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A.D. 1861-1865.




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"In the language of our great leader, General Grant, we will never apologize for the deeds done in 1861-65, but will treasure up their memory, and on every suitable occasion, as long as life lasts, will present them anew to the youth of this country, as noble examples of heroism and patriotism; for they saved this nation from absolute annihilation, or at least from a long period of intestine war and anarchy.”. General William T. Sherman, Decoration Day, New York, 1878.

“I am, totis viribus, against any division of the Union by the North River, or by the Delaware River, or by the Potomac, or by any other river, or by any chain of mountains. I am for maintaining the independence of the nation at all events." - John Adams's Letter, March 13, 1789.

"If Kentucky, to-morrow, unfurls the banner of resistance, I never will fight under that banner; I owe a paramount allegiance to the whole Union, a subordinate one to my own State." - Henry Clay.

"When my eyes shall turn to behold, for the last time, the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union; on States dissevered, discordant, belligerent; on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, in fraternal blood. Let their last feeble and lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the Republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still full high advanced, its arms and trophies streaming in their original lustre, not a stripe erased or polluted, not a single star obscured, bearing for its motto no such miserable interrogatory as What is all this worth? nor those other words of delusion and folly, Liberty first and Union afterwards; but everywhere spread all over in characters of living light, blazing in all its ample folds as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every true American heart, 'LIBERTY AND UNION, now and for EVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE.'"- Daniel Webster.

"Every man must be for the United States or against it. There can be no neutrals in this war, only patriots or traitors. I express it as my conviction before God, that it is the duty of every American citizen to rally round the flag of his country."- Stephen A. Douglass.

"I have served my country under the flag of the Union for more than fifty years; and as long as God permits me to live I will defend that flag with my sword, even if my own State assails it." Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott.

"It is a matter of great anxiety and concern to me that the slave trade is sometimes perpetrated under the flag of liberty, our dear, noble stars and stripes, to which virtue and glory have been constant standard-bearers." — Lafayette to John Adams, 1786. "I would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America, could I have conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery." - Lafayette.

The national ensign, pure and simple, dearer to all our hearts at this moment as we lift it to the gale and see no other sign of hope upon the storm-cloud which rolls and settles above it save that which is reflected from its own radiant hues, dearer, a thousand-fold dearer to us all than ever it was before while gilded by the sunshine of prosperity, and playing with the zephyrs of peace. It speaks for itself far more eloquently than I can speak for it. Behold it! listen to it! Every star has a tongue. Every stripe is articulate. There is no language or speech where their voices are not heard. There's magic in the web of it. It has an answer for every question. It has a solution for every doubt and every perplexity. It has a word of good cheer for every hour of gloom or of despondency. Behold it! listen to it! It speaks of earlier and later struggles. It speaks of heroes and patriots among the living and among the dead. But before all and above all other associations and memories, whether of glorious men or glorious deeds or glorious places, its voice is ever of union and liberty, of the constitution and the laws. Behold it! listen to it! Let it tell the story of its birth to these gallant volunteers as they march beneath its folds by day, or repose beneath its sentinel stars by night. Let it recall to them the strange, eventful history of its rise and progress. Let it rehearse to them the wondrous tale of its trials and its triumphs in peace as well as in war." — Robert C. Winthrop, Oct. 3, 1861.

"Death never comes too soon, if necessary in defence of the liberties of our country."Judge Story.

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