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Coligny, de (deh ko'len'ye'), Gaspard,
and American colonization, 45.
Columbus (ko-lum'bus), Christopher, his
theory as to shape of earth, 26; first
voyage, 29; second voyage, 30; third
voyage, 30; fourth voyage, 31; death,


Deane, Silas, 211.
Declaration of Independence, 203-206.
Declarations of Rights, of Massachusetts,
of 1661, 108; of 1765, 168; of 1774, 185
Declaratory Act, 171.
De Monts, grant to, 58.
Dickinson, John, 172, 237.

Committees of Correspondence, 179, 180, Douglas, Stephen A., Kansas-Nebraska
181, 184.

Bill, 465, 466; "Freeport Doctrine,'
476; nominated for presidency, 493
supports Lincoln, 512.

Compromises, of the Constitution, 260;
of 1820, 383, 384; of 1833, 422; of 1850,
462; suggested in 1860, 497, 498.
Confederate States, Constitution of the, Drake, Sir Francis, with Hawkins, 48;


Confederation of New England, 93, 94.
Confederation of the United States, 237-
240; articles ratified, 244, 245: at-
tempts to amend, 255.
Congress, the Albany, 138; the Stamp
Act, 168; First Continental, 184; Sec-
ond Continental, 197; of the confedera-
tion, 239; under the Constitution, 263.
Connecticut, founding of, 90, 91; charter
of, 110; claims to western lands, 241,
243; cessions of, 245; in War of 1812,
366; antislavery agitation in, 424, 427.
Constitution of the United States, for-
mation and discussion of, 259-269;
ratification of, 270-273, 290; first ten
amendments, 273, 274.

Constitution, the, and Guerrière, 361,

Draft riots (1863), 544.

his voyage around the world, 48; suc
cors Ralegh colonists, 50.
Dred Scott case, 474, 475.
Duke of York's laws, 112.
Dutch settlements, 96-98; conquered by
English, 111.

Early, Jubal, Confederate general, 551.
Education in the colonies, 145-147: in
1800, 329, 330; in 1830, 412.
Edwards, Jonathan, 144.
Elections, presidential, of 1789, 279: of
1796, 304; of 1800, 312; of 1824, 390;
of 1828, 395, 396; of 1840, 435-437; of
1844, 446; of 1848, 455-457; of 1852,
464, 465; of 1856, 474; of 1860, 493-
496; of 1864, 552; of 1868, 568; of 1876,
574 of 1880, 575; of 1884, 576; of 1888,
576; of 1892, 577; of 1896, 577.

Constitutional Convention, see Federal Ellsworth, Oliver, 314


Constitutional Union Party, 495.

Continental Congress, see Congress.
Continental line, 220, 221.

Conway Cabal, 209.

Cornwallis, British general, 218, 219.
Coronado (ko-ro-nä'do), Francisco Vas-
quez, his expedition, 41.

Cortereal, de (kor-tá-rá-äl'), Gaspar, on
coast of Labrador, 37.

Emancipation of slaves (1785 1800), 327,
328: (1865) 540.

Emancipation Proclamation, 539, 540.
Embargo, of 1794, 300: Jefferson's, 347-

England, see Great Britain.

Era of Good Feeling, 386, 387.

Eratosthenes (ĕr-a-tos'the-neez) on shape
of earth. 24.

Ericsson, John, inventor, 532, 533.

Cortez (kôr'tez), Hernando, conquers Ericson, Leif (life ĕr'îk-son), 23.

Mexico, 39.

Cotton gin, influence of the, 2, 326.
Cotton manufacture, 326, 327.

Crawford, Wm. H., Secretary of the
Treasury, 387; nominated for presi-
dency, 388.

Crittenden Compromise, 498, 499.

Erie Canal, 408, 409.

Erskine, British Minister, 351.

Farragut, Admiral D. G., portrait, 530;
at New Orleans, 530.

Federal capital, site of, 290, 291.
Federal Convention, 255-259, 270.
Federal ratio, 261.

Dale, Sir Thomas, governor of Virginia, Federalist party, supremacy of the, 279-

64, 65.

Dale's laws, 64.

Dartmouth College case, 373.

Davis, Jefferson, 500.

314: fall of the, 313, 314, 330, 332;
extinction of the, 369.

Fifteenth Amendment, 568, 569.

Fillmore, Millard, Vice-President, 457:

succeeds Taylor as President, 461; Garrison, W. L., Abolition leader, 423,

nominated for presidency, 473-
Fisheries, 132, 230, 231, 365, 374.
Fletcher vs. Peck, case of, 373.
Florida, discovery of, 38, 39: French and
Spanish in, 45-47: ceded to Great
Britain, 135; boundaries of, 136, 137;
ceded back to Spain, 229; invaded by
Jackson, 375; purchased by United
States, 376, 377; admitted to Union,

Foote, Commodore, 527.

Fourteenth Amendment, 564, 565.
Fox, Charles James, 186, 225-227.
Fox, George, founder of Society of
Friends, 105-108.

Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 509.
France, American colonies of, 58; colo-
nists of, conquered by British, 131-135;
treaty of alliance with, 211, 212; during
negotiations for peace, 227; influence
of, in America, 296-298; controversy
with (1798-99), 302, 305; treaty of
1800, 310, 312; spoliation claims, 311,
312; and neutral commerce, 344, 345;
settlement of claims against, 428; inter-
feres in Mexico, 567, 568.
Franchise, the, 164, 250, 251.
Franklin, Benjamin, portrait, 226; frames
Albany Plan, 138; colonial agent, 170;
and Declaration of Independence, 203;
at Paris, 211; peace commissioner, 227;
drafts plan for confederation, 237; dele-
gate to Federal Convention, 257, 258;
president of Abolition Society, 292.
Fredericksburg, battle of, 535, 536.
Freedmen's Bureau, 563, 564.
Frémont, John C., nominated for presi-

dency (1856), 473; in Missouri, 537:
nominated for presidency (1864), 552.
Freneau, Philip, 296, 329.

Friends, Society of, see Quakers.
Fugitive slaves, 292, 462-464.
Fulton, Robert, portrait, 324: invents
steamboat, 323.

Gadsden Purchase, 483.
Gag resolutions, 425, 426.
Gage, British general, 187, 188, 194-197.
Gallatin, Albert, portrait, 333; autograph,
364; opposes repressive legislation,
308; Secretary of the Treasury, 333;
at Ghent, 364.

Gama, da (dä gä'mä), Vasco, discovers
sea route to India, 37.

Garfield, James A., portrait, 574; Presi-
dent, 575.

424 portrait, 457.
Gaspee, burning of the, 180.

Gates, General Horatio, 208, 210, 218.
Genet, French agent, 298.
Georgia founded, 128, 129; enlarged, 137:
claims of, to western lands, 242, 243:
cessions of, 246; controversy as to
Indians, 392; secession of, 497.
Gerry. Elbridge, 259, 305.
Gettysburg, battle of, 542, 543-
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, his voyages and
death, 49.

Gomez (gō'mess), Estevan, sails along
Atlantic coast, 40.

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 85.
Gorton, Samuel, 89.
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 59.
Grant, General U. S, portrait and auto-
graph, 545; secures control of the
Ohio, 527; captures Forts Henry and
Donelson, 527; at Shiloh, 531, 532;
captures Vicksburg, 540, 541; victory
at Chattanooga, 546; lieutenant gen-
eral, 546: Wilderness campaign, 549:
besieges Petersburg, 550; Appomattox
Court House, 553: President, 568; re-
elected, 572; and the civil service, 577-
Great Britain, acknowledges independ-
ence of United States, 228; relations
with (1783-89), 251; Jay's treaty with,
298-301; and neutral trade. 343-351:
proposed treaty with (1806), 345:
treaty with (1809), 351; War of 1812
with, 353-365; negotiations with, 1815-
18, 374; relations with (1825-29), 391,
392; (1829-37), 427, 428: Ashburton
treaty with, 438: Oregon treaty, 449
451; during Civil War, 528, 551, 552:
Alabama arbitration with, 570, 571.
Greeley, Horace, 491, 503, 538, 539: nomi-
nated for presidency, 572.

Grenville, George, British minister, 160-

Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 448.

Hale, John P., 457-

Halleck, General, 531, 532.
Hamilton, Alexander, portrait, 289; auto-
graph, 294; intrigues against Adams,
281, 304, 312; political views, 283; Sec-
retary of the Treasury, 288, 289; finan-
cial measures, 289-291; letter to Day-
ton, 310; killed by Burr, 342.
Harrison, Wm. H., defeats Indians at
Tippecanoe, 353; elected President,
436; death, 437.

[blocks in formation]

Jackson, British minister, 351.
Jackson, Confederate general, 534, 542.
Jackson, William, upholds slavery, 292.
Jamestown settled, 62.

Jay, John, in Continental Congress, 185;
negotiator of treaty of peace of 1783,
227; Chief Justice, 300; negotiates
Jay's Treaty, 300.

Helper, H. R., his Impending Crisis, Jefferson, Thomas, portrait, 331; fac-

Henry, Patrick, portrait, 158; autograph,
167; in the Parson's Cause, 158-160;
his resolutions on the Stamp Act, 166;
proposes Committees of Correspond-
ence, 181: on representation, 236; op-
poses ratification of the Constitution,
272, 273: nominated commissioner to
France, 310.

Hessians, the, 202.

Hood, Confederate general, 547, 549.
Hooker, General Joseph, 542, 546.
Hopkins, Stephen, 180, 185.
Houston, Samuel, 445.
Howe, British general, 195, 207.
Hudson, Henry, 95.

Huguenots (hu'ge-not), colony of the,
45; destroyed by Menendez, 46.
Hutchinson, Anne, 88, 89.
Hutchinson, Thomas, governor of Mas-

sachusetts, 177, 178, 179, 183.
Hylacomylus, see Waldseemüller.

Immigration, 482, 483, 581-583.
Implied powers, doctrine of, 265.
Impressment controversy, 345-347, 353.
Independence, Declaration of, 203–206.
Independent Democrats, appeal of the,
467, 468.

Independent Treasury Act, 434, 435, 437.
Industrial development, 323-327, 488-490,

simile of manuscript, 204; on represen
tation, 165; Colonial Committees of
Correspondence, 181; his Summary
View, 184, 203; in Continental Con-
gress, 198; drafts Declaration of Inde-
pendence, 203; minister to France,
296; political theories of, 282, 283; on
constitutionality of a national bank,
294; founds Republican party, 295,
296; author of Kentucky Resolutions,
308, 309; elected Vice-President, 304;
elected President, 313; administrations
of, 332-350; inaugural address, 332;
and the Civil Service, 333-335; the
Louisiana Purchase, 337: embargo
policy of, 347-350; on Missouri Com-
promise, 383.

Johnson, Andrew, elected Vice-President,
552; becomes President, 554; admin-
istration of, 562-567; impeachment of,

Johnston, Albert Sidney, Confederate
general, 531, 532.

Johnston, Joseph E., Confederate gen-
eral, 524, 533, 534. 541, 546, 547, 548.
Jones, Paul, 220.
Judiciary, Federal, 287, 314, 335, 336.

Kansas, struggle for, 469-471.
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 465-467.
Kentucky Resolutions, 308, 309.
Kieft, governor of New Netherland, 97.

Internal revenue taxes, 293, 294, 517, 579, | Know-Nothing party, 471–474.


[blocks in formation]

Lee, R. E., Confederate general, 534.

542, 543, 549, 550, 553.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Leon, de (dà là-on'), Ponce, discovers Maryland, settlement of, 70; charter, 70–
Florida, 38.

Liberty, seizure of the, 174.
Lincoln, Abraham, portrait, frontispiece;
autograph, 539; early political views,
468, 469; on Kansas-Nebraska Act,
469; debate with Douglas, 475, 476;
nominated for the presidency, 496:
elected President, 496; inaugural ad-
dress, 508; cabinet, 509; proclamation
for volunteers, 510, 511; policy as to
emancipation, 537-539; letter to Gree-
ley, 539; Emancipation Proclamation,
539, 540; re-elected President, 552;
murdered, 554; on reconstruction, 561,

Livingston, Robert R., 203; negotiates
Louisiana Purchase, 337-

Longstreet, Confederate general, 544,

Louisiana, founding of, 133; ceded to
Spain, 135; ceded back to France,
337: purchased by United States, 337-
340; admitted to Union, 403.
Lovejoy, Elijah P., murdered, 426, 427.
Lowell, F. C., 327.
Loyalists, 224, 225, 230.
Lyon, Nathaniel, 512, 513.

Macon's Bill, No. 2, 352.
Madison, James, portrait, 350; autograph,
258; and the Federal Convention, 255;
Notes of Debates in convention, 258,
259; in House of Representatives, 286;
Virginia Resolutions, 309; Secretary of
State, 333: President, 350; adminis-
tration of, 350-371; on internal im-

provements, 373.
Magalhaens, da (mä-gäl-yä'ens) Fer.
nando, discovers Magellan Strait, 38.
Maine, settlement of, 61, 95; admitted to
Union, 383.

Malvern Hill, battle of, 534.

Mansfield, Lord, 165.

Manufacturing, growth of, 370, 489,


Maps, see Table of Contents.

72; boundaries, 71; Toleration Act,
72; Coode's Rebellion, 126; slavery
in, 141; refuses to ratify confederation,
244 ratifies, 245; conventions with
Virginia, 257; in Civil War, 522; aboli-
tion of slavery in, 540.
Mason and Dixon's line, 115, 116, 293.
Mason, Captain John, go.
Massachusetts, charters of, 81, 82, 127:
settlement and early history of, 83-96,
104-110, 122-123; in 1760-75, 150,
174, 177-180, 183, 186, 187; claims of,
to western lands, 241; cession, 245; in
War of 1812, 366.

McClellan, General George B., 525:

Peninsular campaign, 533, 534; Antie-
tam, 535; nominated for presidency,


McCormick, Cyrus H., portrait and auto-
graph, 452; his reaper, 452, 453.
McCulloch vs. Maryland, 372.
McDonough, Commodore, 359.
McDowell, General Irvin, 524.
McKinley, William, 581; President, 577-
Meade, General George G., at Gettys-
burg, 542; in later campaign, 549.
Menendez de Aviles (ma-něn'deth da
ä-vee'lés), Pedro, founds St. Augus-
tine and destroys Huguenot colony,
46, 47.

Merrimac (Virginia), 532.
Mexican War, 447-449-
Missouri, in Civil War, 512, 513; abolition
of slavery in, 540.

Missouri Compromise, 382, 383-385, 424,


Monitor and Merrimac, 532, 533-
Monmouth, battle of, 213, 214.
Monroe, James, portrait, 372; autograph,
345; minister to France, 302, 303; signs
treaty for Louisiana Purchase, 338;
negotiates treaty with England, 345;
President, 371; administrations of, 371–

Monroe Doctrine, 378-381.
Montgomery, General Richard, 197.

Marcos (mär-kōs'), Friar, journey to the Monts, Sieur de, 58.


"seven cities," 41.
Marshall, James W.,
Marshall, John, portrait, 334; autograph,
372; commissioner to France, 305;
Secretary of State, 311; Chief Justice,
314: Marbury vs. Madison, 335;
Burr's trial, 343; McCulloch vs Mary-

Morton, Thomas, 83.

Narvaez, de (da nar-vä'ěth), Panfilo, his
expedition, 40.

National banking system, 517.
Naturalization Acts, 306, 346.
Navigation Ordinances and Acts, 95, 104.

[blocks in formation]

Neutral trade, 343-345-
Neutrality Proclamation (1793), 297.
Newburg Addresses, 222.

New England, Council for, 73, 80; United
Colonies of, 93-95; Dominion of, 125;
Emigration Society, 470.

New Haven colony, 91, 92, 93, 108.
New Jersey, colonial history of, 112, 113;
slavery in, 140, 250, 327.
New Mexico, 448.

New Netherland, settlement of, 95-98;
conquest of, III.

New Orleans, founding of, 133; battle of,
360; captured by Farragut, 529, 530.
New York, colonial history of, 111, 112,
126, 140; claims to western lands, 241,
242; cessions, 245.

New York City, population in 1800, 322;
in 1830, 405; in 1860, 486; in 1890, 583.
North Carolina, land cessions, 245, 246;
ratification of Constitution, 290.
North, Lord, 212, 213, 225.
Northeastern boundary dispute, 438-440.
Northmen, voyages of, 22.
Nullification episode, 418, 421.

Nuñez (noon'yěth), Vasco, discovers
Pacific, 36.

Ocampo, de (da ō-cäm'pō), Sebastian,
proves Cuba to be an island, 39.
Olive Branch Petition, 198.
Ordinance of 1787, 247-249.
Oregon, negotiations as to, 449-451.
Otis, James, 156-158; portrait, 157.

Pacific, discovery of, 35-
Paine, Thomas, 198, 201, 256.
Pakenham, British general, 360.
Panama Congress, 391, 392
Panic of 1857, 490, 491.

Parliament, supremacy of, 98, 171
Parson's Cause, 158-160.
Patroonships, 96.

Pendleton, Senator, 579.
Peninsular campaign, 533, 534
Penn, William, portrait, 114; and New
Jersey, 113: grant of Pennsylvania,
114, 115; Indian policy, 117; grants
Charter of Privileges, 118.

Pierce, Franklin, elected President, 464.
Pilgrims, in England and the Nether-
lands, 74, 76.

Pilgrim Compact, 76 78.

Pinckney, Charles C., in Federal Con-
vention, 259: minister to France, 303,
305; nominated for vice-presidency,


Pinckney, Thomas, minister to Spain,
302; nominated for vice-presidency


Pinkney, William, minister to England,


Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, see Chat-

Pitt, William, the younger, 344.
Plymouth, colonial history, 78-81.
Polk, James K., elected President, 446.
Pope, General John, 527, 534, 535.
Popham Colony, 61.

Population, in 1760, 139, 140; in 1775,

192; in 1800, 318-322; in 1830, 403; in
1860, 482-485; in 1890, 581-584.
President, functions of the, 269, 502, 503;
change in mode of election of, 341.
President and Little Belt, 352.
Pring, Martin, 59.

Protection, arguments for and against,
370, 371, 386.

Providence, founding of, 87-89.

Puritans, in England, 74; in Maryland,
72, 73.

Quakers, in New England, 105-108; in
New York, 107; in New Jersey, 113;
in Pennsylvania, 113.

Railroads, 409, 487, 584-586.
Rainfall, 7-10

Ralegh colonies, 50.

Reconstruction, 560-569.

Religion and toleration, 144, 145, 250,


Representation in America and in Eng-
land, 165, 166.

Revolution, campaigns of, 194, 195, 206-
209, 213, 216–220.

Rhode Island, colonial history of, 87-90;
charter, 110.

Pennsylvania, colonial history, 115-118. Ribault (re'bō), Jean, leads Huguenots

Perry, Commodore, 359.

Philadelphia, population, in 1800, 321; in
1830, 405 in 1890, 584.

Phillips, Wendell, portrait, 496; auto-
graph, 427; Faneuil Hall speech, 427;
on Lincoln, 496; on secession, 503,


to America, 45; conflict with Menen-

dez, 47.
Rochambeau, French general, 218, 219.
Rockingham ministries, 169-171, 225.
Rosecrans, General, at Store River, 536;
at Chickamauga, 544-
Rule of War of 1756, 299, 344.

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