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vendor, or exhibitor thereof caused or procured the same to be so placed or affixed.

§ 645. Endangering life by placing explosive near building. A person, who places in, upon, under, against, or near to, any building, car, vessel or structure, gunpowder or any other explosive substance, with intent to destroy, throw down, or injure the whole or any part thereof, under such circumstances, that, if the intent were accomplished, human life or safety would be endangered thereby, although no damage is done, is guilty of a felony. See §§ 201, 636, supra.

§ 646. Malicious injury to standing crops..-A person, who maliciously injures or destroys any standing crops, grain, cultivated fruits, or vegetables, the property of another, in any case for which punishment is not otherwise prescribed by this Code or by some other statute, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

See § 610, supra.

§ 647. Willful injury to works of art, etc.—A person, who not being the owner thereof, and without lawful authority, willfully injures, disfigures, removes, or destroys a gravestone, monument, work of art, or useful or ornamental improvement, or any shade tree or ornamental plant, whether situated upon private ground or upon a street, road or sidewalk, cemetery, or public park or place, or removes from any grave in a cemetery any flowers, memorials or other tokens of affection, or other thing connected with them, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 648. Malicious injury to articles in museum, etc. -A person, who maliciously cuts, tears, defaces, disfigures, soils, obliterates, breaks or destroys, a book, map, chart, picture, engraving, statue, coin, model, apparatus, specimen, or other work of literature or object of art, or curiosity, deposited in a public library, gallery,

museum, collection, fair, or exhibition, is punishable by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than three years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

2, § 649. Destroying or delay of election returns. A messenger appointed by authority of law to receive and carry a report, certificate or certified copy of any statement relating to the result of any election, who willfully mutilates, tears, defaces, obliterates or destroys the same, or does any other act which prevents the delivery of it as required by law; and a person who takes away from such messenger any such report, certificate or certified copy, with intent to prevent its delivery, or who willfully does any injury or other act in this section specified, is punishable by imprisonment in a state prison not exceeding five years, and not less than two years.

§ 650. Injury to property in house of worship, felony. A person, who willfully and without anthority, breaks, defaces or otherwise injures any house of religious worship, or any part thereof, or any appurtenance thereto, or any book, “furniture, ornament, musical instrument, article of silver or plated ware, or other chattel kept therein for use in connection with religious worship, is guilty of felony.

§ 651. Unlawful interference with gas meter. — A person, who, willfully with intent to injure or defraud, connects a tube, pipe, or other instrument or contrivance, with a pipe used for conducting or supplying illuminating gas, in such a manner as to supply such gas to any burner or orifice, where the same is or can be burned or used, without passing through the meter or instrument provided for registering the quantity consumed; or who obstructs, alters, injures, or prevents the action of a meter or other instrument used to measure or register the quantity of illuminating gas consumed in a house or apartment, or at an orifice or burner, or by a consumer or other person, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 652. Driving vehicle, etc., on sidewalks. — A person who willfully and without authority drives any team, vehicle, cattle, sheep, horse, swine, or other animal along upon a sidewalk is punishable by a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both.

§ 653. Coercion.—A person, who with a view to compel another person to do or to abstain from doing an act which such other person has a legal right to do or to abstain from doing, wrongfully and unlawfully,

1. Uses violence or inflicts injury upon such other person or his family, or a member thereof, or upon his property, or threatens such violence or injury; or

2. Deprives any such person of any tool, implement, or clothing, or hinders him in the use thereof; or

3. Uses or attempts the intimidation of such person by threats or force;

Is guilty of a misdemeanor.

See § 168, sub. 5, supra ; § 673, post.

§ 654. Injury to real or personal property, how punished. A person who unlawfully and willfully de-" stroys or injures any real or personal property of another, in a case where the punishment thereof is not specially prescribed by statute, is punishable as follows:

1. If the value of the property destroyed, or the diminution in the value of the property by the injury is more than twenty-five dollars, by imprisonment for not more than four years;

2. In any other case, by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

3. And in addition to the punishment prescribed therefor, he is liable in treble damages for the injury done, to be recovered in a civil action by the owner of such property, or the public officer having charge thereof.

Personal property. Peo. v. Moody, 5 Park., 568. Killing cow. Peo. v. Smith, 5 Cow., 258. Injury must result to constitute offense. Wait v. Greene, 5 Park., 185.


Cruelty to Animals.

SEC. 655. Overdriving animal; failing to provide proper suste.


656. Abandonment of disabled animal.

657. Failure to provide proper food and drink to impounded


658. Selling or offering to sell or exposing diseased animal. 659. Carrying animal in a cruel manner, a misdemeanor. 660. Animal wantonly poisoned, or attempted to be poisoned, a misdemeanor.

661. Throwing substance injurious to animals in public place, a misdemeanor.

662. Keeping milch cows in unhealthy places and feeding them with food producing unwholesome milk a misdemeanor.

663. Transporting animals for more than 24 consecutive hours a misdemeanor.

664. Setting on foot fights between birds and animals, a misdemeanor.

665. Keeping, etc., a place where animals are fought, a misdemeanor.

666. Running horses on highway, a misdemeanor.

667. Leaving state to elude provisions of this Title.
668. Fines and penalties to be paid over to a society.
669. Definitions.

§ 655. Overdriving animal; failing to provide proper sustenance.-A person who overdrives, overloads, tortures or cruelly beats or unjustifiably injures, maims, mutilates or kills any animal, whether wild or tame, and whether belonging to himself or to another, or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance, food or drink, or neglects or refuses to furnish it such sustenance or drink, or causes, procures or permits any animal to be overdriven, overloaded, tortured, cruelly beaten, or unjustifiably injured, maimed, mutilated or killed, or to be deprived of necessary food or drink, or who willfully sets on foot, instigates, engages in, or in any way furthers any act of cruelty to any animal, or any act tending to produce such cruelty, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

See Code Cr. Proc., § 66. Cruel mode of slaughtering, indictable. Davis v Society, etc 16 Abb. Pr. (N. S.), 73 Servant acting under master's order liable. Peo. v. Tinsdale, 10 Abb. Pr. (N. S.), 374. See Broadway Stage Co. v. Society, etc., 15 Abb. Pr (N. S.), 51; Peo. v. Brunel!, 48 How. Pr., 435. Using dog in

tread-mill. Peo. v. Sr Sess. of N. Y., 4 Hun, 441. See Warren v. Perry, 14 Hun, 337. See Ross' Case, 3 C. H. Rec., 191; Peo. v. Stakes, 1 Wh., 111; Morris' case, 6 C. H. Rec., 62; Lashine's case, 4 C H. Rec., 26, Davis v. Am. Soc., etc.; 75 N. Y., 363. Stage horse eases, 15 Abb. Pr. N. S., 59. Pigeon Shooting, Paine v. Bergh, 1 C. C. R., 160.

§ 656. Abandonment of disabled animal.—A person being the owner or possessor, or having charge or custody of a maimed, diseased, disabled or infirm animal, who abandons such animal, or leaves it to die in a street, road or public place, or who allows it to lie in a public street, road or public place, more than three hours after he receives notice that it is left disabled, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 657. Failure to provide proper food and drink to impounded animal.-A person who having impounded or confined any animal, refuses or neglects to supply to such animal during its confinement a sufficient supply of good and wholesome air, food, shelter and water, is guilty of a misdeameanor.

§ 658. Selling or offering to sell or exposing disabled animal. A person who willfully sells or offers to sell, uses, exposes, or causes or permits to be sold, offered for sale, used or exposed, any horse or other animal having the disease known as glanders or farcy, or other contagious or infectious disease dangerous to the life or health of human beings, or animals, or which is diseased past recovery, or who refuses upon demand to deprive of life an animal affected with any such disease, is guilty of a misdemeanor.


§ 659. Carrying animal in a cruel manner, a misde- A person who carries or causes to be carried in or upon any vessel or vehicle or otherwise, any animal in a cruel or inhuman manner, or so as to produce torture, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

See § 663, post.

§ 660. Animal wantonly poisoned or attempted to be poisoned, a misdemeanor. - A person who unjustifi

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