody, for Music is the voice of Love. Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to joy, and makes right royal kings and queens of common clay. It is the perfume of the wondrous flower-the heart-and without that sacred passion, that divine swoon, we are less than beasts; but with it, earth is heaven and we are gods.-Robert G. Ingersoll. Ꮽ HOUSANDS of channels there are through which the beauty of our soul may sail even unto our thoughts. Above all is there the wonderful, central channel of love. For is it not in love that are found the purest elements of beauty that we can offer to the soul? Some there are who do thus in beauty love each other. And to love thus means that, little by little, the sense of ugliness is lost; that one's eyes are closed to all the littlenesses of life, to all but the freshness and virginity of the very humblest of souls. Loving thus, we can no longer have anything to conceal, for that the ever-present soul transforms all things into beauty. It is to behold evil in so far only as it purifies indulgence, and teaches us no longer to confound the sinner with the sin Loving thus do we raise on high within ourselves all those about us who have attained an eminence where failure has become impossible: heights whence a paltry action has so far to fall that, touching earth, it is compelled to yield up its diamond soul. It is to transform, though all unconsciously, the feeblest intention that hovers about us into illimitable movement. It is to summon all that is beautiful in earth, heaven or soul, to the banquet oflove. It means that the least gesture will call forth the presence of the soul with all its treasure. It means that the beauty that turns into love is undistinguishable from the love that turns into beauty. It means to be able no longer to tell where the ray of a star leaves off and the kiss of an ordinary thought begins. It means that each day will reveal to us a new beauty in that mysterious angel, and that we shall walk together in a goodness that shall ever become more and more living, loftier and loftier.-Maeterlinck. HERISH the spirit of our people and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions; and experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor.-Thomas Jefferson. Do not despise genius-indeed, I wish I had a basketful of it instead of a brain, but yet, after a great deal of experience and observation, I have become convinced that industry is a better horse to ride than genius. It may never carry any one man as far as genius has carried individuals, but industry-patient, steady intelligent industry-will carry thousands into comfort and even into celebrity, and this it does with absolute certainty; whereas genius often refuses to be tamed and managed, and often goes with wretched morals. If you are to wish for either, wish for industry. —Julian Ralph. The more a man is educated, the more is it necessary, for the welfare of the State, to instruct him how to make a proper use of his talents. Education is like a double-edged sword. It may be turned to dangerous usages if it is not properly handled.—Wu Ting-Fang. |