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1.16. Continue centralization of hardware, software and support resources to realize greater gains in managing support activities and taking advantage of economies of scale





[FY 03, 04 goal]

Strategic Management Objective 2 - Maximize Opportunities to Improve Customer
Satisfaction Levels

Distribute PSC comment cards and evaluate monthly and conduct a PSC-wide customer satisfaction survey annually (1) This has been revised to include the PSC comment cards. [FY 02, 03, 04 goal]

Customer Service Training --Train employees to level of performance that customer satisfaction is achieved the first time [FY 03, 04 goal]

Provide customers with on-line invoicing and on-line viewing of bills that provide customers with an accurate, clear, and concise detailing of service provided, with drilldown capability [FY 03, 04 goal]

Assure Quality of Care - Improve Customer/Patient Satisfaction. Improve total customer satisfaction among Federal agencies served (15) [FY 02, 03 goal]

Core Goal II. - Financial Resource Management







Strategic Management Objective 3 - Improve PSC Financial Performance and Assure
Budget and Performance Integration

Achieve Unqualified (clean) Audit Opinions for the PSC and Its Customers (17-22)
[FY 02, 03, 04 goal]

Reduce PSC and Customer Material Weaknesses (MW) or Reportable Conditions (RC) (23-28) [FY 02, 03, 04 goal]

Implement automated costing model to allow proper alignment of fully burdened costs to
the proper product/service and integration of product costs to the budget [FY 03, 04

Review and negotiate 85% indirect cost rate proposals within six months of receipt (29) [FY 02 goal]

Exceed the OMB objective of 95% of vendor invoices paid on time (31) [FY 02 goal]

Refer delinquent debts to the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) within required time frame (32) [FY 02 goal]


Reduce erroneous payments to recipients of Government funds (16) [FY 02 goal]


Implement Results Oriented Management -- Create performance contracts for all PSC supervisors and managers that tie their performance to the PSC strategic plan [FY 03 goal]

Core Goal III. - Business Strategy and Innovation








Strategic Management Objective 4 - Optimize E-Gov Opportunities and Ensure
Competitive Sourcing Compliance

Partner with other Federal agencies to provide services [FY 03, 04 goal]

Increase non-waivered electronic disbursements (30) [FY 02 goal]

Expand on-line procurements and E-government services; post all synopses over $25K on Governmentwide Web site (38) [FY 02 goal]

Payment management - increase number of recipient organizations reporting
electronically (39) [FY 02 goal]

Implement Human Resources automation tools [FY 03, 04 goal]

Replace present Legacy Human Resources System with a state-of-the-art
HR system (40) [FY 02, 03, 04 goal]

Develop and implement a three-year competitive sourcing plan and complete competitive sourcing studies for commercial activities of the PSC according to OMB goals and based on the PSC FAIR inventory for FY 00 (36) [FY 02, 03, 04 goal]

Core Goal IV. - Employee Management and Development







Strategic Management Objective 5 - Managing Human Capital Strategically

Implement workforce strategies and systems to recruit and retain [FY 03, 04 goal]

Achieve overall increase in employee satisfaction PSC-wide (43) [FY 02 goal]

Cross-train/re-train PSC staff to accommodate those impacted by outsourcing,
consolidation or restructuring [FY 03, 04 goal]

Exceed the OPM timeliness requirement of 80% of payroll separation processing actions to OPM within 30 days (4) [FY 02 goal]

Position classification services: develop 95% of position descriptions, evaluation
statements and supporting documents within 2-10 work days (routine actions) (5)
[FY 02 goal]

Personnel staffing services: Prepare 90% of vacancy announcements within 2-3 working days upon receipt of the classified position description (6) [FY 02 goal]




Executive recruitment: 90% of vacancy announcements will be completed 2-10
work days upon receipt of classified position description (7) [FY 02 goal]

Personnel processing services: 90% of pay documents will be processed within the pay period (unless the last Friday) (8) [FY 02 goal]

95% of all commissioned corps on-line applicants to be personally contacted, oriented, and educated on the Corps within 3 working days and given access to entire application (9) [FY 02 goal]

5.10. 95% of all commissioned corps applicants will be issued orders within 5 working days after hiring agency issues a form PHS-1662 (10) [FY 02 goal]

5.11. Delayer and streamline PSC; decrease supervisor to employee ratio (42) [FY 02 goal]

5.12. Reduce incidents of workplace violence, thefts, and threats to Federal

property (44) [FY 02 goal]

Budget Linkage

By its very nature, the PSC is a performance-driven organization. The budget of the PSC is approved by the HHS Service and Supply Fund Board of Directors comprised of senior managers of HHS customer organizations. The PSC prepares its budgets based upon a projected business base, and collects revenue based upon actual performance of services and goods. The PSC develops a budget and closely tracks revenues and expenditures in an effort to maintain a break-even position. The PSC expenditures grow or contract based upon fluctuations in demand for services. Services are provided in four broad business areas: human resources, including civil service and commissioned corps; financial management; administrative operations; and, Federal occupational health. Performance measures have been developed for the major products and services offered by the PSC. The following chart shows the PSC Services with each total budget and the GPRA goals associated with each organization for FY 04; all Services contribute to the crosscutting goals.

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PART II. Measure-by-Measure Performance


The PSC subscribes to the theory that you "can't manage what you can't measure." Measuring our progress and performance is an essential part of our strategic visioning and planning process. The FY 03 and FY 04 performance goals and targets are directly linked to the strategic management objectives and the core goals. Although we are moving toward a PSC-wide approach to our GPRA performance goals, each of the PSC Services has goals and targets that mirror and complement the overall PSC goals, whether or not they appear in the GPRA Plan, and all employees' performance plans will reflect the goals and objectives.

Successful accomplishment of these goals and objectives is the focus of our activity at all levels in the PSC. The objectives are broad and encompass nearly every operation of the PSC. Our day-to-day work will ensure the achievement of these objectives.

Many of the FY 02 goals and targets, which are largely service area outputs, have been dropped from these Plans as we are concentrating on PSC-wide and outcome oriented goals. The FY 02 data that is not available in this submission will be provided in subsequent submissions as it becomes available. Although many of the FY 02 goals will no longer be reported in GPRA, we will continue to track those, and many others, through our performance management plans. We have gone from 44 goals in FY 02 to 21 in FY 03 and 19 in FY 04.

The reference column in the performance tables indicate which goals are Presidential and which are "One HHS” Department-wide

Management Agenda goals

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I. - Customer Service - Continue to develop and manage quality programs, activities, and functions of the PSC at reasonable costs in support of HHS missions, legislative mandates and policy directives.


Performance Goals




Strategic Management Objective 1 – Improve PSC Services While Controlling Costs

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