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[blocks in formation]

Mine eye seeth thee, 546.
fairy of the, 196.

host of the Garter, zo.
own, do what I will with, 568.
own familiar friend, 580.
own ill-favored thing, 43.
what is yours is, 25.
Mingle mingle mingle, 96.
Minions of the moon, 54
Minister, one fair spirit for my, 475-
the patient must, 98.
to a mind diseased, 98.
Ministering angel, 447.
Ministers of grace, 104.

of love, 433-

Minnows, Triton of the, 75.
Minor pants for twenty-one, 288.
Mint and anise, 569.

Minute, Cynthia of this, 277-
Minutes, damned, 128.
Miracle, accept a, 268.
Mirror, in that just, 265.

to a gaping age, 526.

truest, of an honest wife, 400.
up to nature, 112.

Mirth and fun grew fast, 386.
and innocence, 484.
can into folly glide, 450.
displaced the, 95.
in funeral, 101.
limit of becoming, 29.
of its December, 509.
string, attuned to, 507.
wisdom with, 347-
Mischief, it means, 113.
Miserable comforters are ye all,

no other medicine, 23.
sinners, mercy upon us, 578.
to be weak is, 171.
Miseries, in shallows and in, 87.
Miser's pensioner, 420.

treasure, 196.

Misery acquaints a man, 18.

child of, 373-

had worn him, 80.

he gave to, all he had, 335-
poets in their, 405.

steeped to the lips in, 533-

Misery's darkest cavern, 318.
Misfortune made the throne, 257,


Misfortune's book, So.

Misfortunes, bear another's, 297.
of mankind, 358.

Misled by fancy's meteor-ray, 388.
Miss the mark, 381.
Mist is dispelled, 301.

of years, 469.
Mistress of herself, 278.

Mistress, such, such Nan, 7.
Misty mountain-tops, 80.
Mixed reason with pleasure, 347.
Mixture of earth's mould, 195.
Mixtures of more happy days, 484,
Moan of doves, 521.

Moat defensive to a house, 52.
Mob of gentlemen, 289.
Mock a broken charm, 432.

at sin, fools make a, 553.
the air with idle state, 330.
the meat it feeds on, 128.
Mocked himself, as if he, 83.
Mockery king of snow, 53.
of woe, 296.
unreal, hence, 95.
Mocking the air, 51.
Mocks me with the view, 342.
Model of the barren earth, 53.
Moderate haste, one with, 103.
Moderation is the silken string,

Modes of faith, 273.

Modest front of this small floor,

innocence away, 317.
men are dumb, 392.

pride and coy submission, 182.
Modesty, bounds of, 80.

's a candle to thy merit, 314.
of nature, 112.

pure and vestal, 80.
Moles and to the bats, 562.
Moment, give to God each, 315.
some awful, 419.
Momentary bliss, 328.
Moments make the year, 267.
Monarch, love could teach a, 336.

of all I survey, 369.

of mountains, 483.
of the vine, 131.
scandalous and poor, 234.
the throned, 37-
Monarchies, mightiest, 175.
Monarchs, change perplexes, 172.
seldom sigh in vain, 447.
Monarchy, trappings of a, 321.
Monastic brotherhood, 423.
Money in thy purse, 125.

much, as 't will bring, 216.
of fools, 151.
still get, 145.

the love of, the root of all evil,

Mongrel puppy whelp, 349.
Monie a blunder free us, 386.
Monk, the devil would be, 6.
Monster, faultless, 235.
green-eyed, 128.
London, 167.

[blocks in formation]

little, 102.

Months that have not an R, 587.
Monument, patience on a, 47.
Monumental pomp of age, 414.
Monuments, hung up for, 68.
shall last, 265.

Mood, blessed, 406.
listening, 448.
melting, 131.
of the lyre, 459-

that sweet, 417.
Moody madness, 328.
Moon, auld, in her arms, 598.
bay the, 87.

by yonder blessed, 78.
close by the, 179.
glimpses of the, 105.
had filled her horn, 261.
inconstant, 78.

is an arrant thief, 81.
looks on many brooks, 454-
made of green cheese, 608.
minions of the, 54.
mortals call the, 494-
one revolving, 223.
pale-faced, 55-

rolls through the dark-blue
depths, 426.

shine at full, or no, 217.
silent as the, 193.
sits arbitress, 173.
swear not by the, 78.

takes up the wondrous tale,

that monthly changes, 78.
this fair, 183.
wandering, 203.

Moon's unclouded grandeur, 493.
Moonbeams play, 461.
Moonlight shade, 296.

sleeps upon this bank, 38.
Moons wasted, nine, 123.
Moon-struck madness, 190.
Moor, lady married to the, 418.
Moping melancholy, 190.
Moral evil and of good, 417.
philosophy makes men grave,

sufficiency to be so, 28.
to point a, 317.

Morality expires, 292.

is perplexed, 355.

Moralized his song, 287.

Morals which Milton held, 413.
Mordre wol out, 4.

More blessed to give, 572.
in sorrow than in anger, 102.
is meant than meets the ear,

knave than fool, 16.

matter with less art, 108.
safe I sing, 186.
sinn'd against, 120.
sum of, 39.

sure than day, 435.
than a crime, 394-
than kin, 101.

than painting can express, 257.
than soldier, 453-

than the Pope of Rome, 214.
the merrier, 608.
things in heaven, 107.

Morn and liquid dew, 103.
blushing like the, 188.
breath of, 183.
dawning of, 442.
eyelids of the, 199.
her rosy steps, 184.
in russet mantle, ior.
incense-breathing, 332.
laughs the, 331.
meek-eyed, 308.
of toil, 448.

on the Indian steep, 195.

risen on mid-noon, 185, 425.
to noon he fell, 173-

tresses like the, 198.
with rosy hand, 186.

Morning dew, like the, 439.
fair came forth, 192.
light of the, 463.

like the spirit of a youth, 132.

lowers, 250.

of the times, 520.

pleasant in thy, 388.
shows the day, 192.

sow thy seed, in the, 560.
star of memory, 478.
star, stay the, 433-

stars sang together, 545.
wings of the, 551.
womb of the, 11.

wore to evening, 521.

Morning-drum beat, 463.

[blocks in formation]

Moth, desire of the, 495.
Mother Earth, 409.

happy with such a, 521.
in Israel, 541.
is a mother still, 433-
loving to my, 101.
man before your, 370.
meets on high, 426.
of all living, 540.

of arts and eloquence, 192.

of devotion, 228.

of dews, 308.

of invention, 258.

of safety, 355.

the holiest thing alive, 433-
who'd give her booby, 302.
Mother-wit, 608.

Moths, maidens like, 468.
Motion and a spirit, 407.

in our proper, 174
like an angel, 38.
of a hidden fire, 438.
of a muscle. 401.
sensible warm, 24.
Motionless as ice, 411.

torrents, 433.
Motions of his spirit, 38.
Motley's the only wear, 40.
Mould, ethereal, 174-

mixture of earth's, 195.
of form, 112.

Moulded out of faults, 25.

Morrow, good night till it be, Moulder piecemeal, 478.


rainy, 135.

thought for the, 567.

Mortal coil, shuffled off this, 110.

frame, 295, 432.

he raised a. 221.

hopes defeated, 408.
instruments, 83.

men think all men, 262.

resting-place, 474.

Mouldering urn, 359.
Moulding Sheridan, 482.
Moulds a tear, 400.

Mount Abora, singing of, 434-
Mount Casius old, 176,

Mountain in its azure hue, 439-

[blocks in formation]

Mountains, bind him to his na- | Murder, midnight, 331.

tive, 343

Greenland's icy, 461.
high, are a feeling, 472.
interpos'd, 361.

look on Marathon, 488.
Mounted in delight, 405.
Mounting in hot haste, 471.
Mourn, lacks time to, 515.

who thinks must, 241.
Mourned by man, 408.

the loved and, 473.
Mournful midnight hours, 534-
numbers, 530.

rustling in the dark, 534-
truth, this, 318.
Mourning, house of, 558.
oil of joy for, 564-
Mournings for the dead, 533-
Mourns the dead, he, 262.

her worshipper, mute Nature,

[blocks in formation]

with open, 51..

which hath the deeper, 65.
Mouth-filling oath, 57.
Mouth-honour breath, 97.
Mouths a sentence, 357.

enemy in their, 127.
familiar in their, 64.
of babes and sucklings, 546.
of wisest censure, 126.
without hands, 224.
Moving, push on keep, 394.
Mown grass, rain upon the, 549.
Much goods laid up, 570.

something too, of this, 113.
too much, 57.

Mud, sun reflecting upon the, 139.
Muddy ill-seeming, 44-
Muled drums are beating, 530.
Multiplied visions, 565.
Multiplieth words, 545-

Multitude call the afternoon, 31.
is always wrong, 232.
many-headed, 289.
of counsellors, 553-
of sins, 577.
swinish, 354-

Multitudes in the valley, 565.
Multitudinous seas, 93.

[blocks in formation]

on nature, 440.

meditate the thankless, 199.
worst-natured, 234.

Music be the food of love, 46.
breathing from her face, 479.
ceasing of exquisite, 532.
discourse most eloquent, 114.
dwells lingering, 416.
hath charms, 256.
heavenly maid, 339.
his very foot has, 372.
in my heart, 411.
in the beauty, 161.
in the nightingale, 19.
instinct with, 403.
man that hath no, 38.
merry when I hear sweet, 38.
night shall be filled with, 532.
of her face, 161.

of humanity, 406.
of the union, 508.
of those village bells, 364.
slumbers in the shell, 399.
some to church repair for, 281.
sphere-descended maid, 339.
sweeter than their own, 418.
that would charm, 410.
the sea-maid's, 33-

to attending ears, softest, 78.
vocal spark, 403.
waste their, 333-

when soft voices die, 495.
with its voluptuous swell, 471.
with the enamel'd stones, 19.
Music's golden tongue, 498.
Musical as is Apollo's lute, 31, 197.
most melancholy, 203.
Musing in his sullen mind, 10.
on companions, 446.

the fire burned, while, 547.
Muskets so contrive it, 381.
Must helpless man, 317.

I thus leave thee, 190.

[blocks in formation]

Name is Norval, 341.
lights without a, 157.
local habitation and a, 34.
magic of a, 439-

mark the marble with his, 279-
no one can speak, 427.
of action, 111.
of Crispian, 64.
of the Lord, 70.
of the slough, 231.
Phoebus what a, 467.
rose by any other, 77.
to every fixed star, 29.
unmusical, 75.
waft thy, 466.
well spelt, 490.

what's in a, 77-
whistling of a, 275.

Named thee but to praise, 529.
Nameless unremembered acts, 406.
Names, few immortal, 528.
forget men's, 49.

he loved to hear, 535.
of all the gods, 83.
twenty more such, 44.

which never were, 44-

Naps, old John, of Greece, 44
Narcissa's last words, 277.
Narrow human wit, 280.
isthmus, 452.

Nathan said to David, 542.
Nation, ballads of a, 236.
corner-stone of a, 532.
exalted by righteousness, 553-
laws of a, 236.

noble and puissant, 208.
of gallant men, 353-
of shop-keepers, 593.
preserved us a, 491.

small one a strong, 564.
Nation's eyes, history in a, 334-
Nations, but two, 219.

cheap defence of, 353.
drop of a bucket, 563.
fierce contending, 252.
make enemies of, 361.
Niobe of, 474-

Native and to the manner born,

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