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without political fostering than an extension of the suffrage at the last election. Even the Conservative candidates regarded it only as a question of education and of time; while a majority of the Liberal members, so great as to form, we believe, a majority of the Commons, are pledged to some extension.

Many of them will stop short at Mr. Locke King's bill for counties, where that gentleman we believe has no desire himself to stop. This measure is a bare act of justice to the rural population, and to the townsmen and villagers who vote in counties. The Premier objected to it upon the ground that a distinction had always existed between the borough and the county franchise; but even if the assertion be correct, which would in our opinion be found on close examination to be inaccurate, the country is not bound to continue a bad custom because it is an old custom. Sin is not like wine, that it should improve by age. The dwellers in burghs have no good claim to privileges which are denied to the inhabitants of counties. The feudal times are gone and past, and this wreck of the feudal system should go with them. It has no foundation in reason, and we must abandon in this country all that is unreasonable. The following is supposed to be a correct state of parties :England Boroughs Counties


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Liberals 224 56 2 39 51



Conservatives 111 104

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The Imperial Parliament will assemble on the 30th. Mr. Denison, of Nottinghamshire, will be proposed as speaker, aed will be elected without opposition. He is the brother in law of the present Duke of Portland, who does not hold the politics of his father or of his late and celebrated brother, Lord George Bentinck.

Her Majesty is expected to open Parliament in the second week of May, unless some event occur to prevent that arrangement. The health of the Queen is said to be restored, and that of the young Princess born on the 14th ultt. to be excellent; but the Duchess of Gloucester, the last of the family of George III., the aunt of her Majesty, is in a very dangerous state of health.

Among the new members connected with India, we observe that Colonel Sykes has obtained a seat for Aberdeen, and Acton Ayrton, Esq., for the Tower Hamlets. The losses of Indian gentlemen in the House are headed by Sir J. W. Hogg, who disappears from Parliamentary life. Mr. Layard,

the excavator of Nineveh, and the originator and chairman of the Ottoman Bank, is also out, and his experience will be lost in Oriental affairs. Mr. Kinglake, the author of "Eothen," is elected, and will probably compensate for the withdrawal of Mr. Layard, who might have retained his seat for Aylesbury but for his Chinese vote.

The expulsion of Messrs. Bright and Gibson from Manchester, the defeat of Sir Elkanah Armitage, at Salford, of Mr. Cobden at Huddersfield, the withdrawal of Mr. Laing from Wick, and similar events, expunge nearly the old peace-atany priec party from the Commons.

Mr. Oliphant, the author of some able works on Oriental affairs, was a candidate for the Stirling burghs, too late for the present Parliament, but in time, perhaps, for one to come, on his return, if he return from China, where he has gone as private secretary to the Earl of Elgin.

The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a building for a Free Library in Liverpool, was celebrated last mouth, with more than the usual pomp on similar occasions. They are not numerous certainly, as the building is to be erected at the sole cost of Mr. Brown, one of the members for South Lancashire, whose mercantile eminence is recognised on both sides of the Atlantic. The library will, we understand, cost twenty thousand pounds, and will be worthy of the donor, the town, and the Derby collection in natural history, given by the present Earl of Liverpool, and which will find in the new building appropriate and permanent apartments.


We have no political intelligence since the subsidence of the elections, except what comes from the East. Considerable anxiety is expressed both respecting the Chinese and the Persian wars. The Earl of Elgin has started on his mission to China by the last mail.

The intelligence relating to Sir James Brooke's dealings with the Chinese at Sarawak will not bring upon him the troubles which he experienced from his massacre of the pirates-a measure in which he was found to be justified by the Commission who examined his conduct. The blow struck by him in answer to the ungenerons treachery of the Chinese at Sarawak will probably insure other Eastern settlements from the ruthless proceedings of these barbarians.

The foreign intelligence is comparatively unimportant. The diplomatic dispute of Austria with Sardinia is unsettled; but while it remains, "diplomatic" the public-that is the world—will not concern themselves deeply either in its merits or its demerits.

Among the corners or nooks of the globe that the British people are looking and polishing up Morocco has been forgotten long; and yet the territory of the Moors is within sight of our great "strength," Gibraltar. At length a commercial treaty has been concluded betwen the British and


the Mauritanian empire. The treaty provides liberty to traders which they have not enjoyed in that region for many years, centuries, or some millenniums, never perhaps since the days of the Punic pomp and pride. The Moors have closed themselves up as effectually as the Chinese or the Japanese; not unlike the Arabs, and both are near neighbours of Europeans, although the Moors are geographically the nearer. Ever since their expulsion from Spain the Moors have "sulked," kept people from their shores, and themselves out of the world's ways; yet Mauritania, occupying the north-western shoulder of Africa, with abundant agricultural and mineral resources, should be a thriving land.

The Central American war-Walker and the Free Lances of the States against the natives-proceeds slowly and unfavourably for General Walker, whose hopes of an empire there at present must be as much below zero as anything can be in the tropics. This onslaught of the United States Filibusterers against the Republics of Central America is already debtor to mankind for more than ten thousand lives.

A curious case of poisoning, that interests everybody, and was very like Alum the baker's episode at Hongkong, has occurred at Washington. The new President, Mr. Buchanan, his suite, and a number of legislators and senators of the United States, were for a time residing at the National Hotel there. They all became sick, and very, very sick-sick, and going to die. The troubles of an evil conscience came upon them in that extremity, and they dreamed of a horrid conspiracy by the negro slaves of the hotel to poison the President and all his friends. N.B.-Gentlemen should never take their butlers or their cooks from their slave gangs. A short shrift and a tight rope might have been the only earthly inheritance of those chattels and goods by which the boots were cleaned, and the breakfasts laid, of the President of the great western Republic, when somebody discovered that something was wrong with the drains of the hotel. Upon a close examination they were found to be full of mephitic air-that is, poison in a gaseous state; which, it is believed, poisoned the provisions in the larder, while they in their turn poisoned the President and his followers in the dining room. The house might have been blown up, and the world might have had another gunpowder plot; but the doings underground were discovered in time, and therefore the house has only been closed up preparatory to the drains being reformed of all which the application is, when


men think that they are poisoned, they should inspect their drainage.

Several great railway accidents have occurred in America, but the most terrible has originated in the breaking of an axle of a railway engine, at an unhappy point where the concussion broke a bridge over a canal, sixty feet beneath the level of the rails to the surface of the water, and eighteen feet deeper to the bottom-within two miles of Hamiltou, in Upper Canada. The ice upon the canal was two feet thick at the time, but the engine with the engineer went through like a shot, while the carriages fell in a heap. Seventy persons were on the train-twenty were saved, fifty were lost -and among others, Mr. Zimmerman, the most extensive contractor of railway works in Canada. Two other and serious accidents have occurred in the States; and fears exist that their works are constructed cheaply but weakly; that severe frosts injure the iron, both in the engines and carriages on the ground.

Considerable reinforcements left Portsmouth for China early in the month. The Transit steamer, with a large number of soldiers, was obliged to return to Portsmouth in a sinking state, and happily arrived there without loss of life; but only in time, and too near the water's edge. vessel was unable to convey the House of Peers in time to the celebrated naval review of last year, and the authorities who hazarded the lives of our


gallant soldiers on a leaking streamer, for the long voyage round the Cape to China, are extremely culpable.

They persisted, however, and the 90th Regiment was shipped a second time on the Transit, and a second time that vessel has been obliged to into Corunna. take shelter, in a shattered condition, having put

The ratification of the treaty with Persia is expected from Teheran by the 13th of May, but not earlier. Instructions have reached the commanders, both of the British and Persian armies, to suspend operations. The battle fought on the 8th of February may have irritated the Persians, and thus not facilitate but retard the ratification of the treaty.

The new line of steamers by the Eastern route to Australia has established communication within the promised time of fifty-five days; and the Glasgow company, who have the enterprise in hand, if they be supported by the country, will bring down the time to a few over forty days. One of their steamers, the Oneida, is missing.


The Night Side of London. By J. EWING RIT
CHIE. 1 vol. Pp. 240. Loudon: William

Sadleir, or in the philanthropic Redpath a convict for life, or in the dashing Robson a maniac? If I tell you that respectable old gentleman now coming out of his club is going to inspect a fresh victim, whom some procuress has lured with devilish arts, you will tell me I am uncharitable; or if I point you to that well appointed equipage in the park, and tell you that that fair young girl that sits within has crushed many a young wife's heart, and has sent many a man to the devil before his time, you will tell me that I exaggerate; I do nothing of the kind. If I were to tell what most men know-what every one knows, except those whose business it is to know it, and to seek to reform it, I should be charged with indelicacy, as if truth could be indelicate, and my book suppressed by the Society for the Suppression of Vice-if that abortion exists still. We are choked up with cant; almost everything we believe in is a lie. The prayer of Ajax should be ours,-" Light, more light."

This author repeatedly says that London is the worst city on the face of the earth; or if not the One test setworst, that nothing can be worse. tles the question.

London by itself, without immigration, by the mere difference between its

THE subject is good: the treatment different. The author has written in haste, and without checking his arithmetic. Loudon contains a multitude of evil doing and suffering persons; and a multitude Books of this more who like to hear of them. class, therefore, sell well; and we admit the necessity for such exposures; but any man who is acquainted with London must know that exaggeration is unnecessary in describing its darkness. The truth is black enough for any average taste; yet we do not suppose that the moral condition of London is worse than that of many large towns; Mr. and it is better than the state of others. Ritchie is good enough to be more lenient towards London young men in the higher ranks of life than Mr. Patmore, and we counsel the young vagabonds to be thankful for this indulgence, so far as it goes; yet we consider the following paragraph as births and deaths, increases at the rate of thirty outrageously coloured as anything that we recol. thousand per annum-three hundred thousand lect to have read about London, and we hope for in ten years. Therefore a vast proportion of the Mr. Patmore's sake that he did not go much far-people of London belong to the moral classes of ther. The references to current events are fair society-a much larger proportion than in any illustrations, but Mr. Ritchie must be acquain- similar city of which we possess authentic inforted badly with the history of banking not to know mation. Some persons may allege that sanitary arthat blacker transactions have occurred than those rangements and other circumstances explain this which he enumerates. Did he ever hear of one increase of population;. but, under the natural Nicholas Biddle, his associates, and the United disadvantages of a great city, combined with the States Bank? They were localised in Philadelcare and toil for very long hours which form the phia, and the story is old. Well, has he read relot of London artisans and shopkeepers, it would cent American newspapers, and observed the story not occur in a community who should be described of that other Pennsylvanian banker, who, a few in the language employed loosely and incorrectly weeks since, made off with fifty thousand dollars in this book. The frightful state of large districts in his trunk, leaving four dollars net in the Bank misleads even a careful inquirer who forgets the treasury, to meet everything. The perpetual harp magnitude of London, and the tendency of vice to ing upon a few gigantic swindles becomes stale. obtrude itself on public notice. The following The effort to paint Satan blacker than his natural passage occurs in pages 8 and 9:— aspect will always fail-and the wholesale denunciations of three millions of people because thirtythree thousand, or three hundred thousand, are But miserable villains, is not the way to reform. our extract is forgotten:

be worse.

I do not go so far as Mr. Patmore, and affirm that in the higher ranks of life a young man is obliged to keep a mistress to avoid being laughed at; but I can conceive no city more sunk in licentiousness and rascality than ours. Paris, Hamburgh, and Vienna may be as bad, but they cannot The poor are looked after by the police-visited by the city missionary; their wants and woes are wrought up into newspaper articles, and they live, as it were, in houses of glass. It is true that one half the world does not know how the other half lives; but it is not true in the Whoever has an sense in which it is generally affirmed. idea that a pious baronet, taking the chair at a religious meeting in Exeter-hall, will prove a felon; that that house, eminent in the mercantile and philanthropic world, will sanction the circulation of forged dock warrants; that that ma

Here we have always in our midst

107 burglars; 110 mountebanks; 38 highway robbers; 773 pickpockets; 3,567 sneaksmen, or common thieves; 11 horse stealers: 141 dog stealers; 3 forgers; 28 coiners; 317 utterers of base coin; 141 swindlers; 182 cheats; 343 receivers of stolen goods; 2,768 habitual rioters; 1,205 vagrants; 50 begging letter writers; 86 bearers of begging letters; 6,371 prostitutes-besides 470 not otherwise described, making altogether a total of 16,900 criminals known to the police. These persons are known to make away with £42,000 per annum; the prison population at any particular time is 6,000, costing for the year, £170,000. Our juvenile thieves cost us £300 a-piece.

It is impossible to make anything reasonable out of this table, for which the author, we présume, is not responsible. He should have seen, however, that no distinction exists between cheats and swindlers; that London, it may be feared, contains more than three forgers; that housebreakers nager about to engage in prayer at a meeting of the direc-will certainly become burglars if they have an opportunity; and that this army of criminals are

tors will turn out to be the greatest swindler of modern times ? Who sees a dishonoured suicide in the patriotic


really cheap and reasonable at £42,000 per annum, or less than one shilling per week each-although when they get into prison they require nearly £30 a-year, and juvenile thieves cost £300, whether per annum or per vitam is not said. The following sentences immediately precede the quotation:-" :-"In London one man in every nine belongs to the criminal class." "According to the reports, there were in London 143,000 vagrants admitted in one year into the casual wards of the workhouse." Presuming that the "casual wards" resembled those city casualities visited by the present Lord Mayor, we cannot say that the 143,000 vagrants were by good quarters tempted to repeat their visits. Nevertheless, we have no doubt that the 143,000 vagrants are made up by each vagrant repeating himself or herself very many times; and that 143,000 visitations of probably 1,430 persons are turned into 143,000 separate vagrants.

The assertion that one man in nine belongs to the criminal class is monstrously unjust. After all the figures that are packed in these early pages, the error should have been visible to any arithmetician. It occurs on page 8. Well, at page 2 we are told that there were 2,362,236 persons in Loudon, of whom 1,106,558 were males. They are divided into

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Of the 670,380 unmarried males, 146,449 were under five years, who could not be expected reason. ably to be married; or, we may add, to be criminals. Deducting that number from the aggregate of the male sex, 960,109 remain, of whom every ninth person belongs to the criminal class, or in all 106,678 individuals. Perhaps, including prostitutes, the females are no better; but, being more numerous, London would possess a population of 220,000 criminals over five years of age. How are such blunders committed, and why do they come to be quoted in the London newspapers without correction ?

Mr. Mayhew has produced a mass of what he calls facts, regarding low life in London; but we are not bound to believe in his calculations. Thus, at page 10 Mr. Ritchie writes:-"We have, according to Mr. Mayhew, 2,000 street sellers of green stuff, 4,000 sellers of eatables and drinkables, 1,000 street sellers of stationery, 4,000 street sellers of other articles, whose receipts are three millions sterling, and whose incomes may be put

down at one." Eleven thousand street hawkers of common necessaries clear one million sterling, or £90 per annum each. It is nonsense.

The author reproaches third rate literary men who frequent clubs for discussion in public houses, and they are not likely to advance their views materially in that description of places; yet it is un


necessary to sneer at third rate men, who may become first rate in course of years-certainly not "The number of families in course of drinking. living in one room is estimated as high as 150,000." The meaning of the sentence may be gathered out of the words, but a third rate literary man would call it unintelligible. "Look at that girl all radiant with beauty and smiles,-beautiful even in spite of her long lost virtue, and life of sin." Virtue, absent or present, would not make the girl ugly. She might have been beautiful in spite of her long acquired vice. We have no desire to quote sentences of this kind, and should not have taken the trouble of copying one of them, except as a sort of revenge for "the third and fourth rate literary men," who, the author fears, are the "most braggart, lying, and needy under heaven," and we are very sorry to hear that character of them.

Mr. Ritchie adopts and advocates the temperance principle, and we cordially agree with his remarks on that subject. He describes a number of places of an infamous character, in colours no deeper than nature, yet red as scarlet. He censures Chambers' Journal for bestowing laudation on the arrangements of Highbury Barn and grounds, and we do not clearly see the reason for our sober and staid contemporary's interest in the matter. For dancing, dashing "ne'er-do-wells," it is all very bad, but, of course, for moral people it is worse. We do not allege that such grounds are always frequented by immoral persons. We have been there, and have still a tin token, given in exchange for sixpence on entrance, and currency within for sixpence worth of refreshments, which we did not require. The hour was late. The grounds were good enongh, but one third-to be charitable -one third of the company were no better than they should be, if not worse, and the atmosphere was ruined by fumes of gin and tobacco. It did not seem, in our half-hour's visit, one of those places likely to make the world better. A great difference exists between gas and sunlight, and "Chambers' Journalist," wiser than ourselves, may have adopted a more becoming hour for his visit than we selected.

Mr. Ritchie is, we fear, one of those persons who imagine that advanced politics and sincere rcligion are somehow natural enemies. According to the views that we hold, this is a grave mistake. Why should this author hold forth in the following strong words against the Finsbury radicals?

Come here in the summer time, and the attendance is then numerous, and on a Sunday evening, on the lawn before the

Barn, or in the bowers and alcoves by its side, what vows

have been uttered only to be broken; and what snares have been set for youth, and beauty, and innocence; and how many have come here with gay hearts who have left with them bruised beyond the power of man to heal! Even in this room itself, what changes have been wrought by the magic hand of time! Where are the Finsbury radicalsall beery and chartist, who have dined; the demagogues who duped them, the hopes they cherished, the promises they made? One after another have the bubbles burst,

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have the lenders palpably become shams, have the people woke up to disappointment and despair; and yet the na

more addicted to the social crimes of society than other people-in order that the publication may tion has yet to learn that it only by individual righteous-realise his good intentions.

ness its salvation can be wrought. The dancing instead of speech-making is a sign of the times. Accompanied as it is by less drinking, let us hope it is a favourable sign. Let us judge in the spirit of charity and hope. But let us not be too sangine;--it was during the terrors of the French Di


When the streets ran so red with the blood of the dead,
That they looked like the waves of hell,

that Paris became a city of dancers, and that the art reached
a climax unknown before or since.

What right has the author to assume that the not very elegant expression "beery " applies to the Chartists, or the Finsbury radicals, or to their demagogues? Where are they who, at a former period, heard, and where are they who spoke Finsbury politics? Many are in their graves. The living are employed as they were employed before in the advocacy of what they consider right, as far as they have opportunity, and supporting their views with their votes at elections, when they are required. Nobody thought of proposing a candidate of any but radical opinions for Finsbury in March last; and yet Islington is the largest district of Finsbury; and of London, in another place; Mr. Ritchie writes:

London is several cities rolled up into one. If we walk along Regent-street, it is a city of gorgeous shops-if you turn into the West, of parks and palaces-if you traverse St. Giles's, of gin and dirt-again, in Belgravia, it is rich and grand-in Pimlico, it is poor and pretentious-in Russell-square, it is well-to-do-in Islington, it is plain and pious; and, strange as it may seem, the people are equally localised.

Islington, in our opinion, towards the north, is the finest portion of London in scenery, and her Majesty resides in Pimlico, we believe in the parish of St. Martin's in-the-Fields, but these matters have nothing to do with our quotation. If a Con servative or a mere Whig could have succeeded in Finsbury, last March was the time, when three radicals contended for one seat-since Mr. Dun. combe's was perfectly secure-and it is not wise to designate the plain, pious people of Islington" as "beery," although many of them are Chartists or Radicals.

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The interior of the nurseries of vice in London and elsewhere need exposition. The world requires to know its own evils before a systematic effort can be made for their removal. In that work, however, we must not exaggerate, or write as if, because "a judge and jury abomination," and "The Cave of Harmony" may have between them three hundred visitors nightly, therefore the male population of London patronise these corruptions.

The drinking habits of that, and of all other large towns, form the prominent bars to general happiness and prosperity. We do not understand how any political reformer in carnest can close his eyes to their peruicious influences, and therefore each exposure of their extent is useful. The author of this volume should amend its statistics, and recollect that Radicals are not

My Battle in Life. The Autobiography of a
Phrenologist. By DAVID GEO. GOYDER, F.R.S.,
London Simpkin Marshall, and Co. 1 vol.,
pp. 600.

THIS amusing and interesting volume is profusely illustrated with portraits, not to be met with everywhere, or perhaps anywhere else. Some of them are provoking enough. It is hard for us to be told not only in words, but to see it engraven and put on paper, that this benevolence of ours which we have been nursing for many years at some charges, is nothing more than the protuberance to be seen on the head of Tim, the Newfoudland dog. Mr. Goyder tells us in the title page what he is, as a phrenologist; and then the life that he has led for now sixty years. After his school days he began the world as an ivory and bone brush maker, and being badly used, became a lady's page, next a letter press printer, then a schoolmaster, a lecturer, a preacher, and an apothecary.

In these capacities, beginning at Westminster, he went into London, thence to Bristol, to Dublin, to Liverpool, to Preston, to other places in Lancashire, to Hull, Newcastle, Glasgow, Melbourne in England, and Ipswich. His ministrations were in the Swedenborgian church, whose members apparently study economy. At Hall, Mr. Goyder expected to be passing rich with an endowment of forty pounds a year, but the chapel trustees would only allow it to commence when the debt was paid. While prosecuting the work of the ministry in the Swedenborgian church, he added thereunto the duties of medical adviser and dispenser, having studied for that business also. During the 600 pages, we have anecdotes and characteristics of half as many different persons, and they are all told with great good nature, implicit faith in phrenology, and the doctrines of Swedenborg. The following seems the worst-natured paragraph in the book, except a description of an Aberdeen minister, nearly and not quite a Swedenborgian


The family of the Martins have been celebrated for their eccentricities-I think the more correct term would be insanity; in one or two instances they displayed talents of a very high order, but they were all obviously insane on some points. The painter's name will live as long as art flourishes, and yet he, too, was insane on some points.

Jonathan Martin, who set fire to York Minster, in 1829, was obviously insane. After being interrogated by the magistrate, who committed him for trial, he was asked if he had anything to say? and he replied, in a firm tone of voice,"The reason I set fire to the cathedral was on account of two particular dreams. In the first dream, I dreamed that a man stood by me with a bow and a sheath of arrows. He shot an arrow, and the arrow struck the minster door. I then wished to shoot, and the man presented me with a bow, and I took an arrow from the sheath, and shot, and it struck

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