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genius are to be found, the fortunes of our descendants are wound up with their success." As an example of the influence that may be expected from these institutes, we shall here give our readers one instance which has occurred but a few years back.

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At the time when the Commissioners of Irish National Education opened their Model School in Marlborough-st. for the education of the working classes in the evening, there attended a young man named Dunne, whose occupation was that of an ordinary day laborer. His anxiety to raise himself from this position manifested itself by his perseverance and assiduity in the acquirement of knowledge after the close of each day's work, so much so, that he enlisted the attention, and we may` write, the admiration, of the Resident Commissioner, The Right Honourable Alexander Macdonnell (who is ever anxious to assist in raising the condition of those whose merit entitles them to it). Dunne, feeling this, continued to persevere, till in a short time he acquired knowledge sufficient to qualify him to take charge of a Village National School, to which he was appointed teacher by the Commissioners. This school is situated in Stillorgan, a village a few miles beyond Dublin, on the east side. After remaining at Stillorgan for some time, and discharging his duties with satisfaction to the Patron, justice to the pupils, and credit to himself, he emigrated to Australia, where he is now earning £300 per annum by school keeping. It would be a great injustice to this exemplary young man, were we to omit to mention, that since fortune favored him in a foreign land, he has sent several remittances to his family, amounting in all to about £90, and by means of which they were enabled to join him, and share in the justly earned fruits of his noble industry.

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Here is an instance of the great good that can be effected" by continuous education. It may be urged that this is a very singular case, and we are far from denying that it is. We do not want all labourers or mechanics to become schoolmasters, but we want to raise their social condition as far as circumstances will permit.

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Now, in addition to what we have already written on the management of Mechanics' Institutes, we would suggest the following plan for adoption, as it strikes us to be be a most powerful means to stimulate the young mechanic

to perseverance, and create in his bosom a spirit of emulation. The plan we allude to is that each member be solicited to bring to the institute a specimen of the craft in which he is engaged, and at stated intervals that those specimens should be submitted to the inspection of competent judges, and premiums awarded to the successful competitors. Good results would certainly arise from this plan if once carried into effect, but in no case should any specimen be exhibited except by a member of the institute. Viewed in any light it will be seen that these institutes would be calculated to improve the character of the working classes, and conduce to their social welfare. An institute such as this we earnestly hope to see opened for the young mechanics and artizans of Dublin. But, instead of this, what have we?

An Institution bearing the title Mechanics', a title which it can in no degree of justice claim. It is an assembly house for the middle classes, as may easily be discovered by any person visiting the Reading Room attached to it. The visitor will see there an assemblage of men of middle age, filling positions in society from which they derive incomes of some hundreds a year, while he is struck with the almost entire absence of the working mechanic or youthful apprentice. We admit that both one and the other are eligible to the institute, and we also admit the desirability of having an institute open to all classes; but we see the almost total impossibility of having men" with the honorable stain of labor on their hands and brows" intermix with fashionably attired gentlemen to whom daily toil is only known by name. It would unquestionably be a great advantage to have the employer and the employed assemble in the same institute; in fact, this is a system we would encourage, still, it was not designed by the originators of Mechanics' Institutes. No; these institutes were intended to benefit mechanics or men depending on their weekly earnings, and such only should be eligible thereto. That the so called Dublin Mechanics' Institute is not an educational institute, all acquainted with its character must admit, but that the common object of the gentlemen comprising its board is to render it so, no person can deny. Yet we cannot see how this object can be accomplished till the spirit of religious hostility and party feeling on both sides shall have passed away, and indeed we res gret to observe that such has pervaded, and continues to pervade its management at the present moment. Much credit, no doubt,

is due to certain well meaning and influential gentlemen for their untiring efforts to suppress and eradicate from the institution. those agents of its destruction, and which if allowed to continue, will render it inevitable. But if it is to succeed its success we fear must be attributed to the support of the middle ranks, who, we have just grounds to believe, are its main supporters at present.

The classes of this institute are at tended by persons who should be made to seek instruction in other places more suited to their positions. We advert to this feature of its management because we are aware of the injustice done to the children of mechanics or workmen, who would be only too glad to send them to learn the subjects taught in many of the classes. But if the Dublin Mechanics' Institute were what its name imports, men of superior circumstances and high positions would not be allowed to join it for the purpose of having a "cheap read," and that their children might be taught accomplishments at a "cheap rate." To certain gentlemen connected with it we accord the praise that is justly due to them for the active and zealous part they have taken to reconcile its members on more than one occasion; yet we cannot but observe, and at the same time regret, that there are still connected with the Institution certain individuals who, it would appear, glory in disseminating discord and party feeling among those of the working classes who attend it. It is a subject of regret, as we have already observed, that such an Institute should be converted at times into an arena of party politics and religious bigotry. We are not now censuring any section, we are merely stating what we, and thousands of others, know to be the shameful fact. We know that the Mechanics' Institute of Dublin was originated, fostered and brought to a high position. by some of the most benevolent and influential of our fellow citizens; that its board was composed of, and its affairs conducted by many who had but one object in view,-the welfare of the Mechanics. But unfortunately these gentlemen allowed some turbulent, disaffected individuals to steal in amongst them, who in the end drove the original founders out, and made the Institute designed for the good of the poor, at scene of politics and party spirit, a forum of debate for halffledged orators, instead of a school of science for the working man. It is unnecessary for us to state how rejoiced we shall be when we hear of harmony and good will existing among the

members of this institution, and that discord and religious hostility shall be heard of no more. Its directors well know that facts speak more forcibly than speeches, however eloquent; knowing this it would be perhaps wise to prevent many of those would-be party leaders from delivering addresses calculated to create ill and envious feelings among the unwary and credulous. portion of the members; for, to say the least of some of the meetings that have lately taken place in this institution, they were anything but creditable. Let us hope that we shall never witness such again. We shall now pass from it, and in doing so, wish that some steps may be taken to entitle it to the name it at present holds. If such be done there is no doubt that the number on Rolls in the English class will far exceed that given in the Directors' Report for last year, which we believe was THIRTY-SEVEN.

In a preceding part of this paper we stated that we did not desire Institutions devoted solely to the education of Protestants or Roman Catholics, but one for the benefit of all classes, without reference to any creed or sect. It is evident that an institute like this would be really National: to render it so we would strongly recommend that it should be placed under the Commissioners of Irish National Education: we care not what may be the objections urged against this, for our part we hold it it to be the only way by which such institutes can be rendered successful. Experience has strengthened us in this view, and we could, if space permitted, adduce many cogent reasons for entertaining this opinion. Our readers well know that the National System is the only system suited to Ireland, and this time itself has sufficiently proved. Could the Commissioners bé induced to give the matter their consideration, and open for the working classes of Dublin a Model National Mechanics' Institute, such as we have endeavoured to describe, there is no doubt it would be attended with the most signal success, if committed to proper managers and Trained Teachers. With the Commissioners are the confidence and well wishes of the vast majority of the Irish people. These they have justly earned, for till their appointinent knowledge was as a sealed casket to the Irish poor, and there is every reason to believe it would continue so till this day, did not the Legislature extend its powerful arm and burst the seal. There never has been a greater boon conferred upon any country than National Education has proved to Ireland; and it affords us

more thau ordinary satisfaction to see such men as Sir John Pakington come forth to urge a similar system for England.

In closing our paper we would have our readers to bear in mind, that the grounds on which we urge the opening of Mechanics' Institutes are exactly those on which our Viceroy, the Earl of Carlisle, urged their encouragement and support, namely to raise the toiling masses of our countrymen above the range of sordid cares and low desires to enliven the weary toil and drudgery of life with the countless graces of literature, and the sparkling play of fancy, to clothe the lessons of duty and of prudence in the most instructive as well as the most inviting forms-to throw open to eves, dull and bleared with the irksome monotony of their daily task-work, the rich resources and bountiful prodigalities of nature,-to dignify the present with the lessons of the past and the visions of the future-to make the artizans of our crowded workshops, and the inhabitants of our most sequestered villages, alive to all that is going on in the big universe around them, and amidst all the startling and repelling distinctions of our country, to place all upon the equal domain of intellect and of genius."

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