State Library INDEX TO THE DOCUMENTS OF THE HOUSE. Documents not numbered-arranged first-{ Election Sermon. Rules and Orders. Adjutant General, Report of office expenses of, No. 8 Appleton, William, and others, Memorial of, v. " Boston." 82 Ashland, Town of, v. " Unionville." Bank Commissioners, Report on expediency of establishing a Board of, 100 Bank Oficers, Bill concerning larceny by, and persons employed in banks, (v. also, Senate, No. 30,) 69 Bellingham, Town of, Report on Representative election in, Board of Education, 9th Annual Report of, - 1 Boston, City of, Bill relating to the laying out, altering, &c., high- ways, streets, &c., in, 42 Bill to change the time of assessing taxes in, 46 Amendment to above bill, - 77 Memorial of Wm. Appleton, and others, relating to 58 Bill for supplying, with pure water, (v. also, Senate, 59 Boston Wharf Co., Statement of, relating to the extension of their Boston and Providence Rail-road Corp., Bill to increase the capital stock of, &c., - 14 |