Cornaro, who was the author of the little treatise I am mentioning, was of an infirm constitution, till about forty, when by obstinately persisting in an exact course of temperance, he recovered a perfect state of health ; insomuch that at fourscore he... Select British Classics - Page 1121803Full view - About this book
| 1729 - 332 pages
...publifhed his Book, which has been translated into Englifli under the Title of Sure and certain MerboAs of attaining a long and Healthy Life. He lived to give a jdot 4th Edition ofir, and after having paffed his handredth Year, died without Pain or Agony, and... | |
| 1739 - 336 pages
...of Health ; infomuch that at fourfcore he publifhed his Book, which has been tranflated into Englijh under the Title of Sure and certain Methods of attaining a long and healthy Life. He lived to give a 3d or 41)1 Edition of it, and after having pafled his hundredth Year, died without Pain or Agony, and... | |
| Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - English essays - 1753 - 346 pages
...fourfcore he published his Book, which .has been tranflated into Engli/b under the Title of Surg end certain Methods of attaining a long and healthy Life. He lived to givea 3d or 4th Edition of it, andafterhaving paffed his hundredth Year, died without Pain or Agony,... | |
| Luigi Cornaro - Health - 1768 - 300 pages ; infomuch that at fourfcore " he publifhed his book, which has been ** tranflated into Englijh under the title of, ** Sure and certain methods of...long " and healthy life. He lived to give a " third or fourth edition of it, and after " having pafled his hundreth year, died ** without pain or agony,... | |
| Historical mirror - 1776 - 306 pages
...At fourfeore, he publifhed his book, which has fince been tranflated into Englift, Wider the t'rtle of Sure and certain Methods of attaining a long and...third and fourth edition of it ; and, after having paffed his hundredth year, died without pain or agony, and like one who falls aflecp. The tt.eatrfe... | |
| 1778 - 350 pages
...of health ; infomuch that at fourfcore he publifhed his book, which has been tranflated into Englifh under the title of" Sure " and certain methods of...a third and fourth edition of it, and after having pafled his hundredth year, died without pain or agony, and like one who falls afleep. The treadle I... | |
| 1794 - 450 pages
...who was the author of the little treatise I am mentioning, was of an infirm constitution, until about forty, when by obstinately persisting in an exact...recovered a perfect state of health; insomuch that at four score he published his book, which has been translated into English under the title of " Sure... | |
| Mark Noble - Great Britain - 1806 - 446 pages
...persisting in an exact course of temperance, " he " he recovered a perfect state of health; inso" much, that at fourscore he published his book, •' which...under " the title of ' Sure and certain Methods of at" ' taining a long and healthy Life.5 He lived to " give a third or fourth edition of it; and having... | |
| Sir John Sinclair - Hygiene - 1806 - 512 pages ; infomuch, that at fourfcore he publifh" ed his book, which has been tranflated into Englifh under the title of, '' Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthy fife. He lived to " give a third or fourth edition of it, and after having pafled his hundredth -'... | |
| Mark Noble - 1806 - 454 pages
...was the author of the little trea" tise I am mentioning, was of an infirm consti" tution till about forty* when, by obstinately '' persisting in. an exact course of temperance, " he APPENDIX TO THE KE1GN OF ASS. " he recovered a perfect state of health; inso" much, that at fourscore... | |
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