INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FIRST CONGRESS. Amendments, resolution respecting amendments 55 84 Arrears of pay, resolution requesting the President made in committee (See Constitution.) Answer to the President's Speech reply thereto Appropriation, bill making appropriations for the service of the present year passed SECOND SESSION. Accounts between the United States and the indi- vidual States, a bill for the settlement of passed with amendments committee of conference appointed report of the committee Acts, records, &c., a bill to prescribe the mode in passed Address of the President at the opening of the Constitution, committee appointed to report a mode report of the committee consideration of the report resolution providing that a copy of the Con- 34 35 negatived resolution received from the House, pro- more consideration thereof postponed passed Consuls, and Vice Consuls, a bill concerning postponed to next session 36 Crimes, a bill for the punishment of certain crimes reported . 990 991 Duties, a bill making provision for the collection ordered to third reading again considered passed 1013, 1015 the payment of duties on wines, received 1776 1016 passed 1777 report of the committee agreed to 980 Indians, a bill for holding a treaty or treaties, to 992 amendments agreed to establish peace with certain Indian tribes 959 993 passed 18 for organizing the a bill to establish the Judicial Courts of the recommitted passed a bill to regulate processes in the courts of the United States ordered to be engrossed all the amendments of the House except the first, concurred in committee of conference on the amendment disagreed to their report House concur in the amendment a bill for allowing certain compensation to the Judges of the Supreme and other courts, passed resolution recommending the State Legisla-' concurred in message of the President making nominations States courts SECOND SESSION. Judiciary, committee appointed to bring in a bill amendments concurred iu 975 |