For the adaptation to maritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva conference. Relative to right of capture in naval war.. Concerning neutrals in naval war... Declaration prohibiting the discharge of projectiles from balloons. Oct. 18, 1907 Feb. 28, 1910 Concerning the restriction of the Chinese opium trade. Jan. 23, 1912 Relative to the repression of the circulation of obscene publications. May 4, 1910 April 18, 1911 Convention with Central and South American Republics establishing an International Law Com mission. Convention with certain European, Asiatic and South American nations relating to wireless telegraphy... Treaties with Foreign Nations.-The following list gives the treaties, conventions, agreements and compacts entered into by the United States from 1778 to 1912 and those now in force. *The formation of the German Empire in 1871 by the consolidation of the North German Union, etc., has, in some instances, abrogated the treaties entered into with the independent German governments now embraced in the empire. of foreign power. On exchange of ratifications of the treaty of 1882. † Upon notice May 8, 1848 Feb. 25, 1850 May 18, 1909 Nov. 18, 1864 In force. In force. Terminated.t Superseded. In force. and Brunswick Lunenburg. Canada. Central America.. Chile. Chile. Chile. Chile. Chile. Convention... Respecting the disposition of personal Chile. Treaty. China.. Treaty. China. Treaty. June 18, 1858 Mar. 12, 1900 Regulating postal affairs. Amendment.. Aug. 21, 1854 July 30, 1855 China.. Treaty.. Establishing trade regulations and tariff.. Nov. 8, 1858 Convention.. To establish claims against China.. Nov. 8, 1858 Feb. 5, 1870 China.. China.. Treaty.. Immigration.. Nov. 17, 1880 Treaty.. Commercial intercourse and judicial Nov. 17, 1880 Oct. 5, 1881 Granada).. Colombia (New Convention... Treaty. Extradition of criminals... Feb. 10, 1864 China. China. China. Convention... Regulation of Chinese immigration. Colombia (New Treaty.. Amity, commerce and navigation.... Treaty. Peace, amity, navigation and commerce.. 3, 1824 Mar. 17, 1894 Dec. 8, 1894 Convention... Consular convention... May 4, 1850 Colombia (New Convention... Satisfaction of claims against Colombia... Sept. 10, 1857 Colombia (New Convention... Satisfaction of claims against Colombia... May 31, 1825 Congo Independent Costa Rica. Costa Rica. Amity, commerce and navigation.. Costa Rica. Convention. Arbitration. Costa Rica. Convention.. Naturalization Cuba. Agreement.. Cuba. Lease. Naval and coaling stations in Cuba. Cuba. Cuba. Cuba. Cuba. Cuba. Cuba. Colombia. States... Costa Rica. Treaty. Convention. Convention.. Convention.. To facilitate commercial intercourse.. Supplement to commercial convention.. Convention.. Convention.. Treaty.. Convention... Treaty... Jan. 24, 1891 April 2, 1892 July 21, 1909 Dec. 17, 1903 Dec. 17, 1903 Future relations of U. S. with Cuba.. Supplementary to treaty on future rela tions.. Jan. 20, 1904 July 2, 1904 In force. Satisfied. Satisfied. Satisfied. In force.* In force in so Expired. In force.* Satisfied. In force. In force. Terminated. * In part. t'Acceded to extradition treaty between United States and Prussia. The formation of the German Empire in 1871 by the consolidation of the North German Union, etc., has, in some instances abrogated the treaties entered into with the independent German governments now embraced in the empire. || Upon notice of foreign power. COUNTRIES Character of document Subject of document Signed Proclaimed Denmark...... Convention... Friendship, commerce and navigation.... April 26, 1826 Oct. 14, 1826 Denmark. Convention.. Denmark. Convention.. Satisfaction of claims against Denmark. Discontinuing sound dues. Denmark. Convention. Consular convention. Denmark. Convention. Naturalization. Concerning claims of Carlos Butterfield & Co..... Mar. 28, 1830 April 11, 1857 July 11, 1861 July 20, 1872 Dec. 6, 1888 June 15, 1892 Jan. 6, 1902 Nov. 6, 1905 June 30, 1906 Aug. 15, 1906 May 18, 1908 June 5, 1830 Jan. 13, 1858 Sept. 20, 1861 April 15, 1873 May 24, 1889 Oct. 12, 1892 April 17, 1902 Feb. 19, 1906 Aug. 26, 1910 Sept. 4, 1909 Sept. 23, 1842 Sept. 8, 1864 Nov. 24, 1873 Dec. 24, 1873 Nov. 7, 1894 Dec. 28, 1906 June 23, 1910 May 7, 1885 Sept. 30, 1904 Oct. 21, 1803 Oct. 21, 1803 Oct. 21, 1803 Feb. 12, 1823 July 13, 1832 April 13, 1844 July 24, 1845 Aug. 12, 1853 Feb. 14, 1859 July 6, 1869 June 25, 1880 Dec. 29, 1882 June 25, 1883 June 1, 1898 Aug. 22, 1902 May 9, 1904 Mar. 14, 1908 July 26, 1911 June 1, 1872 May 21, 1890 Feb. 16, 1900 Mar. 8, 1900 Disposition Convention... Collection and application of customs rev enues.. Feb. 8, 1907 Dominican Re public.... Ecuador... Ecuador.. Convention... Extradition.. June 19, 1909 Dutch Guiana. Convention.. Parcels post Aug. 28, 1909 Treaty.. Peace, friendship, navigation and com merce.. Convention.. Satisfaction of claims against Ecuador.. Ecuador. Convention.. Naturalization. Ecuador. Convention. Extradition of criminals. June 13, 1839 Ecuador. Convention. Satisfaction of claims of Julio R. Santos. Feb. 28, 1893 Ecuador. Convention.. Parcels post.. Ecuador.. Convention. Arbitration. Egypt. Agreement.. Regarding commercial affairs. Ethiopia. Treaty.. Commercial relations. Dec. 28, 1906 France.. Treaty. Amity and commerce. Feb. 6, 1778 France. Treaty.. Alliance to carry on the war with Great Feb. 6, 1778 France. Contract. For repayment of war loans.... July 16, 1782 Convention... For new and repayment of old loans. France. Treaty. France. Treaty. France. France. France. Convention.. Peace, commerce and navigation. For the cession of Louisiana.. For payment of purchase of Louisiana.. Sept. 30, 1800 April 30, 1803 April 30, 1803 June 24, 1822 France. Convention.. France. Convention.. Claims and duties on wines and cotton. France. Article. France. Convention. Addition to extradition convention. France. Article. Addition to extradition convention. France. France. Convention. Protection of trade marks. July 4, 1831 Satisfaction of war claims. Jan. 15, 1880 France. Convention.. Extension of term of claim commission July 19, 1882 France. Convention.. Extension of term of claim commission. Feb. 8, 1883 France.. Agreement. Commercial reciprocity. France. Agreement.. France.. Treaty. Additional agreement of reciprocity. France. Treaty. Arbitration. France. Convention... Parcels post. France. Treaty. Extradition. German Empire. Convention... Regulating consular affairs and trade May 28, 1898 Feb. 25, 1783 Abrogated but Disallowed. Terminated.* Terminated. In force. Terminated.* Abrogated, 1798. Abrogated, Expired by In force. In force. In force. German Empiret General act... Neutrality and autonomous government June 14, 1889 In force. In force. German Empiret Convention... Amicable adjustment of jurisdiction in Samoa. German Empiret Convention... Settlement of Samoan claims by arbitration. German Empire. Agreement.... Regarding commercial affairs. * Upon notice of foreign power. † Great Britain also a party. Dec. 2, 1899 Nov. 7, 1899 Annulled by justment of In force. Oct. 18, 1899 Mar. 22, 1902 Feb. 22, 1903 Aug. 9, 1904 Jan. 7, 1909 Aug. 26, 1910 May 20, 1840 June 10, 1846 Jan. 18, 1855 Nov. 6, 1861 Dec. 20, 1827 In force. In force. In force. In force. In force. Superseded. Terminated. Terminated. Terminated. June 4, 1828 April 30, 1852 Superseded. Superseded. Superseded. Dec. 20, 1849 Jan. 13, 1897 Jan. 30, 1904 Aug. 1, 1904 Nov. 10, 1905 May 17, 1906 Jan. 30, 1875 Dec. 6, 1884 Mar. 26, 1844 Aug. 1, 1868 July 4, 1864 June 23, 1908 Jan. 15, 1909 Nov. 21, 1903 Jan. 30, 1912 Feb. 8, 1868 Mar. 23, 1868 Jan. 21, 1869 Jan. 21, 1869 Feb. 26, 1871 May 8, 1878 Feb. 24, 1881 June 1, 1882 June 11, 1884 June 16, 1908 Mar. 28, 1908 April 24, 1909 Mar. 31, 1854 June 17, 1857 July 29, 1858 June 25, 1866 July 25, 1878 April 29, 1886 Nov. 22, 1894 Terminated. In force. In force.¡ Terminated. May 19, 1908 In force. May 19, 1908 May 5, 1908 Feb. 21, 1911 Feb. 21, 1911 May 22, 1882 July 11, 1854 In force. In force. In force. In force. In force. In force. Haiti. Treaty. Naturalization Haiti Treaty Naturalization, supplementary Haiti Treaty. Extradition. Haiti Convention. Arbitration. Haiti. Convention.. Parcels post. Hanover. Treaty. Commerce and navigation. Hanover. Treaty Commerce and navigation. Hanover. Treaty. Extradition of criminals. Hanover. Convention.. Abolishing State dues.. Hanseatic Re public*. Convention... Friendship, commerce and navigation.... Mar. 24, 1904 Hanseatic Re public Convention... Relating to arrest of deserters... Hanseatic Re public* Convention.. Consular. June 2, 1828 Hawaiian Islands Treaty.. Friendship, commerce, extradition and Hawaiian Islands Treaty. Commercial reciprocity. Hawaiian Islands Treaty. Additional reciprocity. Hesse.. Convention. Abolishing taxes and emigration.. Hesse.. Convention. Naturalization. Honduras. Treaty. Honduras. Convention. Friendship, commerce and navigation. Honduras. Convention. Extradition.. Hong Kong. Convention. Parcels post. Hungary. Convention.. Copyright. Italy. Convention. Consular. Italy Convention.. Extradition of criminals. Italy Convention. Consular. Italy Convention. Italy Treaty. Additional to extradition convention, 1868. Italy Convention. Consular. Italy Italy Convention. Supplemental to consular convention, 1878. Italy. Convention.. Additional to extradition convention, 1868. Italy Convention.. Parcels post. Italy Convention.. Arbitration. Italy Proclamation.. Reciprocity. Japan. Treaty. Peace, amity and commerce. Japan. Treaty Commercial and consular. Japan. Treaty Commerce and navigation. Japan. Convention. Establishing tariff of duties. Japan. Convention. Relating to commercial affairs. Japan. Treaty. Extradition of fugitives from justice. Japan. Treaty. Commerce and navigation. Japan. Convention. Patents, trade marks and designs. Japan. Convention.. Parcels post. Japan. Convention.. Copyright. Japan. Convention. Extradition supplementary. Nov. 9, 1850 Oct. 15, 1912 Jan. 25, 1909 June 22, 1855 April 8, 1879 May 17, 1906 Japan Convention.. Reciprocal protection of inventions, de signs, trade-marks and copyrights in Aug. 11, 1908 Japan. Convention... Reciprocal protection of inventions, de- Japan.. Convention... Arbitration. Japan. Treaty.. Commerce and navigation. Japan. Protocol.. Provisional tariff arrangement.. Korea.. Treaty. Peace, amity, commerce and navigation. Lew Chew.. Compact. Friendship and commerce.. Aug. 11, 1908 * Bremen, Hamburg and Lubeck. |