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Mrs. Winfmore.

Dr. Warren.

Rev. Mr. John Wells.

Rev. Mr. John West.
Dr. Williams.

Rev. Mr. John Withers.
Rev. Mr. Montague Wood.
Mr. Thomas Wood.
Rev. Mr. Wyllys.
Robert Wefton, Efq;
Captain Robert Winter.
Peter Wyche, Efq;
Mrs. Woodroffe.

Mrs. Wright.

Mr. Thomas Ward.

Mr. Jof. Webbe,

Mr. John Weft.

Mrs. Lydia Winthrop.

Mr. Edward Winch.

Mr. Wayte.

Mr. Edward Walmfly.



Rev. Mr. Ed. Yardley. Mrs. Margaret Yardley. Mrs. Mary Yardley.

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2 TIMOTHY iii. 16, 17.

All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for Reproof, for Correction, for Inftruction in Righteousness.

That the Man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all goodWorks.


HERE is nothing gives a Man greater Pleasure, and inspires him with firmer Conftancy in the profecution of any Affair,

than the affurance of his

having laid a true Foundation, and acting upon right Principles; because this en




ables him to prefs forwards with Certainty, and makes him entire Mafter of himself and Circumstances in every Part of his Procedure: But fuch an Affurance as this is particularly serviceable in Sacred Matters; because the infinite Importance of Religion infers the Neceffity of the stricteft Caution in every Step we take; and renders every Degree of Certainty we can arrive at concerning it, as it is more eminently useful, fo likewife more fatiffactory.

HERE then we fee the wonderful Goodnefs of Almighty God, in that He hath fo fully and clearly revealed in his Holy Word whatever is to be known and praaifed by us, that no one can fatally mistake in the Paths of Righteousness but by his own Default; no one, except wilfully, need be ignorant or uncertain in the Way that leads to Happiness: But fuch, on the contrary, is the Perverseness of Mankind, that they frequently neglect and decry this fure, this only, Means of Salvation; and fet up their own Devices in oppofition to what the Almighty hath


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