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or less control of certain municipal affairs. Hence such statements "In the case of paid magistrates, the choice of the council must be confirmed by the higher authorities before it becomes valid" (p. 164), and “. the higher authorities may temporarily fill the post (ibid.), ought to include some reference to the particular authority intended. To be sure, it is possible that reference is here made to what, three pages earlier, were called "the appropriate higher authorities," with a footnote explaining which they are in the instance there mentioned; but if that be the case, it seems as though a footnote to that effect should be given.

Especially commendable is the use made of French and German terms. No attempt at mere display is shown, but the phrases, often so difficult to render adequately in English, are givenusually in parentheses after the English translation. This is of great help to the student who uses the sources, as sometimes he can hardly tell just what a writer is referring to if only the translation is given-so difficult of exact translation are many terms and phrases found in foreign works on municipal government. One wonders, however, why the French terms should be italicized while the German ones are left in Roman. Italicizing the French terms gives them an importance and an emphasis that are not in keeping with their purely explanatory character. One is inclined to prefer the clearer, more uniform appearance of the page in the chapter devoted to Prussian cities. One notes an anomaly in the italicizing of the word arrondissement throughout the chapter on French cities; though the same word is in roman on p. 136.

There is a good bibliography with a terse characterization of many of the works named. The list seems almost more inclusive than necessary, as some of the articles and books given are of very minor importance. The characterizations given of the works are, however, so far as we are able to check them, thoroughly dependable; and these will serve to indicate, even to a beginner, those references which will be most valuable for him.

The style is sometimes too involved for rapid reading-many sentences needing to be broken up and recast-but the work is to be strongly recommended as a textbook because of its inclusiveness, conciseness, accuracy, and unified treatment.



The Spiritual Significance of Modern Socialism. By JOHN SPARGO. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1908. Pp. 94.

Mr. Spargo understands the temper of religious people and he has written an eloquent and attractive appeal to the church to become an organ of socialism. Socialism is not defined, but private property, the monogamic family, freedom of investigation and publication, and tolerance of religion are declared to be compatible with his creed. Many important difficulties are not touched, as the possibility of reconciling public control with the advantages of personal initiation, and we have yet to see whether socialists will accept the idealistic argument.


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Bailey, L. H. The College of Agriculture and the State. Ithaca, N. Y.: Author. Pp. 36. Gratis.

Bayley, H. A New Light on the Renaissance; Displayed in Contemporary Emblems. N. Y.: Dutton. Pp. 8+ 270. $4 net.

Bourgeat, E. Histoire d'une co-opérative militaire. Paris: Lavanzelle. Pp. 23. Fr. 0.60.

Boyd, R. H. The Separate, or "Jim
Crow" Car Laws, or Legislative Enact-
ments of Fourteen Southern States, etc.
Nashville: Nat. Bapt. Pub. Board.
Pp. 67. 25 cents.
Brown, Demetra V.

Haremlik; Some

[blocks in formation]


Poor Law Commission. Sherrott & Co. Pp. 180. 25. Charasoff, G. Karl Marx über die menschliche u. kapitalistische Wirtschaft. Eine neue Darstellg. seiner Lehre. Berlin: Haus Bondy. Pp. ix + 105. M. 1.50.

Chastin, J.

Les trusts, et les syndicats de producteurs. Paris: Alcan. Pp. 304. Fr. 6. Chiappini, T. N. Petit traité de questions sociales. Clichy: Lollement. Pp. 8.

Child Workers of the Nation: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference, Chicago, Ill. N. Y.: National Child Labor. Pp. 4+252. $1.00. Cleveland, F. A. Chapters on Municipal Administration and Accounting. N. Y.: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 16+361. $2 net.

Clunet, E. Les associations au point de vue historique et juridique. Paris: Marechal & Billard.

Coan, M. B. The Coming Peril. Phil.: Wilkie & Coan. Pp. 95. 50 cents. Collier, Price. England and the English from an American Point of View. London: Duckworth. Pp. 434. 7s. 6d. Conlan, H. et de Chavagnes, R. Le mariage, et la divorce. Paris: Flammarian. Pp. 2432. Fr. 3.50. Cooley, C. H. Social Organization.

N. Y.: Scribners. $1.50.

Courcelle, L. et Richard H. Traité des fraudes alimentaires, agricoles, et medicamentaires. Paris: Dunod et


Pp. 694. Fr. 15. Damaschke, Adf.

Geschichte der Nationalökonomie. Eine erste Einführg. 3. umgearb. Aufl. Jena: Gustav Fischer. Pp. viii+428. M. 3.20. Davis, M. M. Psychological Interpretations of Society. N. Y.: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 260. $2. Deming, H. E.

The Government of American Cities. Putnam. 6s. Destrée, Jules. La question Coloniale. Gand: Volksdrukkerij. Pp. 52. Die staatliche Pensionsversicherung. Zusatzversicherung oder ausbau der In

validenversicherung? Berlin: C. Giebel, Pp. 28. M. 0.20. Devine, E. T. Misery and Its Causes. N. Y.: Macmillan. Pp. 11+274. $1.25. Doerflinger, C. H. Prospectus of People's New Education Advanced Common School. Milwaukee, Wis.: Doerflinger. Pp. 45. 25 cents. Doullet, L. A. Création du monde et évolution sociale des peuples. Lyon: Fort et Valette. Pp. 367. Fr. 4. Draper, A. S. Addresses and Papers. Albany, N. Y.: N. Y. State Ed. Dept. Pp. 180.

Dür. B. Eine moderne Gefahr und ihre Abwehr. Erläutert durch hundert Beispiele aus dem Leben. Trier: Paulinus-Druckerei. Pp. 122. M.


Dye, J. T. Ideals of Democracy. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill Co. Pp. 174. 90 cents.

Eliot, C. W. Lawlessness.

N. Y.:

Civic Forum. Pp. 28. IO cents. Elst, Fernand van der. Loi sur le governement du Congo belge. Bruxelles: Vve. Larcier. Pp. 22. Fr. 1. Fontaine, J. Les idées collectivistes en France. Bruxelles: Soc. belge de lib. Pp. 54. Fr. o. 25.

Foster, H. H. Ueber den amerikanischen Versuch, d. eng. Sprache aufd. Philippinen-Inseln durch d. Schule einzuführen. Diss. Jena. Pp. 84. Français, I. L'église et la science. Paris: Nourry. Pp. 172. Fr. 2.50. Francis, A. Americans: An Impression. London: Melrose. Pp. 11+ 256. 65. Galopin, Gérard. La filiation illégitime et la vraisemblance de paternité naturelle. Bruxelles: Van Fleteren. Pp. 58. Fr. 3.

Gény, Paul. Ou en est la crise de morale? Bruxelles: Soc. belge de libr. Pp. 10. Fr. 0.25.

Gillet, P. L'éducation du caractère. Bruxelles: De Bromver et Cie. Pp. 296. Fr. 3.

Girod, J. Democratie, patrie et humanité.

Paris: F. Alcan. Pp. 172. Fr. 2.50. Goyan, Georges. Un clergé national et social. Le clergé irlandais. Paris: Blond et Cie. Pp. 62. Fr. 0.60. Griggs, S. E. The Race Question in a New Light. Nashville, Tenn.: Orion Pub. Co. 15 cents.

Griggs, S. E. Needs of the South. Nashville, Tenn.: Orion Pub. Co. Pp. 28. IO cents.

Gummere, Amelia M. Witchcraft and Quakerism: A Study in Social History. Philadelphia: Biddle Press. $1. Grünfeld, E. Die Gesellschaftslehre von Lorenz von Stein. Diss. Halle. Pp.


Hamm, F. Zur Grundlegung und Geschichte der Steuermoral. Trier: Paulinus Druckerei. Pp. 320. M. 6. Hapgood, H. An Anarchist Woman. N. Y.: Duffield & Co. Pp. 5+308. $1.25 net.

Hartman, E. R. Socialism versus Christianity. N. Y.: Cochrane Pub. Co. Pp. 263. $1.50.

Herbert. Le pragmatisme. Etude de ses diverses formes anglo-americaines, françaises, italiennes. Paris: Nourry. Pp. 105. Fr. 1.25.

Hobson. J. A. The Industrial System. London: Longmans. Pp. 348. 7s. 6d. Hodson, A. L. Letters from a Settlement. N. Y.: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 15+363. $1.50.

Howard, T. H. Standard of Life and Service. London: Simpkin. Pp. 190.


Immigration. Madison, Wis.: Univ. of
Wisconsin. Pp. 6. Gratis.
Jarotzky, A. Der Idealismus als leben-
erhaltendes Prinzip Betrachtungen e.
Arztes. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann.
Pp. iv + 147. M. 3.20.

Jenks, J. W. Principles of Politics from the Viewpoint of the American Citizen. N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Press. Pp. 18+187. $1.50 net.

Juvenile Offender. Detention and Main-
tenance. No. 329.
London: British
Govt. id.

Kelly, A. R. The Great Chinese Awakening. London: R. Culley. Pp. 240.


Klein, Felix. La séparation aux Etats Unis. Histoire, lois, coûtumes, documents. Paris: Blond et Cie. Pp. 126. Fr. 1. 20.

Kirkpatrick, E. A. Genetic Psychology. N. Y.: Macmillan. Pp. 15+373. $1.25 net.

Kompert, P. Kritische Betrachtungen über die Bodenreform. Diss. Jena: Pp. 63.

Lacase, Bastard, J. L'Amerique incomme. Vestiges des civilisations primitives.

Lafarce, G. L'éducation des fils de famille au point de vue de l'expansion civilisatrice. Bruxelles: Soc. belge de libr. Fr. 0.50.


Langhard, J. Die Anarchistische Beweg-
ung in der Schweiz von ihren Anfängen
bis zur Gegenwart u. d. internationalien
Führer. Bern: Stämpfli & Co. Pp.
viii+492. M. 4.20.
Lavollée, R.

Les fléaux nationaux.
Depopulation, pornographie, alchol-
Paris: F.
isme, affaisement morale.
Pp. 307. Fr.
Alcan et Guillaumin.


Le Chevallier et Cuminal, P. Leçons de
science morale. Principles de la science
morale; morale individuelle; morale
sociale; la vie humaine. Paris: Picard.
Pp. 462. Fr. 4.

Lewis, F. W. State Insurance and Social
London: Con-
and Industrial Need.
stable. 5s.

Liebknecht, W. Was die Sozialdemo-
kraten sind und was sie wollen.
Chemnitz: A. Langer. Pp. 47.
Lloyd, Arthur. Everyday Japan. N. Y.:
Cassell & Co. Pp. 16+381. $4.
Macgowan, Rev.
Chinese Life.
Mackaye, P. W.
the Play.

13+ 210.


Sidelights on

Lippincott. $3.75.

The Playhouse and
N. Y.: Macmillan.

Maltbie, M. R. Report on the Indeter-
minate Sentence for Public Utilities.
N. Y.: Maltbie. Pp. 34.

Méline, Pierre.

De la science à l'action.


Etude de philosophie sociale.
Blond et Cie. Pp. 62. Fr. 0.60.
Le travail sociologique
Paris: Blond et Cie.

Méline, Pierie.

La méthode.
Pp. 124. Fr. 1.20.

Meincke, R.

Maxim Gorki, seine Persönlichkeit und seine Schriften. Eine Studie zur Würddig seines Dichterruhms. Hamburg: Meissner. Pp. 125. M. 2. Moore, J. H.

The New Ethics.


cago: S. A. Block. Pp. 216. $1 net. Morin, Pierre.

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for Juvenile and Adult Probation Work,
to Their Use.
with Suggestions as
Albany, N. Y.: J. B. Loyn Co.
Reich, Emil. Woman Through the Ages.
N. Y.: Dutton. Pp. 10+272 and 8+
294. $7 net.

Richet, C. Die Vergangenheit des
Krieges, und die Zukunft des Friedens
Autons. Uebersetzg. von Bertha v. Sutt-
ner. Leipzig: H. Haessel.
xii+355. M. 4.

Rintelen, V.


Die Volksschule Preussens in ihrem Verhältnis zu Staat und Kircke. Berlin: H. Bahr. Pp. xvi+ 356. M. 5.50.

Royal Commission and Nat. Soc. for
Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Care and Control of Feeble-Minded.
Pp. 40. 3d.

Saleeby, C. W.

Parenthood and Race

Culture. An Outline of Eugenics.
London: Cassell. Pp. 348. 7s. 6d.
Salvation Army and Poor Law Problem.

London: Simpkin. Pp. 100.
Les droits de la femme

mariée sur les produits de son travail.
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Savorgnon, F. Soziologische Fragmente.
Innsbruck: Wagner. Pp. 106. Kr. 2.
Schenck, F. S. The Sociology of the
Bible. N. Y.: Board of Publications
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Reformed Dutch Church.

$1.50. Work for the Schweidland, 66th Annual


Nation and Empire.
Report. London: Office. Pp. 130.
Nevison, H. W. Essays in Freedom.
London: Duckworth. Pp. 348.
New York [State] Probation Commis-
sion. Forms for Juvenile and Adult
Probation Work, with Suggestions as to
Their Use. Albany, N. Y.: J. B.
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E. Einführung in die
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L'utopie socialiste. Pp. 70. Fr. Cie.

Industrial Efficiency.

Pp. 740. 6s.

Snowden, Mrs. Philip. Woman Suffrage

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