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16th Sept., 1740. 60,000 thalers, due by the See of Liége ever since the Treaty of Utrecht; 60,000, for which we will charge no interest; that will make 240,000 thalers-£36,000, instead of the old sum you might have had it at. Produce that cash, and take Herstal, and all the dust that has risen out of it, well home with you."15 The Bishop thankfully complies in all points; negotiation speedily done ("20th Oct." the final date): Bishop has not, I think, quite so much cash on hand, but will pay all he has, and 4 per centum interest till the whole be liquidated. His Embassadors "get gold snuff-boxes," and return mildly glad.

And thus, in some six weeks after Borck's arrival in those parts, Borck's function is well done. The noise of Gazettes and Diplomatic circles lays itself again; and Herstal, famous once for King Pipin, and famous again for King Friedrich, lapses at length into obscurity, which we hope will never end. Hope; though who can say? Roucoux, quite close upon it, becomes a Battle-ground in some few years, and memorabilities go much at random in this world!



FRIEDRICH spent ten days on his circuitous journey home; considerable inspection to be done, in Minden, Magdeburg, not to speak of other businesses he had. The old Newspapers are still more intent upon him now that the Herstal Affair has broken into flame, especially the English Newspapers, who guess that there are passages of courtship going on between great George their King and him. Here is one fact, correct in every point, for the old London Public: "Letters from Hanover say that the King of Prussia passed within a small distance of that City the 16th inst., N. S., on his return to Berlin, but did not stop at Herrenhausen," about which there has been such hoping and speculating among us lately1-a fact which the extinct Editor seems

15 Stenzel, iv., 60, who counts in gulden, and is not distinct.


Daily Post, 22d Sept., 1740; other London Newspapers from July 31st downward.

16th Sept., 1740. to meditate for a day or two; after which he says (partly in italics), opening his lips the second time, like a Friar Bacon's Head significant to the Public, "Letters from Hanover tell us that the Interview which it was said his Majesty was to have with the King of Prussia did not take place for certain private reasons, which our Correspondent leaves us to guess at!"

It is well known Friedrich did not love his little Uncle then or thenceforth, still less his little Uncle him: "What is this Prussia, rising alongside of us, higher and higher, as if it would reach our own sublime level?" thinks the little Uncle to himself. At present there is no quarrel between them; on the contrary, as we have seen, there is a mutual capability of helping one another, which both recognize; but will an interview tend to forward that useful result? Friedrich, in the intervals of an ague, with Herstal just broken out, may have wisely decided No. "Our sublime little Uncle, of the waxy complexion, with the proudly staring fish-eyes--no wit in him, not much sense, and a great deal of pride-stands dreadfully erect, 'plumb and more,' with the Garter-leg advanced, when one goes to see him, and his remarks are not of an entertaining nature. Leave him standing there to him let Truchsess and Bielfeld suffice, in these hurries, in this ague that is still upon us." Upon which the dull old Newspapers, Owls of Minerva that then were, endeavor to draw inferences. The noticeable fact is, Friedrich did, on this occasion, pass within a mile or two of his royal Uncle without seeing him, and had not, through life, another opportunity; never saw the sublime little man at all, nor was again so near him.

I believe Friedrich little knows the thick-coming difficulties of his Britannic Majesty at this juncture, and is too impatient of these laggard procedures on the part of a man with eyes à fleur-de-tête. Modern readers, too, have forgotten Jenkins's Ear; it is not till after long study and survey that one begins to perceive the anomalous profundities of that phenomenon to the poor English Nation and its poor George II.

The English sent off last year a scanty Expedition, "six ships of the line❞—only six, under Vernon, a fiery Admiral, a little given to be fiery in Parliamentary talk withal-and these did proceed to Porto-Bello, on the Spanish Main of South America;

16th Sept., 1740. did hurl out on Porto-Bello such a fiery destructive deluge of gunnery and bayonet-work as quickly reduced the poor place to the verge of ruin, and forced it to surrender, with whatever navy, garrison, goods, and resources were in it, to the discretion of fiery Vernon, who does not prove implacable, he or his, to a petitioning enemy. Yes, humble the insolent, but then be merciful to them, say the admiring Gazetteers. "The actual monster," how cheering to think, "who tore off Mr. Jenkins's Ear, was got hold of” (actual monster, or even three or four different monsters who each did it, the "hold got" being mythical, as readers see), "and naturally thought he would be slit to ribbons; but our people magnanimously pardoned him, magnanimously flung him aside out of sight;"" impossible to shoot a dog in cold blood.

Whereupon Vernon returned home triumphant, and there burst forth such a jubilation over the day of small things as is now astonishing to think of. Had the Termagant's own Thalamus and Treasury been bombarded suddenly one night by redhot balls, Madrid City laid in ashes, or Baby Carlos's Appanage extinguished from Creation, there could hardly have been greater English joy (witness the "Porto-Bellos" they still have, new Towns so named), so flamy is the murky element growing on that head. And, indeed, had the cipher of tar-barrels burnt, and of ale-barrels drunk, and the general account of wick and tallow spent in illuminations and in aldermanic exertions on the matter been accurately taken, one doubts if Porto-Bello sold, without shot fired, to the highest bidder, at its floweriest, would have covered such a sum. For they are a singular Nation, if stirred up from their stagnancy, and are much in earnest about this Spanish War.

It is said there is now another far grander Expedition on the stocks-military this time as well as naval-intended for the Spanish Main; but of that, for the present, we will defer speaking. Enough, the Spanish War is a most serious and most furious business to those old English; and to us, after forced study of it, shines out like far-off conflagration, with a certain lurid significance in the then night of things-night otherwise fallen

2 Gentleman's Magazine, x., 124, 145 (date of the Event is 3d Dec., N.S., 1739).

16th Sept., 1740. dark and somniferous to modern mankind. As Britannic Majesty and his Walpoles have, from the first, been dead against this Spanish War, the problem is all the more ominous, and the dreadful corollaries that may hang by it the more distressing to the royal mind.

For example, there is known, or as good as known, to be virtually some Family Compact, or Covenanted Brotherhood of Bourbonism, French and Spanish: political people quake to ask themselves, "How will the French keep out of this War if it continue any length of time? And in that case, how will Austria, Europe at large? Jenkins's Ear will have kindled the Universe, not the Spanish Main only, and we shall be at a fine pass !" The Britannic Majesty reflects that if France take to fighting him, the first stab given will probably be in the accessiblest quarter and the intensely most sensitive-our own Electoral Dominions, where no Parliament plagues us, our dear native country, Hanover. Extremely interesting to know what Friedrich of Prussia will do in such contingency?

Well, truly it might have been King George's best bargain to close with Friedrich; to guarantee Jülich and Berg, and get Friedrich to stand between the French and Hanover; while George, with an England behind him, in such humor, went wholly into that Spanish Business, the one thing needful to them at present. Truly; but then, again, there are considerations: "What is this Friedrich, just come out upon the world? What real fighting power has he, after all that ridiculous drilling and recruiting Friedrich Wilhelm made? Will he be faithful in bargain; is not, perhaps, from of old, his bias always toward France rather? And the Kaiser, what will the Kaiser say to it?" These are questions for a Britannic Majesty! Seldom was seen such an insoluble imbroglio of potentialities; dangerous to touch, dangerous to leave lying; and his Britannic Majesty's procedures upon it are of a very slow, intricate sort, and will grow still more so, year after year, in the new intricacies that are coming, and be a weariness to my readers and me. For observe the simultaneous fact. All this while, Robinson at Vienna is dunning the Imperial Majesty to remember old Marlborough days and the Laws of Nature, and declare for us against France

16th Sept., 1740. in case of the worst. What an attempt! Imperial Majesty has no money; Imperial Majesty remembers recent days rather, and his own last quarrel with France (on the Polish-Election score), in which you Sea-Powers cruelly stood neuter! One comfort, and pretty much one only, is left to a nearly bankrupt Imperial heart; that France does at any rate ratify Pragmatic Sanction, and instead of enemy to that inestimable Document has become friend, if only she be well let alone. "Let well alone," says the sad Kaiser, bankrupt of heart as well as purse: "I have saved the Pragmatic, got Fleury to guarantee it; I will hunt wild swine and not shadows any more: ask me not!" And now this Herstal business; the Imperial Dehortatoriums, perhaps of a high nature, that are like to come? More hopeless proposition the Britannic Majesty never made than this to the Kaiser. But he persists in it, orders Robinson to persist; knocks at the Austrian door with one hand, at the Prussian or anti-Austrian with the other; and gazes, with those proud fish-eyes, into perils, and potentialities, and a sea of troubles. Wearisome to think of, were not one bound to it! Here, from a singular Constitutional History of England, not yet got into print, are two Excerpts, which I will request the reader to try if he can take along with him, in view of much that is coming:

1. A just War." This War, which posterity scoffs at as the War for Jenkins's Ear, was, if we examine it, a quite indispensable one; the dim much-bewildered English, driven into it by their deepest instincts, were, in a chaotic inarticulate way, right and not wrong in taking it as the Commandment of Heaven. For such, in a sense, it was, as shall by and by appear. Not perhaps since the grand Reformation Controversy, under Oliver Cromwell and Elizabeth, had there, to this poor English People (who are essentially dumb, inarticulate, from the weight of meaning they have, notwithstanding the palaver one hears from them in certain epochs), been a more authentic cause of War; and, what was the fatal and yet foolish circumstance, their Constitutional Captains, es pecially their King, would never and could never regard it as such, but had to be forced into it by the public rage, there being no other method left in the case.

"I say a most necessary War, though of a most stupid appearance; such the fatality of it—begun, carried on, ended, as if by a People in a state of somnambulism! More confused operation never was. A solid

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