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such prejudice has really been suffered by the operation of the proviso of which Mr. Everett complains.

That proviso of the Act directs" that the duty imposed thereby shall not be payable upon the exportation of any timber, masts, spars, saw logs, sawed timber, or scantling, which shall have been cut upon the Crown lands under licence from the Governor or Administrator of the Government for the time being, before the Act shall come into operation; nor upon any timber, masts, spars, saw logs, sawed timber, or scantling, cut upon granted logs [lands?] within the province, and actually carried to the port of shipment before this Act shall come into operation, and the duties thereby imposed shall be remitted as thereinafter provided." Now the Undersigned has the honour to explain to Mr. Everett that the intention of the Legislature in passing this Act was confined to the circumstance of the timber trade of the colony, as it existed at the time, of altering the then expensive and difficult mode of collecting the duty imposed by way of revenue on all timber cut on Crown lands within the province; and the Legislature having determined to substitute a small duty on all timber exported therefrom, in lieu of the duty imposed on licences to cut such timber-although the new duty thereby imposed, by including timber cut on private property, would, to a certain extent, bear hard on the owners thereof― the exception contained in the proviso was deemed the least exceptionable mode for carrying into effect the new measure contemplated.

The object the Legislature had in view was to exempt all timber which, before the passing of the Act, had paid duty to the Crown under licence granted to cut the same, and also all timber that had been cut on private lands which should be taken to the place of shipment before the time appointed for the Act to go into operation.

So far as respects the payment of duty on timber cut on private property, nineteen-twentieths, or more, of the inhabitants of the province, as the Undersigned is informed, were, from their locality, as much without benefiting from the exception as American citizens inhabiting that part of the late disputed territory which fell, by the Treaty of Washington, within the American territory; and it does not appear that any timber, at least to an amount worthy of consideration, which had been cut within the American part of that territory included within the terms of the Treaty, was within the limits of the province at the time appointed for the Act to go into operation; and subsequently thereto no distinction is made between timber cut on private lands, whether by British subjects or citizens of The United States.

As respects timber cut on public lands within the territory of

The United States, the American Government, by adopting a like mode for disposing thereof to that which has been established in the province of New Brunswick, has the power of placing it on precisely the same footing with timber cut within that province.

The Undersigned trusts that the foregoing explanations will be satisfactory to Mr. Everett and his Government, in answer to the first ground of objection above referred to, as showing that no distinction has, in effect, been made by the Act in question to the prejudice of the timber of The United States; and that British and American timber were exempted in common from the payment of duty at the ports of shipment on the 1st of May.

With respect to the second ground of objection urged by Mr. Everett, to the effect that the imposition of the duty on exportation by the colonial Legislature is intended as a substitute for the dues formerly paid on the cutting of timber on the Crown lands, the Undersigned will simply observe, that if the duty be imposed generally and equally on all timber exported from the province, the fact of the Act being accompanied by a remission of dues formerly paid on timber cut on the Crown lands can be no ground for considering the Act as a contravention of the Treaty.

The Undersigned, &c.

E. Everett, Esq.


(5.)-The United States' Minister in London to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Great Britain.

Grosvenor Place, December 31, 1844.

THE Undersigned, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of The United States of America, has the honour to acknowledge the receipt of a note from the Earl of Aberdeen, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, of the 9th instant, in reply to a note of the Undersigned of the 28th of June last, relative to an Act of the Colonial Legislature of New Brunswick, of the 25th of March last, imposing certain duties on all timber shipped from New Brunswick; and which, as affecting timber grown on those parts of the State of Maine which are watered by the St. John, is deemed by the Government of The United States an infringement of Article III of the Treaty of Washington.

The Undersigned will avail himself of the first opportunity of forwarding this communication to The United States for the inforImation of his Government.

The Earl of Aberdeen.

The Undersigned, &c.


(6.)-The Governor of the State of Maine to the President of The United States.


Augusta, April 12, 1845.

I TRANSMIT, herewith, a copy of a resolve passed by the Legislature of this State at its recent session, relating to an infraction of the Treaty of Washington, alleged to have been committed by the provincial authorities of New Brunswick.

For further information touching this subject, I beg to refer you to the correspondence and papers now on file in the Department of State at Washington.

In obedience to the directions of the Legislature, I also transmit to your Excellency a copy of resolves relating to the claim of this State upon the General Government for remuneration for lands set off to claimants, under the provisions of Article IV of the Treaty of Washington. I have, &c.

H.E. J. K. Polk.


(Inclosure 1.)-Resolves in relation to the Infraction of the Treaty

of Washington.

April 7, 1845.

RESOLVED, That the duty imposed by the existing law of New Brunswick, upon the lumber of Maine floated down the St. John, is a fraudulent evasion of the Treaty of Washington, and a paltry subterfuge, unworthy a powerful nation; that the imposition of any duties whatever, either transit or export, is at war with the obvious import of that Treaty, and an outrage upon Maine.

Resolved, That the Government of The United States should refund any and all sums of money extorted under the existing law of New Brunswick imposing duties on Maine lumber; that it becomes the duty of the Government to protect Maine in the full and complete enjoyment of the rights secured by the Treaty, and to declare to Great Britain that this renewed aggression will not be tolerated.

Resolved, That the Governor of this State is hereby directed to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to the President of The United States.

(Inclosure 2.)-Resolves authorizing the Governor to present to the General Government the claim of Maine for remuneration for Lands set off to Claimants under the provisions of Article IV of the Treaty of Washington.

April 7, 1845.

WHEREAS, by Article IV of the Treaty of Washington, it is provided that "all grants of land heretofore made by either party within the limits of the territory which, by this Treaty, falls within [1860-61. LT.]

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the dominions of the other, shall be held valid, ratified, and confirmed to the persons in possession under such grants, to the same extent as if such territory had by this Treaty fallen within the dominions of the party by whom such grants were made;" by the ratification of which Treaty, by the General Government, it became the duty of Maine and Massachusetts to set off such lands and confirm such grants as clearly come within the provisions of the Article aforesaid: and

Whereas certain resolves were passed by the Legislature, and approved by the Governor of Maine, on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1843, authorizing the appointment of commissioners to locate grants, and determine the extent of possessory claims under the late Treaty with Great Britain; by the report of which Commissioners, made to the Governor and Council, under date of 3rd March, in the year of our Lord 1845, it appeared that 52,300 acres, composing the most valuable portion of the lands in the vicinity of the river St. John, have been set off to claimants, under Article IV of the Treaty aforesaid, for which Maine has received no equivalent or remuneration: and

Whereas the Government of The United States, by the ratification of the Treaty aforesaid, in adopting a line of boundary against which Maine had repeatedly protested by her Legislature, and by her Commissioners at Washington, as "involving the surrender of more territory than the avowed objects of England require; as removing our landmarks from the well-known and well-defined boundary of the Treaty of 1783;" and in undertaking to transfer and surrender, in addition thereto, the ownership of 52,300 acres of valuable territory from its rightful proprietors, to persons claiming under grants from Great Britain, incurred in equity and good faith an obligation to remunerate the States of Maine and Massachusetts for any pecuniary sacrifice they were required to make by authority of said Treaty: therefore,

Resolved: That Maine has a just and equitable claim upon the Government of The United States, for full remuneration for her proportion of all lands set off to claimants under the provisions of Article IV of the Treaty of Washington, and the Governor is hereby authorized and requested to present the same to the general Government for adjustment and allowance.

Resolved: That the Governor is hereby required to transmit a copy of these resolves to the President of The United States.

CORRESPONDENCE of Great Britain, relative to the Slave
Trade, 1860; viz.:


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Threatened attacks on
Abbeokutans by the
King of Dahomey........ 968

April 9 Retreat of army of King
of Dahomey from Yo-
ruba. Occupation of


April 9 Disturbed state of the in-
terior. Proposed de-
putation of merchants 983

May 23 Approving steps taken
for assisting Abbeoku-
tans against King of

May 23 Approving steps taken

to procure peace in
Yoruba country

April 16 Departure of deputation

of merchants to settle
differences in the

May 8 Return of deputation
from Yoruba country





June 21 Approves steps taken to
settle differences be
tween Chiefs of Yoruba 996
May 14 Crime of witchcraft.
Barbarous custom of
putting to death people
accused of.


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