LIEUT.-COL. P. L. MACDOUGALL, SUPERINTENDENT OF STUDIES AT THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, & ROBERTS. HARVARD COLLEGE NOV 5 1917 LIBRARY Bright fund LONDON: Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & CO. New-street Square. TO THE YOUNG OFFICERS OF THE BRITISH ARMY, IN ADMIRATION OF THEIR COURAGE AND CONSTANCY, AND IN THE HOPE THAT THEY MAY BE INDUCED TO STUDY THE PRINCIPLES OF THAT PROFESSION WHICH THEY HAVE SO NOBLY ILLUSTRATED BY THOSE QUALITIES, This Book is Dedicated BY A BROTHER OFFICER. PREFACE. In the following pages I have endeavoured to render the study of the rules, which have been framed on the campaigns of the great masters of the art of war, easy and interesting not only to the young soldier, but also to the general reader. A perfect knowledge of the principles which it is the object of this book to explain, and of their correct application in theory, may easily be acquired by any person of average intellect. Their correct application in practice belongs to a great commander alone. All instruction in the details of the different branches of the military art, should be based on those principles, and be subordinate to them; they afford a sure test by which to |