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first published within the States of His Sardinian Majesty after the said day next after the day of publication hereof, have the privilege of copyright therein for a period equal to the term of copyright which authors, inventors, designers, engravers, and makers of the like works respectively, first published in the United Kingdom, are by law entitled to; provided such books, dramatic works, musical compositions, drawings, paintings, sculpture, engravings, lithographs, or other works of literature or the fine arts, shall have been registered, and copies thereof shall have been delivered according to the requirements of the said recited Acts, within 3 months after the first publication thereof in any part of the States of His Sardinian Majesty, or if such work be published in parts, then within 3 months after the publication of the last part thereof;

And it is hereby further ordered, that the authors of dramatic pieces and musical compositions, which shall after the day aforesaid be first publicly represented or performed within the States of His Sardinian Majesty, or their executors, administrators, or assigns, shall have the sole liberty of representing or performing in any part of the British dominions such dramatic pieces or musical compositions, during a period equal to the period during which authors of dramatic pieces and musical compositions, first publicly represented or performed in The United Kingdom, are entitled by law to the sole liberty of representing or performing the same; provided such dramatic pieces or musical compositions have been registered, and copies thereof have been delivered according to the requirements of the said first-recited Act, within 3 months after the time of their being first represented or performed in any part of the States of His Sardinian Majesty ;

And Her Majesty, by and with the advice aforesaid, and by virtue of the authority of the said secondly herein before-recited Act, doth hereby order that the authors of any works published, or of any dramatic pieces first publicly represented in the States of His Sardinian Majesty at any time after the day next after the day of the publication hereof in the "London Gazette," who may choose to reserve the right of translating such works or dramatic pieces, their executors, administrators, and assigns shall, until the expiration of 5 years from the date of the first publication or the translations authorized by them respectively of such works, or from the time at which the translations authorized by them of such dramatic pieces are first published or publicly represented, be entitled, subject to the provisions mentioned in the said last-mentioned Act, to prevent the publication in the British dominions of any translation of such works or dramatic pieces, and the representation therein of any translation of such dramatic pieces not so respectively authorized by them.

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury are to give the necessary directions herein. accordingly.


BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, amending the Order of January 23, 1860,* respecting the Power and Jurisdiction of Her Majesty in Japan.†-London, February 4, 1861.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 4th day of February, 1861. PRESENT,


WHEREAS Her Majesty was pleased, on the 23rd day of January in the year of our Lord 1860, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to issue a certain Order for the exercise of the power and jurisdiction which Her Majesty has in the dominions of the Tycoon of Japan, under and by virtue of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the session of Parliament holden in the 6th and 7th years of the reign of Her Majesty, [cap. 94],‡ intituled "An Act to remove doubts as to the exercise of power and jurisdiction by Her Majesty within divers countries and places out of Her Majesty's dominions, and to render the same more effectual." And whereas it is expedient that the said Order should be amended as hereinafter mentioned. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the above recited Act of Parliament, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

I. The 7th and 8th Articles of the said Order of the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1860, shall be, and the same are hereby revoked and cancelled, save and except as to all Acts, matters, and things done under the said 7th and 8th Articles of the said Order, or either of them, or which may hereafter be done under the same, or either of them, by Her Majesty's Consul-General, or by any Consul, ViceConsul, or Consular Agent in Japan, or by any person duly authorized to act as such, previously to the day next succeeding the day on which this Order shall be received by the Consul-General in Japan.

II. And it is further ordered, that any charge against a British subject for a breach of any rules and regulations other than those relating to the observance of Treaties be heard and determined by

* Vol. L. Page 637.

+"London Gazette" of February 5, 1861. Vol. XXXI. Page 984.


the Consul; and in all cases in which the penalty shall not exceed 200 dollars or one month's imprisonment, the Consul shall hear and determine the charge summarily, without the aid of assessors; but when the penalty attached to a breach of any rules and regulations other than those relating to the observance of Treaties, shall amount to more than 200 dollars, or to imprisonment for more than one month, it shall be obligatory upon the Consul before he shall proceed to hear the charge, to summon two British subjects of good repute, residing within his district, to sit with him as assessors, which assessors shall, however, have no authority to decide on the innocence or guilt of the party accused, or on the amount of fine or imprisonment to be awarded to him on conviction; but it shall rest with the Consul to decide on the guilt or innocence of the party accused, and on the amount of fine or imprisonment to be awarded to him provided always, that in no case shall the penalty to be attached to a breach of rules and regulations other than those for the observance of Treaties, exceed 500 dollars, or three months' imprisonment; and provided further, that in the event of the said assessors, or either of them, dissenting from the conviction of the party accused, or from the penalty of fine or imprisonment awarded to him by the Consul, the Consul shall take a note of such dissent, with the grounds thereof, and shall require good and sufficient security for the appearance of the party convicted at a future time, in order to undergo his sentence, or receive his discharge; and the Consul shall, within 20 days, report his decision, with all the particulars of the case, together with the dissent of the assessors, or either of them, and the grounds thereof, to Her Majesty's Envoy Extraor dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul-General in Japan, who shall have authority to confirm, or vary, or reverse the decision of the Consul as to the said Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul-General may seem fit: provided always, that if an appeal shall be entered against the decision of the Consul, no such report shall be made to Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul-General, on the ground of the dissent of the assessors, or either of them, but the appeal shall be prosecuted in the manner hereinafter ordered.

III. And it is further ordered, that in any question relating to the observance of Treaties, or of rules and regulations for the observance of Treaties, or of rules and regulations other than those for the observance of Treaties, a report of any and every decision made by a subordinate Consular Officer, with or without the aid of assessors, shall be sent in by such subordinate Consular officer to the superior Consular officer of the district, and that on the receipt of such report, the superior Consular officer of such district shall proceed, without assessors, to revise such decision as to him may

seem fit, and such revision shall have, for the purposes of the said recited Order, and of this Order, the same effect as if the case had been originally heard and determined by such superior Consular officer, with or without the aid of assessors: provided always, that in any case in which the assessors, or either of them, shall dissent from a decision of a subordinate Consular officer, such decision shall not be subject to revision by the superior Consular officer, but, in the event of no appeal being entered as aforesaid, shall be submitted to Her Majesty's said Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul-General, for revision, in the same manner as if such decision had been originally made by the superior Consular officer.

IV. Provided always, and it is hereby further ordered, that Her Majesty's said Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul-General shall once at least in every year, report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs his decision on all cases heard and decided by him under and by virtue of this Order, together with the particulars thereof.

V. And it is further ordered, that this Order shall be read and construed with and as part of the said recited Order of the 23rd day of January, in the year of our Lord 1860, which, save as by this Order is otherwise provided, is to remain and continue in full operation and effect in all particulars.

And the Right Honourable Lord John Russell, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.


BRITISH NOTIFICATION of the Sardinian Blockade of Gaeta.*-London, February 6, 1861.

Foreign Office, February 6, 1861.

Ir is hereby notified that the Right Honourable the Lord John Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from his Excellency the Marquis d'Azeglio, the Sardinian Minister in London, the following official communication :

Londres, 23, Park Lane, le 4 Février, 1861. L'escadre de Sa Majesté le Roi ayant avec un nombre suffisant de vaisseaux pour le rendre effectif, établi le blocus de la place de "London Gazette" of February 6, 1861.

Gaëte à partir du 20 Janvier dernier, le Soussigné, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, a l'honneur officiellement d'en informer son Excellence Lord John Russell, Principal Secrétaire d'Etat pour les Affaires Etrangères de Sa Majesté Britannique.

En exécutant à ce sujet les instructions de son Gouvernement, le Soussigné s'empresse de porter en outre à la connaissance de son Excellence que la déclaration du Congrès de Paris, en date du 16 Avril, 1856,* par rapport aux intérêts des Puissances neutres, sera mise en pratique. Le Soussigné, &c.


BRITISH NOTIFICATION of the raising of the Sardinian Blockade of Gaeta.†-London, February 22, 1861.

Foreign Office, February 22, 1861.

WITH reference to the notification, dated the 6th day of February instant, and inserted in the London Gazette of the 8th February instant, on the subject of the blockade of the fortress of Gaeta, it is hereby further notified that the Right Honourable the Lord John Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from the Marquis d'Azeglio, the Sardinian Minister in London, the following official communication:

Londres, 23, Park Lane, le 19 Février, 1861.

La capitulation de Gaëte le 13 courant ayant mis fin au blocus de cette place, notifié officiellement au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique en date du 4 Février, le Soussigné, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté Sarde, a l'honneur, par ordre de son Gouvernement, de porter à la connaissance de son Excellence Lord John Russell, Principal Secrétaire d'Etat pour les Affaires Etrangères de Sa Majesté Britannique, la terminaison de ce blocus, et le prie d'agréer, &c.


* Vol. XLVI. Page 26.
+"London Gazette" of February 22, 1861,

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