VOL. I. b SERMON For Chrift is not entered into the Holy Places made with Hands, which are the Figures of the Truth; but into A LIST A LIST Of Such of the SUBSCRIBERS Names, as are come to the Hand of the Widow of the late Reverend Mr. Batty. T A HOMAS Afhby, Efq; Rev. Towers Afhcroft, M. A. Dr. Andrew. Mrs. Addenbrook. Mr. C. Arnold. Mr. Afgill. Mr. Afhton. Mrs. Attwood. Rev. Mr. Abbot. Dr. Adams, Master of Sidney College. Rev. Mr. Thomas Archer. Rev. Mr. Aylmer. Mr. Anderson, A. M. John Amy, Efq; Mrs. Kath, Alderfon. Mrs. Arm. Afhfordby. Mrs. Aynfworth, (Two Sets.) B Dr. Butler, Prefident of Magdalen College, Oxon. Rev. Mr. Banfon. Rev. Mr. Barker, A. M. Rev. Mr. Richard Barry. Rev. Mr. Robert Beachcroft Rev. Mr. Bell. Rev. Mr. Berriman. Rev. Mr. Birkett, B. D. Rev. Dr. Briftowe. John Bradford, A. M. Rev. Mr. Brown. |