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It is confidently hoped that the citizens of New-York, in imitation of their brethren of Philadelphia, will shew their liberality on this occasion. The proceeds of the concert will be delivered to the hon. judge Radcliff, mayor of this city, by him to be forwarded to the corporation of Charleston. All the professional performers of eminence in the city, have kindly volunteered their assistance. The concert will take place at the CityHotel, on the 6th of December.

York, Penn. Nov. 10. At the York county Poorhouse, on the 2d inst. died of an excessive and singular enlargement of the chest and abdomen, a boy aged eleven years. The disease commenced in his second year, and gradually encreased till a mortification from over distension of -the intestines, terminated his sufferings. The body was opened in the presence of the directors, and several other gentlemen, and a ball, apparently composed of earth, resembling a calcarious marle, taken from the colon, one of the lower intestines, weighing one pound, nine ounces, and in circuinference measured sixteen inches. As some children have an irresistible desire to eat dirt, and artfully take every opportunity to indulge a vitiated appetite, it is presumable this disease was occasioned from a habit of gratify

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On Saturday evening last, by the rev. Dr. Miller, Mr. John Dunscomb, to Miss E. Tofts, both of this city.

On Thursday evening the 22nd ult. by the rev. Mr. How, Mr. John J. Albouy of Bermuda, to Miss Maria Millar of this city.

On Saturday evening last, by the rev. Mr. Harris, Peter Bours, esq. of Utica, io Miss Mary W. Robinson eldest daughter of Capt. Thomas Robinson.

On Saturday evening last, by the rev. Mr. Kuypers, Mr. John Cole, to Mass Sarah Ackerman, both of this city.

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ETHELWALD could not possible attention, resolved on ren

him for some days their captive.

The baron early awoke, and


Aurora now looked down

sibly imagine which was Elfrida, dering their mansion agreeable,
or who those young ladies were.
and, binding him in the fetters of
Such matchless perfection, (ex-hospitality and friendship, detain
claimed he) reigns amongst them
all, that even the caprice of taste
cannot fix on one as the most in-
teresting object." The chords of
sensibility vibrated with grati-
tude to the courtesy of lord and
lady Devon, to that unaffected
warmth which spoke the sinceri-
ty of the welcome he received.
The rising esteem he felt for this
amiable couple, was returned in
a reciprocal degree by them; his
high rank, (for he had announced
his name on his entrance) the es-
timation in which, above all other
courtiers, they knew he was held"
by their sovereign, his exalted
bravery, his tender compassion,
even in the very moment of con-
quest; and above all, his courte-

benign on the children of this.
world, and shed her sweetest in-.
fluence upon it at once, to regale
every sense. Ethelwald from his
window viewed an extensive and
beautiful dimense, and longing to
partake of the sweets of morning,
he opened a little door in his
chamber, which led him into a
closet, that, by another door,
with a gentle descent of steps,
conducted him into a shaded and
sloping avenue.

The flowers, glowing in the prime of beauty, diffused their

choicest odours; the birds, flitting from bough to bough, swelled their little throats with responsive warblings; while at periods he distinguished the rude, yet harmless whistle of the peasant : perceiving through many brakes and openings, in a surrounding grove, some of them driving their lowing flocks to pasture, or others tilling that earth from which they were to support a fond and helpless blooming progeny.

Ethelwald walked on, for all was new and enchanting to him; art, that wretched imitator of what is perfect, had long cast his mists before his senses, the delusions were now vanishing, and he worshipped nature, the handmaid of the creation. "Say, ye gay scenes, he cried, where have ye been so long hid, or why was I so long absorbed in the vortex of dissipation, as to be insensible of your pleasures. Hail, scenes that at once give delight and energy to the soul; every gale is refreshing, every spot strikes with beauty, and every bough is alive with the melody of nature." As he spoke, he found himself at the termination of the avenue, in a valley encompassed with woods of an awful and majestic appearance. This he immediately concluded was the peculiar spot the Earl and his family chose for the scenes of recreation, as pavillions

were scattered around, intermixed with arbours of sweet and clustering shrubs. A clear river glided along with gentle murmuring, which would sooth a romantic or melancholy disposition; but an object the baron now perceived, at once excited surprize and rapture.-A young female was dancing to the soft sound of a flute, on which a boy played, whose loveliness rendered him a proper* attendant for her.

She realized all those ideas of beauty which Ethelwald had before painted to his imagination; the charms he beheld the night before with transport, were now faded-only discerned in the black shade. Her robes were of white and azure; and their light drapery did not disguise a shape, moulded with the softest symmetry ; the lily and the rose, fresh culled, (dew yet glittering on their balmy bosoms) formed an ornament for her waving tresses, as she often, with the sportive gaiety which generally results from innocence, bent over the reflecting surface of the water, it gave her back her own image, with all that earth or heaven could bestow, to make her amiable. "Tell me," said Ethelwald, starting forward with an involuntary impetuosity of surprize, are you human or di. vine; are you a young shepherdess, who sings blithsome at the


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