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lieving and performing them. The Gofpel hath the Promises and Threatnings of the Life that now is, but more especially of that which is to come; the present Favour of God's Providence, the future Affurances of a Glorious Inheritance with the Blessed Saints in Light, are the Motives to our Obedience: The Displeasure of the Almighty in this Life, and the Torments of everlasting Vengeance in the next, are the Wages of our Difobedience; and he who will not conform with the Precepts of the Holy Scriptures upon thofe Motives, will be wrought upon by no Motives whatever. Again, the Affiftances afforded us, are the gracious Influences of God's Bleffed Spirit helping our Infirmities, quickening our Endeavours, raising our Affections, and in all respects working in us both to will and do according to the good Pleasure of the Almighty; so that nothing is required but our own fincere Co-operation with the Divine Grace, and then we may do all things that are commanded us. ·

UPON the Whole then, it hath pleased Almighty God to vouchfafe us a most glorious

glorious and perfect Revelation of his Bleffed Will; a Revelation unfolding to us the Wonders of his Providence, and difpencing the Riches of his Grace; a Revelation carrying our Prospects into Eternity, propofing to our prefent Hopes, the Glories of God's Kingdom, and qualifying us for the future Enjoyment of them. How full of Awe and Delight are thofe Sacred Writings! they are no other than the Word of God; but the Word of God bringing unto us Peace and Salvation. In the former View they challenge our most devout Regard; in the latter, they ftand recommended to us upon the Foot of our own eternal Intereft. It is fo obvious an Inference from what has been faid, that it scarce feems neceffary to infer the great Obligation we lie under, of a diligent and pious Study of the Holy Scriptures: The Study of them in a fpeculative Way is indeed more particularly the Duty of those who minifter in Holy. Things, and relates to them as Part of their Profeffion: They ought to employ all the Compass and Force of human Learning, and human Learning is never..


fo worthily and greatly employ'd, as in fuch a Manner, in adorning and defending, in enlightning and establishing thofe Mysteries of Godlinefs, thofe Doctrines of Truth and Virtue which are therein contain'd: And all the Labour and Application we are Masters of, are but little enough to express the Sense we ought to have of the Value and Sacredness of those Things, which Holy Men infpired by God have written unto us of our common Redemption. But the Study of the Holy Scriptures in a practical Way, is Matter of abfolute Duty, and takes in all Chriftians indifferently; they declare unto all Men Salvation, and declare it in the Words of Force and Pleasantnefs: From thofe Funds of Wisdom, we may treasure up to ourselves infinite Portions of future Happiness, and treasure them up with vaft Overflowings of prefent Comfort and Satisfaction: Whatever is there contain'd is written for Univerfal Benefit and Inftruction: Notwithstanding the fublime Nature of the Doctrines, every the meaneft Capacity may know them all to his Soul's


Soul's Health; whatever he there reads he may, thro' God's Grace, fo profitably learn, and fo acceptably perform, as to have his Fruit unto prefent Holiness, and the End everlasting Life, through Jesus Chrift.




Rejoice in the Lord always; and again, I Jay, rejoice.

T is a wonderful Advantage in our most Holy Re


ligion, that it fanctifies the

whole Man, and gives a

Turn of Piety to the most

natural and indifferent Circumftances of Life: If we do but keep God's Glory in View, and make that in general the End of our Actions; whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, we are constantly engaged

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