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PROCLAMATION (Saxony.) Extradition of Political and Ordinary Criminals.
Extension of Resolutions of German Diet of
18th August, 1836, and 26th January, 1854,
to Dominions of Austria not forming part of
Germanic Confederation.


Dresden, 28th December, 1854. 277

(United States.) Proclamation of President. Calling out

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of Militia, to suppress Com-
binations in certain States

of the Union.

Washington, 15th April, 1861. 268
Blockade of Ports of the Confede-
rates, South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Louisiana,
Mississippi and Texas.

19th April, 1861. 185

Do. Blockade of Ports of Virginia and
North Carolina.

[blocks in formation]

Washington, 27th April, 1861. 269

Prohibition of Commercial Inter-

course with Seceded States.

16th August, 1861. 234


Letters of
Do. (Confederate States.)
............17th April, 1861.
Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia,
Russia, and Turkey. Administration of the
Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia,
Russia and Turkey.


Pera, 9th June, 1861. 287

European Powers.

Armed Intervention of
Restoration of Tran-

quillity in Syria.

Paris, August 1860-May, 1861. 278

Meetings between Commissioners of Great Britain, Austria,

France, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey.
Disturbances in Syria.

Beyrout, October, 1860-May, 1861. 293

PRUSSIA. Correspondence with Great Britain. Affairs of Schleswig and

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[ocr errors]


.1861. 809

with The United States. Civil War in America.
Non-Recognition of the so-called Confederate
States. Maritime Rights in time of War.
Privateering. Neutral Trade1861.

Notification. Against Privateering
Protocol of Conference with Turkey, &c.

[blocks in formation]



Protocols of Meetings between Commissioners of Great Britain,
Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and
Turkey. Disturbances in Syria.

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RAHMING, Mr. Correspondence. Great Britain and United States. Ar-
bitrary Arrest....................1860-1862. 173

RECOGNITION. Correspondence. Great Britain and United States. Pro-

RESOLUTION (Confederate States).

[blocks in formation]

Defining Position of Confederate States
in respect to certain Points of Mari-
time Law ......... 13th August, 1861. 257

RESOLUTIONS, &c. (Germanic Diet.) Demands made on King of Denmark.
Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg.

1858-1861. 799

REUSS-GREITZ and REUSS-SCHLEITZ. Treaty with China, &c. Friend-

ship. Commerce. Navigation.
Tien-Tsin, 2nd September, 1861. 1248

ROME. Correspondence. Expulsion of Pope's Nuncio form Mexico.

January, 1861. 609

ROQUEBRUNE. Decree (France). Promulgation of Treaty with Monaco of

2nd February, 1861. Cession of Men-
tone and Roquebrune to France.

Paris, 13th February, 1861. 673
Cession of Mentone and

Treaty. France and Monaco.
Roquebrune to France.

Paris, 2nd February, 1861. 673


ROYAL PATENT (Danish). Convocation of Provincial States of Holstein.

Christiansborg, 19th February, 1861. 837

RUSSIA. Correspondence with The United States. Civil War in America.

Non-Recognition of the so-called Confederate
States. Maritime Rights in time of War.
Privateering. Neutral Trade.


Declaration. Neutrality during Civil War in United States.
Non-Salute of Ships of Confederate States.


May, 1861. 100

Protocol of Conference with Turkey, &c. Administration of the


Protocols of Conferences with Turkey, &c.

.Pera, 9th June, 1861. 287
Armed Intervention
Restoration of

of European Powers.

Tranquillity in Syria.

Paris, August, 1860-May, 1861. 293

of Meetings between Commissioners of Great Britain,
Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and
Turkey. Disturbances in Syria.
Beyrout, October, 1860-May, 1861.

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Free Navigation of River St.
John, under Article III of Treaty
of 9th August, 1842....1844, 1845. 934

SALT. Declaration. France and Switzerland. Export of Salt.

Paris, 25th March, 1861. 683

Decree (French). Publication of Declaration with Switzerland of

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SALUTES. Declaration (Russian).

[ocr errors]

Paris, 27th March, 1861. 683
Non-Salute of Ships of Confederate
.May, 1861. 100
SARDINIA. Convention with France. Limits. ...Turin, 7th March, 1861. 685
Correspondence with Great Britain. Prosecution by Authori-
ties in Island of Elba of a British Subject
(Mr. G. G. Watson Taylor) for alleged Act
of Sedition. Plunder of Island of Monte
Christo, belonging to Mr. Taylor, by Fol-
lowers of General Garibaldi in British
Steamer" Orwell"
..1860, 1861. 748



SARDINIA. Decree (French). Promulgation of Boundary Convention of 7th

March, 1861....... Paris, 31st March, 1861. 685

Notification. Blockade of Gaeta .... London, 4th February, 186). 527

Raising of Blockade of Gaeta.

London, 6th February, 1861, 527
Sardinian Blockade of Gaeta raised.

London, 19th February, 1861. 528
(British). Sardinian Blockade of Gaeta.


London, 22nd February, 1861. 528
Sardinian Blockade of Citadel of Mes-
sina and Neighbouring Ports; but
not of Commercial Port of that City,
London, 8th March, 1861. 529

Order in Council (British). Privileges of Copyright to Authors,

&c., of Sardinian Works of Lite-

rature and the Fine Arts.

See also ITALY.


London, 4th February, 1861. 523


Treaty with China, &c. Friendship.
Commerce. Navigation.

Tien-Tsin, 2nd September, 1861. 1248

SAXONY. Correspondence with Great Britain. Arrest by Saxon Govern-
ment, of an Hungarian Refugee (Count Téleki);
and his Surrender to Austrian Government.

[blocks in formation]

Decree. Publication of Resolution of German Diet of 18th

August, 1836. Extradition of Political Crimi-
nals, within Territory of Germanic Confederation.

Dresden, 15th October, 1836. 273

Publication of Resolution of German Diet of 26th
January, 1854. Extradition of Criminals within
Territory of Germanic Confederation.

Dresden, 27th February, 1854. 274
Agreement with Austria. Extension of Resolutions of
German Diet of 18th August, 1836, and 26th
January, 1854, to Dominions of Austria which do
not form part of Germanic Confederation.
tradition of Political and Ordinary Criminals.


Dresden, 10th January, 1855. 276

Proclamation. Extradition of Political and Ordinary Crimi-

nals. Extension of Resolutions of German
Diet of 18th August, 1836, and 26th January,
1854, to Dominions of Austria not forming
part of Germanic Confederation.

Dresden, 28th December, 1854. 277

TREATIES &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with

Austria. Agreement. Extradition of Political and

other Criminals.

Dresden, 28th December, 1854. 277

China, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navi-

[blocks in formation]



SCHLESWIG. Correspondence. Great Britain and Denmark, &c. Affairs
of Schleswig and Holstein ...1861. 809
Treaty with China, &c. Friendship.
Commerce. Navigation.




Tien-Tsin, 2nd September, 1861. 1248
Treaty with China, &c. Friendship.
Commerce. Navigation.

Tien. Tsin, 2nd September, 1861. 1248

SICILIES. Correspondence with Great Britain. Renewal of Diplomatic
Relations; and Internal Affairs of Kingdom

[blocks in formation]

Decree. Redemption by Government of Articles pledged by the

Poor in the Mont de Piété.

Capodimonte, 15th June, 1859. 1333

Amnesty to Political Offenders.

Capodimonte, 16th June, 1859. 1331

Removal of Disabilities for Political Offences.

Capodimonte, 16th June, 1859. 1332

Commutation of Criminal Offences.

Capodimonte, 16th June, 1859. 1332

Edict. Permission to Exiles to return to Naples.

Capodimonte, 16th June, 1859. 1336

SIOUX INDIANS. Resolution of United States. Right and Title of Sioux
Indians to Lands on Minnesota River.

27th June. 1860. 499

SLAVE TRADE. Act (United States.) Prohibition of Slave Trade.

[blocks in formation]

Message (United States.) Capture of Slaver " Wildfire,"

off Coast of Cuba.

Washington, 19th May, 1860. 1085

SOUTH CAROLINA. Ordinance. Dissolution of Union with The United States

[blocks in formation]

with Mexico. Expulsion of Spanish Ambassador

from Mexico January, 1861. 609
with United States. Civil War in America. Non-
recognition of the so-called Confederate States.
Maritime Rights in time of War. Privateering.
Neutral Trade..




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