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ture than the crime of the South. It is only when you become aggressive that I feel bound to resist you. Why should I have any prejudice! My honored father, whose remains I followed to the grave in the fall of 1839, was himself a slaveholder, and my earliest recollections are associated with what you call an institution.

And finally, Mr. President, I would inquire where is all this to end? Are the vitals of the Republic to be incessantly lascerated? Is there to be no moderation, no regard to plighted faith-no sence of justice-who is hereafter to stay the raging elements of sectional strifeClay, Calhoun, Webster, Woodbury, all are gone, and few seem disposed to interpose and say to I have sometimes thought, Mr. President, the surging elements, "peace, be still." I have that the North is in danger of being sold out, often wished during the progress of this disand that we are to be reduced to servitude. I cussion that HENRY CLAY were living and prescan hardly believe we are in much danger. It ent to participate in it. He would have opproper however for me to give full notice that posed to this measure a stern and uncomproif such an unhappy fate is before us I intend to mising resistance. I deeply deplore his absence. reserve to myself one liberty-that of choosing If he were here this day with his erect form, my own master, and I say now he shall be some animated countenance, flashing eyes, and fervid high-toned Southerh gentleman, and not a accents-he would make these arches ring with Northern dough face, who would sell his birth- his remonstrances against the folly, nay the right for a mess of pottage. I have ever un-madness of your course. Sir! I have done, I derstood that Northern men who go South and wash my hands of all responsibilty for the conturn slave owners, or slave drivers uniformerly sequences of this measure. prove the most relentless and cruelof mastersHeaven deliver me from such bondage!



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