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Kamtchatka described, 37. Conquered by
the Cossacks, 128. Its position on the
Pacific ascertained, 129.
Kendrick, John, commands the first trading
expedition from the United States to the
North Pacific, 179. Arrives at Nootka,
181. Sails in the sloop Washington through
the Strait of Fuca, 200, 217. The first who
engaged in the transportation of sandal-
wood from the Sandwich Islands to Canton,
228. His purchases of lands from the
Indians at Nootka; accidentally killed,


Kodiak Island, 35. Settlement on it by the
Russians, 161.

Krenitzin and Levaschef, voyage of, 137.
Krusenstern, A. J. von, commands a Rus-
sian exploring expedition to the Pacific,
272. His great merit as a navigator; his
journal of the expedition; efficient in the
reform of abuses in Russian America,


Ladrillero, Juan, an old Spanish pilot,
who pretended to have made a northern
voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific,

Ledyard, John, corporal of marines in Cook's
expedition, 149. Escapes from a British
ship, off the coast of Connecticut, 162. En-
deavors to obtain means to engage in the
fur trade; attempts to go by land from
Paris to Kamtchatka; arrested at Irkutsk,
and forced to return; attempts to discover
the source of the Nile, and dies at Cairo,


Lewis, Meriwether, and John Clarke, com-
missioned by President Jefferson to explore
Missouri and Columbia countries, 284.
Voyage up the Missouri to its sources;
passage through the Rocky Mountains,
285. Descend the Columbia to the
Pacific; winter at the mouth of the Co-
lumbia, 286. Return to the United States,
287. General results of their expedition;
their Journal written by Lewis; melan-
choly death of Lewis, 288.

Lewis, or Snake, or Sahaptin River, principal

southern branch of the Columbia, dis-
covered by Lewis and Clarke, 287. De-
scribed, 24.

Linn, Lewis F., his bill and speeches in the
Senate of the United States on the occupa-
tion of Oregon, 379, 382.
Louisiana, settled by the French; granted
by Louis XIV. to Crozat, 100; and after-
wards to Law, 102. Ceded by France to
Spain, 102. Retroceded by Spain to France,
and sold by France to the United States,
278. Its extent at different times, 107, 277,
282. Comprehended no territory west of the
Rocky Mountains, 282. Northern boundary
not determined by commissaries agreeably
to the treaty of Utrecht, as generally sup-
posed, 281, 436.


MacDougal, Duncan, partner in the Pacific
Company, 294. Sells the establishments
to the North-West Company, 303. See

MacKenzie, Alexander, explores the north-
western parts of America; reaches the
Arctic Sea, 263.
Reaches the Pacific,

264. MacKenzie River discovered by
MacKenzie, 263.

Magellan, Fernando, sails from the Atlantic
through Magellan's Strait into the Pacific,
and across the latter ocean to India, 46.
Malaspina, Alexandro, explores the coasts
near Mount St. Elias, in search of a
passage supposed to communicate with
the Atlantic; arrested and imprisoned
on his return to Spain; his name not
mentioned in the account of his voyage
officially published at Madrid, 222.
Maldonado, Lorenzo Ferrer de, account of
his pretended voyage from the Atlantic to
the Pacific, 78.

Maldonado, Pedro Nuñez de, makes the
first voyage along the west coast of Mexico,
by order of Cortes, 49.

Maquinna, chief of Nootka, 167. Grants
land to Meares for his temporary use,
174. Denies that the British had bought
lands or erected buildings at Nootka, 242:
Takes the ship Boston, of Boston, and
murders nearly all her crew, 268.
Marchand, Etienne, commands the ship

Solide, from Marseilles, in her voyage
around the world, 223. Sees the islands
which had been previously discovered by
Ingraham, of which he sent an account to
France, claiming the discovery. Ingra-
ham's claim admitted by Fleurieu, the
editor of Marchand's Journal; Journal of
Marchand's voyage, edited by Fleurieu ;
general character of the work, 223. See

Marcos de Niza, a Franciscan friar, pretends
to have discovered a rich and populous
country, called Cibola, north-west of
Mexico, 59.

Martinez, Estevan, pilot to Perez, in the
Santiago; pretends to have rediscovered
the Strait of Fuca, 116. Commands in a..
voyage of observation to the coasts occu-
pied by the Russians, 185. Ordered by
the viceroy of Mexico to occupy Nootka
Sound, 187. Arrives at Nootka, 191.
Seizes the Iphigenia, but afterwards re-
leases her, 192. Seizes the North-West
America, 194. Seizes the Argonaut, and
imprisons her captain, 195. Seizes the
Princess Royal, 198. Reflections on these
acts, 197. Returns to Mexico, 198.
Maurelle, Antonio, pilot, under Bodega, in
his voyages along the north-west coasts,
117125. His Journal of the first of these
voyages, translated and printed at London,
117. Importance of this work, 123. His
Journal of the other voyage, 125.

Meares, John, his first voyage to the north-
west coast, 166. His second voyage, under
the Portuguese flag, with the Felice and
Iphigenia, 172. Instructed to take any

vessels which may attempt to molest him,
but not instructed to form any establishment
or purchase lands, 173. Reasons for his
sailing under the Portuguese flag, 174.
Arrives in the Felice at Nootka, where he
obtains from Maquinna the use of a piece
of ground, afterwards claimed by him as
purchased, 174. Receives from Berkeley an
account of the rediscovery of the Strait of
Fuca, by the latter, 171. Yet claims the
merit of the rediscovery himself, 175.
Seeks in vain for the great River San
Roque, (the Columbia,) as laid down on
Spanish charts, 176. Declares that no such
river exists, 177. Yet the British govern-
ment claims the discovery of the Columbia
for him, 178, 440. His account of the
arrival of the sloop Washington at Nootka,
181. Returns to China, 180. Sent to Lon-
don, to complain of the seizure of the vessels
at Nootka, by the Spaniards, 202. His
memorial to the British government, 203.
Its numerous falsehoods and inconsistencies,
172, 175, 178, 193, 211.

Mendocino, Cape, 19. Discovered, 63.
Mendoza, Antonio de, sent as viceroy to
supersede Cortes in the government of
Mexico, 54. Attempts to discover new
countries in America, 55.

Mendoza, Diego Hurtado, commands the
ships sent by Cortes to explore the Pacific
coasts of America, 51.

Metcalf, voyage of, fires on the natives at
Mowee, 224. Young Metcalf and his crew
murdered by the natives of Owyhee, 225.
Missionaries, American, in the Sandwich
Islands, 370.

Moncachtabe, an Indian, his account of a
great river, flowing from the central parts
of North America to the Pacific, 145.
Monroe, James, secretary of state of the
United States, declares to the British
minister the intention of his government
to secure the possession. of the mouth of
the Columbia, agreeably to the treaty of
Ghent, 307. President of the United States;
his message, declaring the American con-
tinents not subject to colonization by
European nations, 335.

Monterey discovered by Cabrillo, and so
named by Vizcaino, 90. Colony established
there by the Spaniards, 109. Taken by a
Buenos Ayrean privateer, 365. Taken by
an American squadron, under Captain
Jones, 367.


Navarrete, Martin F. de, chief of the Hydro-
graphical Department at Madrid; his labors
with regard to the history of early voyages
of discovery in America, 82.
Nootka Sound, described, 29. Discovered
by the Spaniards under Perez, and called
Port San Lorenzo, 113. Cook enters it
with his ships, and calls it King George's
Sound, 153. The principal rendezvous of
the fur trader for some time, 167. Pro-
ceedings of Meares at Nootka, 174. The
Spaniards determine to occupy it, 187.

Proceedings of the Spaniards under Mar-
tinez, 191. Claims of the British to the
possession of the country examined, 242,
256. The Spaniards abandon it, 257.
Capture of the ship Boston by the natives,
and murder of her crew, 268.

Nootka treaty, or convention of 1790, between
Great Britain and Spain, 477. Discussions
which led to it, 202-209. (See Meares.)
Review of its stipulations, 213, 319. Expired
in 1796, 259, 318. Not to be regarded as a
definitive settlement of principles, 340.
Its continual subsistence asserted by Great
Britain, 349.

North-West Fur Trading Company of
Montreal founded; its system, 262. First
posts established by it west of the Rocky
Mountains, 291. Purchases the establish-
ments of the Pacific Company, 304. Dis-
putes with the Hudson's Bay Company
323. Union of the two companies, 325.

Oregon City at the Falls of the Willamet, 33.
Oregon, river, so called by Carver, supposed
to flow from the central parts of North

America to the Pacific, 142. (See Carver,
and Columbia river.)

Oregon territory, the name applied to the
country drained by the Columbia, 359.
Description of Oregon, 21. Treaty between
the United States and Great Britain settling
its northern boundary, 402, 482.
Ossinobia, name given by Lord Selkirk to
the country purchased by him on the Red
River, 324.

Owyhee, or Hawaii, the largest of the Sand-
wich Islands, discovered by Cook, 157.
Pretended cession to Great Britain, 251.

[blocks in formation]

Perez, Juan, voyage from Mexico along the
north-west coast to the 54th degree of lati-
tude, 114. Discovers Nootka Sound, called
by him Port San Lorenzo, 116, 153.
Perouse, Francois G. de la, voyage along a
part of the north-west coast, 163.
Philippine Islands conquered by the Span-
iards, 65.

Poletica, Chevalier de, Russian minister in
the United States; correspondence with
the American government respecting the
ukase of 1821, 332.
Promuschleniks, general name for the Rus-
sians employed in the service of the Russian
American Trading Company, 270.


Quadra and Vancouver's Island, 29, 240.
Quadra. See Bodega.
Queen Charlotte's or Washington's Island,
discovered by Perez, 115. Not seen by
Cook, 153, 170. Seen by La Perouse, 164;
and by Dixon, who gave it its present name,
164. Its west coast first explored by Gray,
who names it Washington's Island, 199.
Described, 29.


Red river Settlements, made by Lord Selkirk,


Rocky Mountains described, 5. First called
the Shining Mountains, or Mountains of
Bright Stones, 143, 262.

Rush, Richard, minister plenipotentiary of
the United States at London; discussion
with Lord Castlereagh respecting the
restoration of Astoria, 308. His first
negotiation respecting the claims of the
United States, 314. Concludes a conven-
tion on the subject in 1818, 315. His second
negotiation on the subject, 336. Talent
and industry displayed by him, 340.
Russia, government proposes an arrangement
with the United States respecting the
trade of American vessels in the North
Pacific, 275. Forbids foreign vessels from
trading in the North Pacific, 332. (See
Ukase.) Convention with the United
States, 342. Treaty with Great Britain,
343. Convention with the United States
virtually abrogated by that treaty, 343.
Refuses to renew the fourth article of the
convention with the United States, 362.
Russian American Company established by
charter, 269. Its territories, 34. Its system,
270. Abuses in the administration of its
possessions, 271. Many abuses removed,
274. Renewal of its charter; great im-
provement in its system, 364. Leases a
part of its territories to the Hudson's Bay
Company, 364.

Russians conquer Northern Asia, 127. Their
discoveries in the North Pacific, 131, et seq.

Sacramento river, 18.


San Diego, 17. Discovered by Vizcaino, 90.
The first Spanish colony on the west coast
of California planted there, 109.
San Francisco Bay, 17. The northernmost
spot on the west coast of America occupied
by the Spaniards previous to May, 1789,


San Lucas, Cape, the southern extremity of
California, 15. Discovered by Ulloa, 56.
San Roque river, so called by the Spaniards,
the same now called the Columbia, dis-
covered, 120, 430. (See Heceta.)
Sandwich Islands described, 37. Discovered
by Cook, 157. Frequented by the Fur
Traders, 168. Capture of the schooner
Fair American by the natives, 225. Pre-

tended cession of Owyhee to Great Britain
by Tamahamaha, 251. Tamahamaha sover-
eign of the whole group, 268. Death of
Tamahamaha, 329. Christianity introduced
into the islands, 330. Proceedings of the
American missionaries; language of the
islands, 330. Expulsion of the Catholic
missionaries, and their reinstatement, 371.
The British occupy the islands temporarily,
373. Diminution of the native population,
374. See Cook, Tamahamaha, Metcalf,
Vancouver, Ingraham.

Santa Barbara Islands, 17. Discovered by
Cabrillo, 62.

Schelikof, Gregory, establishes Russian colo-
nies on the coasts and islands of America,
161. The founder of the Russian American
Company, 269.

Sitka, or New Archangel, capital of Russian
America, 35. Founded by Baranof, 270.
Snake river. See Lewis river.
South Pass in the Rocky Mountains, 6. Dis-
covered by Ashley, 357.

Sutil and Mexicana, voyage of, 239, 241. See
Galiano and Valdes.


Tamahamaha, a chief of note in Owyhee,
168. King of Owyhee, 249. Pretended
cession of the sovereignty of his island to
the British, 251. Acquires the dominion
over all the islands, 268. His acuteness in
trade, 269, 296. His death and character,


Tchirikof, Alexei, voyages of, 129, 130, 133.
Texas annexed to the United States, 396.

See Bering.

Treaties, all, abrogated by war between the
parties, 259. This principle maintained by
Great Britain, 318.

Treaty of partition between Spain and Portu-
gal in 1494, 44. Of Saragossa, between
the same powers, in 1529, 47. The American
treaty between Spain and England, in
1670, 99. 102. Treaty of Utrecht, between
Great Britain and France, in 1713, 99, 140.
No line of boundary between the possessions
of those powers settled by that treaty, 140,
281, 436. Family Compact, in 1762, be-
tween France and Spain, 102; dissolved,
207. Treaty of Paris, in 1763, between
England, France, Spain, and Portugal,
102, 278. Nootka treaty, of 1790, between
Great Britain and Spain, 209, 258, 318, 476.
Treaty of 1800, by which Spain ceded
Louisiana to France, 276, 279. Treaty of
1803, by which France ceded Louisiana to
the United States, 276, 279. Treaty of
Ghent, in 1814, between the United States
and Great Britain, 306. Florida treaty
between the United States and Spain, in
1819, 316, 478. Treaty between Great
Britain and Russia, in 1825, 342, 479.
Treaty between the United States and
Great Britain, settling boundaries east of
the Lake of the Woods, 377. Oregon treaty
between the United States and Great Bri-
tain, settling boundaries west of the Rocky
Mountains, 402, 482. See Conventions.

Tyler, John, president of the United States;
message respecting the Sandwich Islands,
372. Messages respecting Oregon, 378.


Ukase of the Russian government, prohibiting
vessels of other nations from frequenting
the North Pacific coasts, 322. Corres-
pondence respecting it, between the secre-
tary of state of the United States and the
Russian plenipotentiary, at Washington,
333. Protest of the British government
against it, 335.

Ulloa, Francisco, voyage through the Gulf of
California and along the west coast, 56.
Ulloa, Antonio, secret information afforded
by him to the Spanish government, respect-
ing the state of the Spanish provinces in
South America, in 1740, 105.
Unalashka Island, 36. Visited by Cook, 156,
who there first meets with Russians, 155,
United States, first voyages of their citizens
to the Pacific and to China, 179. First
voyages to the north-west coast of America,
180. Obtain possession of Louisiana, 276.
War with Great Britain, 301. Ended by
treaty of Ghent, 306. Their citizens alone
can occupy Oregon, 403.
Urdaneta, Andres de, discovers the mode of
crossing the Pacific from west to east, 65.
Supposed to have discovered a northern
passage between the Atlantic and Pacific,


Utah Salt Lake, 20.


Vancouver, George, sails from England on an
exploring voyage to the Pacific, and as
commissioner on the part of Great Britain
to receive the lands and buildings to be
restored by Spain, agreeably to the Nootka
convention, 217. Reaches the north-west
coast of America, 232. Declares that no river
or harbor of consequence is to be found be-
tween the 40th and the 48th degree of lati-
tude, 233. Meets Gray, and receives from
him an account of the discovery of a great
river, 232, which he disbelieves, 233. Enters
the Strait of Fuca ; explores Admiralty Inlet,
and takes possession of the whole surround-
ing territory, 238. Remarks on this act;
meets Galiano and Valdes, and continues
the survey of the strait, 239. Passes
through the strait, and arrives at Nootka,
240. Claims the discovery of the Wash-
ington or North Marquesas Islands for
Hergest, though he knew them to have
been first seen by the Americans, 242.

Negotiations with the Spanish commis-
sioner Quadra, 242. Claims the whole
territory around Nootka for Great Britain,
243. His unfair synopsis of the letter of
Gray and Ingraham, 244, 417. Receives
accounts and charts of Gray's discoveries
from Quadra; sends Broughton to examine
Columbia River, 247. Unworthy attempt
to take to himself the merit of discovering
the Columbia, 248. At the Sandwich
Islands, executes persons falsely charged
with the murder of his officers, 249. Ex-
amines a large portion of the north-west
coasts, and returns to the Sandwich Islands,
250. Pretended cession of Owyhee to him
for his sovereign, 251. Circumstances con-
nected with that affair, 252. Returns to
the north-west coast, of which he completes
the survey, 254. Names given by him to
places, 255. Returns to England; his
death; great value of his journal; his
hatred of Americans, and constant injustice
towards them, 256.

Vizcaino, Sebastian, exploring voyage along
the north-west coast, 91. Desires to found
colonies on those coasts, but dies before his
plans could be executed, 92.


Washington's Island, so called by Gray, who
first explored its east coast, 199. See
Queen Charlotte's Island.

Washington or North Marquesas Islands,
discovered by Ingraham, 226. Discovery
claimed by Marchand, who, however,
admits the priority of Ingraham's claim,
228. Discovery claimed by Vancouver for
Hergest, 242. Occupied by the French,
374. Medal granted by the King of France
to the crew of Marchand's ship for dis-
covering the island, 228.

Webster, Daniel, secretary of state of the
United States, concludes a treaty with Lord
Ashburton, settling the boundaries east of
the Lake of the Woods, 378.
Whidbey surveys Bulfinch's Harbor, 246.
Wiccanish, king of Nittinat, 167.
Wilkes, Charles, his voyage of exploration
in the Pacific, 375.

Willamet, river and valley, 26. First settle-
ments of citizens of the United States
there, 361.

Wrangel, Admiral Von, Governor of Russian
America, prevents the British from occupy-
ing the mouth of the Stikine river, 363.
His work on Russian America, 329. His
explanation of the north coast of Asia, 328.
Wyeth, Nathaniel, endeavors to establish
trading posts on the Columbia, 359. Great
value of his accounts of Oregon, 360.

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