The Theory of War: Illustrated by Numerous Examples from Military History |
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Adige advanced guard advantage Alvinzi apply Principle Archduke artillery Austrian army Austrian right Balaklava battalions battle of Prague besiege Bevern Bohemia bridge campaign cavalry centre columns command communication corps Courbe covered crossed crown 8vo Danube Daun decisive point defeated defenders defile detached distance divisions echellon Edition Elbe enable enemy enemy's entrenched exposed favour fire flank march formed fortress fractions Frederick French army front frontier ground guns infantry interior lines invading Kollin Kray left bank left flank left wing Legnago line of retreat lines of operation manœuvre Mantua Marlborough Maxim Mehaigne miles military Moldau Moravia Moreau Napoleon nature oblique order occupied officer opposed passage Peninsular war Pirna Porus possession Post 8vo Prague Prince Charles protected Prussian rear reinforce retire Rhine right bank right wing river Saint Cyr Sainte Suzanne Saxony Schwerin Sebastopol siege soldiers superior theatre tion troops Turenne Verona village vols whole force Woodcuts
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