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[blocks in formation]

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Moralisation de l'énfance coupable. L'enfant 172:85, May '09. Clinical Study and Treatment of Normal and Abnormal Development. Annals Amer. Acad. 34:141, July '09. Crowell, J. H. The Population of France. Sci. 30:171, Aug. 6, '09.

Davis, M. M. Psychological Interpretation of Society. Studies in Hist. Ec. and Public Law. Col. U. 333.

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Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt. Georgia Negroes and Their $50,000,000 of Savings. World's Work 18:11550, May '09.

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Causes of Emigration

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Giddings, F. H. Darwinism in the Theory
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Gray, H. S. Domestic Science in Schools
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Grünspau, Arthur. Untersuchunge am neuen Material zur Frage des Knaben überschussos der Geborenen. Jahrb. f. Gesetzgebg., Verw. u. Volksw. 265, '09.

Hamilton, C. T. The Principles of the
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Hawkes. The Medical Inspection of
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Heredity and Environment in Race Improvement. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. 34:3, July '09.

Hill, G. Race Progress and Race Degeneracy: Conclusion. Sociol Rev. 2:250, July '09.

Holmes, J. D. The Citizens' Committee. Survey 22:427, June 19, '09.

Hulbert, E. D. Advertising Ethics and the General Welfare. Survey 22:425, June 19, '09.

Hutchins, B. L. Statistics of Women's Life and Employment. Jour. Roy. Stat. Soc. 72: 205, June, '09.

Ignatus. The Demoralisation of the
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Influence of City Environment on Na-
tional Life and Vigor. Annals Amer.
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Israels, B. L. The Way of the Girl.
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Iwan-Müller, E. B. The Cult of the Unfit.

Fortnightly Rev. 112:207, Aug. '09. Jacq, Fernand. L'ingérence constante de l'état dans les contrats entre particuliers comme cause d'anarchie progressive. Jour. des écon. 23:30, July '09. Jerom, H. S. The Causes of Unemployment: II, Trade Unions and OverSupply of Unskilled Labor.

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Jude, R. Essai sur la crainte. Archives d'anthrop. criminelle, etc. 24:401, June '09.

Kellogg, P. U. The McKees Rocks Strike. Survey 22:656, Aug. 7, '09.

Kemp, N. D. Lopsided Development. Survey 22:606, July '09.

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Knight, Mary. Woman versus the State. West. Rev. 172:36, July '09. Labor Legislation in the United States, 1908. Mass. Labor Bull. 14:61, Apr. '07.

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Ladd, G. E. Ethics and the Law. Yale Law Jour. 18:613, June '09. Labry, T. M. La morale comme fait social. La rev. socialiste 49:416, May 'oq.

LaMotte, E. N. "Strawberries-Strawberries." Survey 22:632, Aug. 7, '09.

Leigh, J. C. Economics and the Drama.
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Levasseur, E. Labor and Wages in
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Loria, Adielle. Quelle est la tache et l'objet de la sociologie? Soziol. 28, Jan. '09.

Macgregor, W. D. Unemployment: Some Remedies. West. Rev. 172:14. July '09.

Mackenzie, Millicent. Moral Education: the Training of the Teacher. Internat. Jour. Ethics 19:419, July '09. Mackenzie, J. S. Moral Education: the Task of the Teacher. Inter. Jour. Ethics 19:399, July '09. Mackenzie, W. Leslie.


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Mayr. George V.

La question des l'action populaire


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McDowell, M. E. The Girls' Bill. Survey, 22:509, July 3, '09. McLean, F. A. The Trend of Charity Organization and Endorsement. Survey 22:559, July 17, '09.

Municipal Organization in Latin America Bull. Amer. Repubs. 28:856, May '09.

National Conference on Criminal Law

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Neuman, Fr. J. Nach dem Vermögen der Erbenden Klassizierte Erbochoftssteuern. Ann. des deutschen Reichs. 417, '09.

Obstacles to Race Progress in the United

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Olmstead, F. S. The Scope and Results

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Pelham, L. D. The Chicago City Gardens Association. Survey 22:423, June 19, '09.

Piéron, H. L'anthropologie psycholo

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Richard, L. S. A People's Sunday
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Ripley, W. Z. European Population of
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Salesby, C. W. The Obstacles to Euge-
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Schmaller, Gustav. Historische Be-
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Seager, H. R. Employers' Liability vs. Workmen's Compensation. Survey 22:666, Aug. 7, '09.

Simkhovitch, V. G. Marxism vs. Socialism. III. Pol. Sci. Quar. 22:236 June '09.

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Somerville, Althea. Missouri's Nine-
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Spingarn, Amy E.
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July 3, '09.

Problems of Marriage
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Stein, Ludwig. La pedagogie sociale: Pestalozzi. Rev. internat. de sociol. 6:401, June '09.


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Sumner, W. E. The Status of Women
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The Consumer's Control of Production. Suppl. to Annals Am. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci. July '09.

The Illinois State's Institutions Act.
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The Neo-Romanticists: A New French
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The Relation of Immigration to Race
Improvement. Annals Amer. Acad.
34:117, July '09.

The Story of an Alcohol Slave: as told by himself. McClure's 33:426, Aug. '09.

Turner, G. K. Tammany's Control of New York by Professional Criminals. McClure's 33: 117, June, '09.

Veiller, Lawrence. An Extension of the Police Power. Survey 22:514, July 3, '09.

Webb, Sidney, The Problem of Unemployment in the United Kingdom. Annals Amer. Acad. 33: 196, Mar. '09. Waterman, Thomas. Analysis of the Mission Indian Creation Story. Amer. Anthrop. 11:41, Jan.-Mar. '09. Zabaromski, S. Constitution de la nationalité italien. Rev. de l'école d'anthrop. 19:17, July '09.


The Obstacles to Eugenics.- Eugenics, selection for parenthood, has six obstacles: first, that as the complexity, the individuality, the organic worth of the organism, increases, its fertility declines. The birth-rate is lower in higher cizilization and it is lower, within a given civilization, in those classes where the standard of life, i.e., of individuation, is higher; progress is possible only on condition of rigorous selection; otherwise low quantity will beat high quality. Second, the ignorance created by modern "education," of biology, of the function of education itself, of facts such as those relating to the mentally-defective members of the community. Third, misrepresentation by friends. Fourth, prudery, which does not permit us to teach people elementary facts about parenthood. Fifth, our bias as regards which social class is biologically the higher; as regards race, our political bias. S.xth, anti-eugenic practices, such as taking healthy uninstructed youths and putting them into military or other environments where they are liable to be infected by disease of racial significance; discouragement to marry for the most intelligent members of the community, such as school-teachers, municipal officials, etc.; misguided philanthropy which permits the feeble-minded to marry, etc.-C. W. Salesby, Sociological Review, July, 1909. F. F.

Influence of the Heredity on Human Society.-Besides the question of the influence on human society of protoplasm deficient in characters that determine sensitiveness, energy, proper association of ideas, inhibitions and other qualities that go to make up a normal, moral, effective man, and on the other hand the precious heritage in the extraordinarily favorable combinations of favorable characters found in certain grand families, the question of questions for eugenics is: How shall the inroads of degeneracy be prevented and the best of our human qualities preserved and disseminated among all the people? First, the scandal of illegitimate reproduction among imbeciles must be prevented. Second, the old idea that there is in society any class superior to any other class must be abandoned. It is the characteristics of the germ-plasm and not individuals as a whole that are favorable or prejudicial to human society. Perhaps the greatest need of the day for the progress of social science is additional precise data as to the unit characteristics of man and their methods of inheritance.-Charles B. Davenport, Annals Amer. Acad., July, 1909. F. F.

The Reports on the Poor Law. The majority and minority reports of the Royal Commission on the Poor Law deal each with three matters perfectly distinct from one another. First, both contain a description of the miserable condition of the poor in the United Kingdom, and of the aggravation of their sufferings by the existing administration of the Poor Law; second, both contain an exposition of the fundamental principles upon which reform should proceed; third, both contain suggestions of the particular machinery by which reform is to be effected. On the first two points, the reports are in practical agreement, on the third they are diametrically opposed to each other. The majority would replace the Board of Guardians by a Board of Public Assistance, much the same thing by a new name, and the Workhouse by seven separate institutions: for children, for the aged and infirm, for the sick, for able-bodied men, for ablebodied women, for vagrants, and for the feeble-minded; while the minority propose to relegate the non-able-bodied poor to departments, local and central, already dealing with similar cases and overlapping the administration of the Poor Law, and to create a new central and national department of state to deal with the able-bodied. The question then is, in connection with the non-ablebodied poor, shall new committees deal with them? And in connection with

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