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on a stone, and I lost it. In the second dream, I dreamed that a cloud came down on the cathedral, and came over to the house where I slept, and it made the whole house tremble. Then I woke, and I thought it was the hand of God pointed out that I was to set fire to the cathedral; and those things which were found on me I took lest any one should be blamed wrongfully. I cut the hangings from the throne, or cathedra, or whatever you call it, and tore down

the curtains."

William Martin, the person who called on me, was known in Newcastle as an exceedingly ingenious mechanic.

From the time of my purchasing the ticket for his anteNewtonian lecture, he frequently visited me. He always designated himself "the Natural Philosopher and anteNewtonian," and the public journalists gave him these titles, taking care, however, to italicise the word natural before philosopher, the point of which poor Martin seemed incapable of apprehending, for he always stood much upon the respect paid him by the conductors of the press.

William Martin was a rather handsome and well-built man. There was nothing repulsive in his external appearance. His head was small, and presented many inequalities on its surface; in every sense of the word his cranium was peculiar. The vertex of the head was amazingly high, and his self-esteem was enormous-indeed, obviously diseased. Towards the lateral parts of the forehead, there was a prominence which attracted universal observation, and which was so striking as to amount almost to deformity. It was a protuberance in the form of a segment of a sphere developed immediately above, but somewhat behind, the external angle of the eye-that is, in phrenological language, behind the organ of music, and just above the organ of number. This is the part assigned by phrenologists as the seat of the talent for construction.

This autobiography divested of its peculiarities of opinion, would be a capital lesson upon the contentment that an active man may enjoy, and the work that he may do, without riches and often almost without the means of subsistence. Still that is no good reason why the labourer should be deprived of his hire. And we trust that the sale of this amusing volume may contribute more to the comfort of its author in his old age of his public services have done.

than many

Ashburn a Tale. By AURA. London: Saunders and Ottley. 1 vol. pp. 335.

THIS is one of the strong-minded books of the day, containing the history of a courtship certainly, but one of a very extraordinary, and, so far as we remember, an out of the way character, with broad streaks of goodness in it, and nothing bad, only eccentric. The course of true love leads us into company with many strange, and some very excellent, persons. Then we get their opinions on authors and subjects, as we would in a good newspaper, but more artistically wrought up, with lectures on doctrines, and reasonings on theology, all tending, so far as we comprehend them, in the right direction. The young people are not, however, like the young persons we knew; and even at the close they are very scrupulous on the question of marriage, from the dread respectively of not being good enough for each other.

We do not recollect a love story, if we may employ that vulgarism to describe a book of large


claims on many subjects, wrought out in the style adopted by "Aura." It is a novelty, and the execution disparages not the idea. We have in a few pages criticisms on Henry Martyn and Goethe -on Macaulay, Dickens, and Shakspeare, followed by dissertations upon man's depravity, and other subjects styled abstruse, for no reason but because people will not consider them, and reasoned out after the manner in which the army as a profession is defended in the following passage :—

"But to kill a man who has done you no harin same as murder."

Mr. Somers turned to Jemima, and said,

ust the

"Do you agree with your little niece in that view ?" "I must confess that that is very much how I view it. But, indeed, Mr. Somers, I am not able to argue with you: I don't think I could convince you."

"But perhaps I could convince you," he replied, smiling. "I assure you it would be an act on which I should highly congratulate myself, if I would bring you to feel, as I would have you feel, towards those noble fellows, who need all the sympathy as well as all the admiration we can afford them, and not to be classed with murderers ?"

"Of course no one accuses them, poor men, of wishing deliberately to commit murder. They are only misled."

"You excuse them because they know no better; but you think it is pretty much a case of murder. To me it appears very different. I consider righteous war, maintained against outward invasion, as analagous to the forcible maintenance of internal order, and that we have the same right, and are, indeed, as much bound to repel the enemy without, as to repress the evil doer within. What does the Scripture say of the civil magistrate? That he is the minister of God, a revenge to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.' Now the soldier appears to me to be as truly a representative of the executive power of the state without, as the magistrate within."

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"But does it not make a great difference, that the magistrate punishes a really guilty man, whereas, in war, one innocent being is set to attack another ?"

"Perhaps that might be set in a clearer light by an illustration drawn from private life. Let us suppose that I learn from an undoubted source of information that some burglars have formed a plan for robbing my house, what ought I to do ?"

"You should lay your information before the police, and so prevent the crime."

Certainly; but now suppose that there are no police, that I am living in an uncivilised country, it is clear I must rely on myself and my servants. I must bolt and bar my house; I must not let the robbers catch me asleep. When they come I may parley with them, try to dissuade them, try to frighten them; but if, after all this, they persist in breaking in, and I fire on them, and kill one of them, am I to blame ?"

"No; you could not help it; it would be a necessary evil."

"An evil, too, which perhaps prevents a greater. This man's death may strike terror into his companions, and to plunder with impunity, they would soon get recruits from break up the gang. On the other hand, were they allowed the ranks of the idle, but hitherto honest, and they might, ere long, to robbery add murder, for these crimes commonly go together. That life forfeited may have saved the neighbourhood from a great deal of crime."

"That is quite possible."

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"Now, suppose again that my house is attacked in my absence, would my servants be justified in defending it as I would myself have done ?"

"I think they would."

"Yet, perhaps they have no property in the house, or none the theives would take ?"

"No, but being in your service, they are bound in

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honour to defend your house and property as if it were their own."

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want those inuendoes that abounded at or near their supposed dates in the songs current among

Well, if further, in the supposed case, these marauding the higher classes, and they leave the pleasant im

attacks were of frequent occurrence, I might find it convenient to employ some of my servants chiefly in the warfaring service, selecting for the purpose the boldest, strongest, and most active, and giving them arms to keep in constant readiness, in case of a sudden attack, and there would be nothing to prevent such men entering my service with that express view p❞


"And if my servants are in honour bound to defend me, I am equally bound to defend them, and any of my dependants, whether living in my house or out of it. You will also allow, that if the burglars were openly to proclaim their intention of attacking me or mine, I should not be bound to await their onset, but might very properly endeavour to prevent it by seizing them in their den. Moreover, should they, learning my intentions, prefer remaining within their fastnesses, and sending on their part representatives in the shape of armed servants to attack me and my retainers, might I not seek to repel these in return, as justifiably as I should those who employ them ?"

"I suppose you might."

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Ancient Poems, and Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry. Edited by ROBERT BELL. London: J. W. Parker and Sons. 1 vol. pp. 252. THE present volume is the best of the series published under Mr. Bell's editorship; because the ballads, poems, and songs are more numerous than in the other volumes. We do not say that poetry takes value by brevity; but the preservation of the songs and verses common among the old peasantry is more necessary than a new edition of poems already perhaps well known, or the collected works of any single writer. Many of these songs-the great majority indeed-are by nameless writers; and even the provincial dialect employed in some of them, especially those of west country origin, impart to them a special interest now. The tone of these songs, common among the old English peasantry, is healthy. They

pression on the mind, that the morality of the English labourer and yeoman two centuries ago was much in advance of the court and court circles of that time. Mr. Bell states that Mr. Swindells, of Manchester, supplied him with an ancient printed copy of the song known as "Old Adain," and Mr. Effingham Wilson, of London, gave him certain corrections from memory. The language is pure strong English of the present day, and we almost suspect Mr. Wilson of aiding it only a very little. The following two verses, cut from the middle, might be brought into use among the wife-beaters of the metropolis at present with advantage:

She was not took out of his head, Sir,
To reign and triumph over man
Nor was she took out of his feet, Sir,
By man to be trampled upon.
But she was took out of his side, Sir,
His equal and partner to be;
But as they're united in one, Sir,

The man is the top of the tree.

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The same song often found its way to widely different localities. An old Scotch song "Jockey to the Bair," seems to have been lately appropriated by Notes and Queries, on account of Gloucestershire. Mr. Bell puts in a claim for Westmoreland, but he says it is common in other districts, adding-" From the Christian names of the lovers, it might be supposed to be of Scotch, or Border," gin; but Jockey to the Fair' is not confined to the North; indeed, it is much better known and more frequently sung in the South and West." This softens the claim of Notes and Queries very much, and "Queries" had better make a "Note" of his companion if he often finds him guilty of this kind of appropriation. The song is very well known in the East of Scotland where Jockey and Jenny are not Gloucestershire minced names. It might be more difficult to put Westmoreland out of


One or two hundred years since, the ballads of the country were used as political instructors. They were the press of these days. The printer could be caught and fined; but it was more difficult to catch the ballad-singer, and especially the ballad writer. To each of the ballads and songs Mr. Bell has attached notes, explanatory or illustrative; and the work of editing, in this instance, is far from being merely nominal.


MR. JOHN MACGREGOR. THIS gentleman, who recently represented Glasgow in Parliament, but retired before the dissolution of the last House, expired at Boulogne on the 23rd ult. Mr. MacGregor was born at Stornoway in 1797, and had reached his sixtieth year. Part of his youth was passed in Canada, and the


British North American provinces; and his first published work was a statement of their commercial and other resources, in which we think that he devoted more attention to the States than to the British provinces. He subsequently produced other works on the same and kindred subjects. The information contained in these works is voluminous,


but not well arranged, and they bulk, therefore, largely; yet they were, and still are, useful contributions on transAtlantic subjects. Mr. MacGregor was subsequently engaged in business at Liverpool with success; and he was afterwards employed to collect commercial information on the continent, in which he acquitted himself so well, that he received the appointment of Secretary to the Board of Trade, with a salary of £1,500 per annum. He was undoubtedly useful both to Sir Robert Peel and others, in assisting to draw out the new tariffs adopted from 1842 to 1847. His evidence before the Committee on Customs duties iwas of great importance, and had no inconsiderable weight In the promotion of measures which have long since become

aw and rule.

In 1847 he looked higher than his seat at the Board of Trade, became a candidate for the representation of Glasgow; and, after a severe contest, carried that town, along with Mr. Hastie, also its late member. He was compelled to resign his secretaryship at the Board of Trade--which may be etiquette, yet seems to be a hard measure.

For ten years, therefore, Mr. MacGregor has been a member of Parliament, and a director of public companies. He was for some years governor of the Royal British Bank; and in that capacity he was chargeable with a share of the gross mismanagement now in process of exposure. Mr. MacGregor insisted that the Bank, or its manager, held securities for all his debts; but he was never examined; and, as the manager is not in the country, it is impossible now, perhaps, to settle that point. The debt stands, and the securities have not been found valuable.

He became connected with a number of other companies, few of which have been successful; but since his election for Glasgow, he has not continued those statistical publications which brought him into notice originally. He was not adapted for the House of Commons in any respect, except in the zeal with which he amassed facts, although many worse speakers get forward in that assembly; but the leaders of his party decided to overlook him, because they thought he claimed the merit too openly for his services at the Board of Trade, which they would rather have had ascribed to their own industry.

Mr. MacGregor's commercial and statistical works extend to an almost incredible number of pages, although unfortu. nately for himself, their circulation was confined to a class. Some journals have recently stated that Mr. MacGregor was, during the present year a contributor to this Magazine. Three or four years since he did contribute certain articles of a commercial and statistical character to the Magazine; but only for a short period, and they have ceased for at least the time we have stated. He suffered towards the close of his life from acute disease, increased by recent events.


DIED at her residence, 110, Piccadilly, London, on the 31st Mach, Hester Maria Viscountess Keith, in the 93rd year of her age.

Such was the short obituary notice of one of the most remarkable of lately living characters, whose death, and that of the poet Rogers, sever the last remaining connection between the present generation and the great literary phalanx of the last century. It requires but a small calculation to trace the short period which really elapses between histo rical personages and existing beings; as, for example, Sir Charles Napier, whose name is familiar to every reader, was intimately related to the great grandson of Charles the First, and even this is not a very remote consanguinity to many living at the present day. But it is a striking fact, that the lady whose death we notice, was the intimate companion, not in her childhood but in her youth, of Johnson, Boswell, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Burke, Gibbon, Garrick, and a whole host whose names do and will live in literature, but whose deaths occurred long before the memory of most of the present generation, even of aged persons.

Lady Keith was born in 1761-2, shortly after the marriage


of George the Third and Queen Charlotte, and consequently,
before the birth of George the Fourth, his brother William,
or her present Majesty, and brings us almost into personal
contact with the change consequent upon the death of the
second George, and the family disputes between him and the
Prince of Wales, and could have almost brought within her
own recollection, by the stories of elder associates, Queen
Caroline, and the scene between her Majesty, Jeannie Deans,
and the Duke of Argyle, so forcibly depicted in the "Heart
of Mid-Lothian." She was the eldest daughter of Mr.
Henry Thrale, the founder of the brewery now so well known
as Barclay, Perkins, and Co.'s, and of Hester Salusbury, the
heiress of an ancient family in Wales. Mr. Thrale resided
for many years in a house adjoining the brewery in Park-
street, Southwark, on the opposite side of the road to which
we remember to have been a large garden, carefully kept,
but which was gradually encroached upon for the erection of
store houses, as the business of the brewery increased, but
which was not entirely destroyed until the dwelling-house on
the west side was seriously damaged by fire, and the space
occupied by an enlargement of the general building. The
exact site of the house may readily be seen by the new
buildings from which the grains are now delivered, and the
extent of the garden may be traced, from a small alley on
the south, to the ancient red brick mansion still standing at
the corner of Clink-street, the side windows of which parti-
cipated in the view. Here, and at Mr. Thrale's, at Streat-
ham, "the club" were accustomed to meet, and with the
members of which the subject of this memoir was a con-
stant associate, an especial favourite of Johnson, and fre-
quently noticed by him under the name of "Queeny." In-
heriting great intellect from her mother, who was an author-
ess of no mean reputation, and with the assistance of the
tutelage of Dr. Johnson, a firm and highly cultivated mind
resulted, which was destined to remain in full vigour for so
lengthened a period. Amid the many friends who surrounded
the deathbed of the great philosopher, and they numbered
among them some of the greatest characters of the time,
vieing with eachother who should most contribute to comfort
his last moments, none was so constant in attendance as
Miss Thrale, and their last interview was never forgotten by
her. "My dear child," said he, "we part for ever in this
world, let us part as Christians should-let us pray toge-
ther." And after a prayer full of piety and affection, she
left, and saw him no more alive.

Previously to this event, family affairs had not gone smoothly. Mrs. Thrale, to the annoyance of her daughters, had married Signor Piozzi, and had proceeded upon what proved to be a prolonged continental tour. This deprived her of the home to which she had been so long accustomed, and her father having bequeathed her but a comparatively small allowance during her minority, she retired to the then unknown watering place, Brighton, where there was a small house belonging to the family, and resided there until she became of age. When that period arrived, she returned to London, her younger sisters living with her. On arriving in London, Mrs. Piozzi was welcomed by her daughters with every affection, which existed until her death, but the family was never again re-united. This lady and James Boswell were everlasting subjects for the satire of Dr. Walcot, better known under the soubriquet of Peter Pindar, as “Bozzy and Pozzy."

The dutiful attentions of her children were not, however, appreciated by Mrs. Piozzi, as she left her property to a nephew of her husband, a foreigner, whom she adopted, and procured to be naturalised, with the honour of knighthood, and permission to assume the surname of Salusbury, of Brimbella, in the Vale of Clwyd.

In 1808, Miss Thrale became the second wife of Admiral George Keith Elphinstone, who, by his brilliant exploits during the French war, had been created successively Baron and Viscount Keith, and being a personal friend of the Royal Family, the Viscountess immediately took the highest position in fashionable circles, which she maintained until her widowhood, in 1820, and had the honour of being one of the foundresses of the most exclusive assembly in the

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world-"Almack's," to which, by the way, the late Duke of Wellington was once refused admittance after the prescribed hour, receiving in reply to the excuse that he had been detained by a debate in the House of Lords, a notice, “that the second branch of the legislature must adjourn earlier on their nights." Between the metropolis and Tullialau, in Clackmannanshire, her time was nearly equally divided; but a large portion of it at either place was engaged in works of private and unostentatious charity, herself visiting the recipients of her bounty whenever possible, and frequently incognita a practice continued nearly to her death. After the death of Lord Keith, in 1820, she resided chiefly in London, and in comparative retirement, receiving only her oldest and most intimate friends, and devoting much of her time to continuing her benevolent acts, and to religious duties.


DIED at Knowle-park, Sevenoaks, in Kent, on the 13th of March, in his 85th year, the Right Hon. William Pitt Amherst, Earl Amherst, of Arracan, in the East Indies, Viscount Holmesdale, of Holmesdale, and Baron Amherst, of Montreal, both in the county of Kent.

This deceased peer was intimately connected with Indian politics, having been accredited, in 1816, as extraordinary ambassador to China, and subsequently having filled the high position of Governor General of India.

The same intractability towards foreigners on the part of the Chinese, as characterised the former embassy of Lord Macartney, led also to the failure of that of Lord Amherst. It was, perhaps, unfortunate that the same individual should have been selected in both instances to receive the ambassador. Soun-Tchjoun-Kau met Lord Macartney, in 1794, at Jekhe, and again, when prime miuister, Lord Amherst, twenty-two years afterwards. After reaching Pekin, he returned to Canton without accomplishing any of the objects of his mission, refusing to submit more to the Chinese Emperor than he would have done to any other crowned head. On the voyage to England his lordship and suite had a narrow escape, the Alceste, Captain Murray, afterwards Sir Murray Maxwell, having been wrecked upon a reef off one of the small islands in the Indian Archipelago. The vessel in which they re-embarked touching at St. Helena, as usual, his lordship visited Napoleon Buonaparte upon several occasions.

Subsequently, his lordship was appointed to the important post of Governor-General of India, and by the plans adopted under his rule, the foundation of much of the present prosperity of that country was laid. Upon his return he received the thanks of the proprietors; and as a reward for his services, he was raised, in 1826, by his late Majesty George the Fourth, to the dignities of Earl and Viscount in the United Kingdom.

The deceased peer was the son of Lieutenant-General William Amherst, and succeeded to the title of his uncle, Lieutenant-General Amherst, who was raised to the peerage in 1776 for his eminent services in North America, when in chief command of the British forces. He was twice married, singularly in each case to a Dowager Countess of Plymouth, by the first of whom he had a family; the eldest son, late Viscount Holmesdale, succeeds to the family honours and estates. Since the second marriage, in 1839, his lordship interfered very little in public affairs, but devoted his time to improving the condition of his poorer tenantry, who will seriously feel his loss.


On the 8th April, died at his seat, Bothwell Castle, upon the Clyde, James Douglas, Baron Douglas, fourth and last surviving son of Archibald, first Lord Douglas in the peerage of Great Britain, created in 1796, and the Lady Francis Scott, sister of Henry, third Duke of Buccleugh. He suc ceeded his brother Charles, fourth baron, on the 10th of

September, 1848, and having been born on the 9th of July, 1787, had consequently nearly completed the 70th year of his age.

The deceased peer being in holy orders, lived in compara. tive retirement, rarely attending in his place in Parliament, but confining himself chiefly to the improvement of his estates. They are estimated at the value of about £40,000 per annum, add as he had no issue by Wilhemina, second daughter of the late Hon. James Murray, whom he married on the 18th May, 1813, they descend to his niece, Countess Home, wife of the Earl of Home, daughter of his only sister, Lady Montagu, widow of James, Lord Montagu, of Baughton.

The Countess of Home was married in 1832, and is the mother of a large family, the eldest of whom is Lord Douglas, and his father, the Earl of Home, is one of the representative peers of Scotland. The estates enjoyed by the late peer were the subject of a celebrated litigation in 1761, which has heen scarcely equalled in later times, even by the Berkeley and Townsend peerages, in romantic results. The suit lasted eight years, having been carried to the House of Lords, and was between the then Duke of Hamilton and the father of the subject of the foregoing notice, but was popularly known by the name of the "Great Douglas case." The last Duke of Douglas dying without direct issue in 1761, the guardians of his nephew, Archibald Stewart, claimed the estates, both real and personal, as being nephew, and next of kin; while the guardians of the Duke of Hamilton disputed his title on account of illegitimacy, and claimed the property for their ward, as being next heir male. The evidence adduced by the former was, that his mother, Lady Jane Douglas, sister to the late Duke, in 1746, privately married Mr., afterward Sir John, Stewart, of Grandtully, she being then 48 years of age. After the marriage they resided on the continent, chiefly in France, until the close of 1749, when they took up their abode in London, accompanied by twin boys, who were stated to have been born in Paris, in July, 1748. The younger of these died in May, 1783, and in the November following, Lady Stewart died also. The survivor was served heir to the late Duke, after a great mass of evidence as to the above facts, had been produced before a jury, but what was not sufficient to satisfy the guardians of the Duke of Hamilton. They accordingly despatched agents to France, who procured a mass of testimony to prove that Lady Stewart was not the mother of the children, and that they were the children of two poor French families named. To rebut this statement witnesses were brought forward who had been acquainted personally with Lady Stewart, and others who were actually present at the birth of the children. After a most cautions and minute examination of the proofs, the judges of the Court of Session in Scotland proceeded to give judgment on the 7th July 1767, and as each judge delivered his opinions seriatim, eight days elapsed before the final decision was arrived at. Seven judges were in favour of pronouncing Archibald Stewart legitimate, and seven on the contrary, including the Lord President, who had the casting vote, against his legitimacy, by which the claimant was declared not to be entitled to the property. The case, however, was taken to the House of Lords, in which, after most elaborate arguments, this decision was reversed, and Archibald Stewart or Douglas being declared to be really the son of Lady Jane Stewart, was put in possession of the estates. The Dukedom did not descend with the estates, but their owner was raised to the Peerage by George II., with the title of Bardon Douglas, which we presume again becomes extinct.

Bothwell Castle, in the vale of the Clyde, is remarkable for its rural beauty, and the general magnificence of the landscape. It is near the site of the battle of Bothwell, and is associated with other historic reminiscences of the district. The family estates are chiefly, however, in the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, and they possess only a very limited quantity of land around Bothwell Castle. The estates in the Upper Ward are very extensive, and are susceptible of great improvements.


JUNE, 1857.


THE growth of tropical produce has been attended with inhuman evils, and the advantages of the cotton and the sugar trades to mankind, have been greatly neutralised by the means employed to conduct them. The same means were once used in the cultivation of lands in temperate climates; but for a long period slavery has been confined to tropical regions, with the exception of Russia and some parts of the Austrian empire. In both it is serfship and not slavery-a distinction of ex• tremely little importance to the unhappy subjects of the curse. The serfs, in all parts of the Austrian dominions have lately obtained great improvements in their circumstances, and the domestic institution dies gradually out. The Russian serfs are in a more hopeless and miserable condition, and serious work has to be got through before they obtain freedom. Their number is far greater than that of all the slaves in tropical countries. The latter are an unimportant race when contrasted with the millions of Russian serfs. It is ever a strange matter that the latter excite little sympathy in central and southern Europe, although they exist within a thousand miles of our shores. We never have a Russian "Uncle Tom's Cabin," although materials abound; and we have no societies formed at home to emancipate the "men and brothers," who are bought and sold like the producers of tallow, from the Baltic to the Caspian, if not to the Pacific.

The abundance of serfs in Russia keeps the price low. A short time since some gentlemen of Odessa endeavoured to form a railway company, to link their port on to the general system of Russian railways. The government declined to guarantee a line for commercial purposes, as only their military roads were to be lined with rails, at the cost of persons in Britain and France, more endowed with wealth than wisdom, The local enterprise of Odessa was left, therefore, to its own


resources; and the landed proprietary of the surrounding provinces determined to assist in the construction of a line that might have some influence upon the value of their productions. They wanted money, but they have land and serfs, and they mortgaged both, for the serfs cannot be sold from the soil, except by a circuitous process. The lenders took these serfs as security for nearly twenty pounds each, and thus the price of a Russian peasant, even in the provinces of the Euxine, appears to be no more than a tithe of the value attached to an American negro on the Mississippi.

The Russian land and serf owner can license his serfs to labour for their own benefit in any part of the Russian dominions, upon the payment of an annual rent for their bodies and souls; and for those of each member of their families. The law permits but does not recognise these arrangements. The serf may pay regularly, but the owner can resume his immediate superiority at his pleasure, with all the accumulations of the serf's success in life. The latter cannot emigrate. Nobody can emigrate from Russia without permission from the government. Thus the empire is a large prison, in which three-fourths of the people are confined for the benefit of the remaining fourth. A population of from forty to fifty millions of individuals are subjected to this mode of slavery, and yet they have made few efforts to emancipate themselves. The Russian system employs religion in a complete and masterly manner, for Satan is "master of his art," to subdue the human heart. The planters of the southern states have only recently endeavoured to inculcate bondage as a rule of faith. Their ef fort is an imitation of Russian wiles, and will not be equally successful. Even the wars of the empire, which have drawn so many serfs beyond the frontiers, and necessarily allowed them to see a su perior mode of life to their own, have done little


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