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a cry, that none but their acquaintance are able to

guess at their profession; for who else can know, ' that "work if I had it," should be the signification of a corn cutter?

Forasmuch therefore as persons of this rank are ' seldom men of genius or capacity, I think it would ' be very proper, that some man of good sense and ' sound judgment should preside over these public ' cries, who should permit none to lift up their voices

in our streets, that have not tunable throats, and ' are not only able to overcome the noise of the ' crowd, and the rattling of coaches, but also to vend ' their respective merchandises in apt phrases, and in ' the most distinct and agreeable sounds. I do there' fore humbly recommend myself as a person rightly ' qualified for this post; and if I meet with fitting ' encouragement, shall communicate some other ' projects, which I have by me, that may no less ' conduce to the emolument of the public.

I am, Sir, &c.



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ABSENCE of lovers, death in love, Number 241. How to

be made easy, ibid.

Abstinence, the benefits of it, N. 195.

Accompts, their great usefulness, N. 174.

Acosta, his answer to Limborch touching the multiplicity of
ceremonies in the Jewish religion, N. 213.

Action, a threefold division of our actions, N. 213. No right
judgment to be made of them, 174.

Admiration, one of the most pleasing passions, N. 237.
Adversity, no evil in itself, N. 237.

Advertisement from Mr. Sly the haberdasher, N. 187. About
the lottery-ticket, 191.

Ambition, by what to be measured, N. 188. Many times as
hurtful to the princes who are led by it as the people, 200.
Most men subject to it, 219, 224. Of use when rightly
directed, 219.

Annihilation, by whom desired, N. 210. The most abject of
wishes, ibid.

Apes, what women so called, and described, N. 244.
Apollo's temple on the top of Leucate, by whom frequented,
and for what purpose, N. 223.

Apothecary, his employment, N. 195.
Appetites, sooner moved than the passions, N. 228.
Argument, rules for the management of one, N. 197. Argu-
mentum Basilinum, what, 239. Socrates, his way of ar-
guing, ibid. In what manner managed by states and com-
munities, ibid.

Argus, his qualifications and employments under Juno. N. 250.

Aristænetus, his letters, some account of them, N. 238.
Aristotle, the inventor of syllogism, N. 239.

Atheists great zealots, N. 185, and bigots, ibid. Their opi-
nions downright nonsense, ibid.


BAUDY houses frequented by wise men, not out of wan-
tonness but stratagem, N. 190.

Beggars, Sir Andrew Freeport's opinion of them, N. 232.
Boileau censured, and for what, N. 209.

Butts: the adventure of a Butt on the water, N. 175.


CAPRICE often acts in the place of reason, N. 191.
Castilian. The story of a Castilian husband and his wife, N.

Charles the Great, his behaviour to his secretary, who had de-
bauched his daughter, N. 181.

Children, the unnaturalness in mothers of making them suck a
stranger's milk, N. 246.

Chinese, the punishment among them for parricide, N. 189.
Christian religion, the clear proof of its articles, and excel-
lency of its doctrines, N. 186, 213.

Club. The She Romp Club, N. 217. Methods observed by
that club, ibid.

Club-law, a convincing argument, N. 239.

Coffee-house disputes, N. 197.

Comfort, what, and where found, N. 196.

Conquests, the vanity of them, N. 180.

Constancy in sufferings, the excellency of it, N. 237.

Cordeliers, their story of St. Francis their founder, N. 245.
Cornaro, Lewis, a remarkable instance of the benefit of tem-

perance, N. 195.

Coverly, Sir Roger de, a dispute between him and Sir An-

drew Freeport, N. 174.

Cowards naturally impudent, N. 231.

Credulity in women infamous, N. 190.

Cries of London require some regulation, Ν. 251.
Cunning, the accomplishment of whom, N. 225.

Curiosity, one of the strongest and most lasting of our appe-
tites, N. 237.

Cynæas, Pyrrhus's chief minister, his handsome reproof to
that prince, Ν. 180.


DEBAUCHEE, his pleasure is that of a destroyer, N. 199.
Dedications, the absurdity of them in general, N. 188.
Devotion: a man is distinguished from brutes by devotion more
than by reason, N. 201. The errors into which it often
leads us, ibid. The notions the most refined among the
heathens had of it, N. 207. Socrates's model of devotions,

Discontent, to what often owing, N. 214.
Discretion an under-agent of providence, N. 225. Dintin-
guished from cunning, ibid.

Distinction, the desire of it implanted in our nature, and why,

Ν. 224.

Doctor in Moorfields, his contrivance, N. 193.
Dorigny, Monsieur, his piece of the transfiguration excellent
in it's kind, Ν. 226.

Drinking, a rule prescribed for it, N. 195.

Dutch, their saying of a man that happens to break, N. 174.


EDUCATION, the benefits of a good one, and necessity
of it, N. 215. The first thing to be taken care of in edu-
cation, 224.

Eginhart, secretary to Charles the Great, his adventure and
marriage with that Emperor's daughter, N. 181.

Enthusiasm, the misery of it, N. 201.
Epictetus, his allusion on human life, N. 219.
Epitaph of a charitable man, N. 177.

Erasmus insulted by a parcel of Trojans, N. 239.

Estates generally purchased by the slower part of mankind,

Ν. 222.

Eugenius, appropriates a tenth part of his estate to charitable
uses, N. 177.

Evremont, St. his endeavours to paliate the Roman supersti-
tions, N. 213.

Exercise, the most effectual physic, N. 195.
Expences, oftener proportioned to our expectations than pos-

sessions, N. 191.

Eyes, a dissertation on them, N. 250.


FABLE: of the antiquity of fables, N. 183. Fable of
Pleasure and Pain, ibid.

Face, a good one a letter of recommendation, N. 221.
Fame divided into three different species, N. 218. -

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