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Entered according to Act of Congress,


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern
District of New York.

E468 47 1874 V.2


HE peculiar circumstances under which this work has been prepared, caused a much longer interval between the appearance of the first and second volumes than was expected; but the delay has been an advantage to the book, because it has enabled the author to procure and use more authentic and valuable materials than could have been obtained earlier, especially from Confederate sources.

An essential part of the original plan of the writer, and which has been carried out, was to make a personal visit to the principal battle-fields and other places of interest connected with the Civil War. This could not be done within the Confederate lines during the war, and it was difficult to do so in many places for several months after the conflict had ceased. As much as possible of this labor was accomplished before the completion of the first volume, in which the events of the conflict, civil and military, to the close of the first battle of Bull's recorded.

er the first volume was completed, in the spring of 1866, the writer made a journey of several thousand miles in visiting the historical localities within the bounds of the Confederacy, observing the topography of battle-fields and the region of the movements of the great armies, making sketches, conversing with actors in the scenes, procuring documents, and in every possible way gathering valuable materials for the work. The writer bore a cordial letter of introduction from General Grant to any officer commanding a military post within the late Slavelabor States, asking him to afford the bearer every facility in his power. To General O. O. Howard the writer was also indebted for a similar letter, directed to any agent of the Freedmen's Bureau. These, and the kind services everywhere proffered by,

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and received from, persons who had been in the Confederate ar mies, procured for the author extraordinary facilities for gathering historical materials, and he was enabled to send and bring home a large amount of valuable matter. This had to be carefully examined and collated. In this and kindred labor, and in the construction of small illustrative maps, and the preparation of the sketches for the engraver, all by his own hands, months were consumed, and the delay in the appearance of the second volume was the consequence.


B. J. L.

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Effect of the Battle of Bull's Run, page 17.-The Story in both Sections-Scenes in Richmond and in Washing-

ton-A sad Picture, 18.-The Story in Europe-Hopes and Predictions of the Ruling Classes there-Relative

Position of the Combatants, 19.-Another Uprising of the People-The Exultation of the Confederates-The

"United South," how formed, 20.-Sufferings of Southern Unionists-The Confederate Army iminovable-

Jefferson Davis a Marplot, 21.-Why the Confederate Army was immovable-Alarm of the Conspirators,

22.-General McClellan at the Head of the Army of the Potomac-Reorganization of that Army, 23.-The

Defenses of Washington, 24.-Purchase of Arms for the Government-Domestic Manufactures of Arms, 25.

-Prisoners taken at Bull's Run, in Richmond-Tobacco Warehouse Prison and Commissary Winder, 26.~

"Richmond Prison Association "-Kind Women in Richmond, 27.-Object of the War declared by Congress

-Measures for crushing the Rebellion opposed, 28-Thaddeus Stevens's Warnings-Peace Proposition, 29.

-A National Loan authorized, 30.-Appeal of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Response-The Pro-

visional Congress of the Conspirators, 31.-Jefferson Davis's Misstatements, 32.-Determination of Davis

and his Fellow-Conspirators to wage War vigorously-Confiscations, 38.-Protection of Pirates-Davis's

so-called "Departments," and their Heads, 34.-Persecution of Union Men, 35.-Outrages in East Tennes-

see, 36.-Brownlow and other Loyalists hunted-Blood-Hounds, 87.-Unionists in Prison-Brutal Order of

Judah P. Benjamin, 38.-Brownlow's Defiance-His Release, 89.-Writs of Garnishment-Denunciations

by Pettigru, 40.-Pettigru's Actions reviewed, 41.

Ben. McCulloch's Proclamation-Price's Appeal to the Missourians, 66.-Lexington fortified-Price attacks the

Post, 67.-Siege of Lexington-Mulligan expects Re-enforcements-A Severe Struggle, 68.—Fremont called

upon for Troops--Why Mulligan was not re-enforced, 70.-Fremont assailed-He puts an Army in motion

-Pillow's Designs on Cairo, 71.-Kentucky Neutrality--Conference between McClellan and Buckner-

Magoffin encourages the Secessionists, 72.-Union Military Camps in Kentucky-Magoffin rebuked by the

President, 73.-The Confederates invade Kentucky-Seizure of Columbus, 74.--Zollicoffer invades Eastern

Kentucky-The Kentucky Legislature against the Confederates, 75.-General Grant takes Military Posses-

sion of Paducah-End of the Neutrality-Flight of Secessionists, 76.-Ex Vice-President Breckenridge

among the Traitors-Operations of Buckner-General Anderson's Counter-action, 77.-Seed of the Army

of the Cumberland planted-The Confederate Forces in Missouri in check-Price retreats toward arkan-

sas, 78.-Fremont's Army pursues him-Passage of the Osage-Fremont's Plans, 79.-The Charge of Fre-

mont's Body-guard at Springfield, 80.-Fremont's Army at Springfield-Success of National Troops in Eastern

Missouri, 81.-Thompson's Guerrillas dispersed-Complaints against Fremont, 82.-Fremont succeeded in

command by Hunter-Preparations for a Battle, 83.-Fremont returns to St. Louis-His Reception, 84.—

General Grant in Kentucky, 85.-Expedition down the Mississippi by Land and Water-Columbus menaced,

86.-Battle at Belmont-Grant hard pressed, but escapes, 87.-Services of the Gun-Boats-The Confede-

rates at Columbus in peril, 88.-Zollicoffer's Advance in Kentucky-The Unionists aroused-Battle among

the Rock Castle Hills, 89.-Battle of Piketon, 90.—The East Tennessee Unionists disappointed-The Con-

federate Foothold in Tennessee and Kentucky, 91.

Robert E. Lee in command in Western Virginia-Disposition of his Troops, 92.-Floyd at Carnifex Ferry-

General Cox in the Kanawha Valley, 98.-Advance of Rosecrans-He crosses the Mountains and confronts

Floyd at Carnifex Ferry, 94.—Battle of Carnifex Ferry, 95.-Gallantry of the Western Troops, 96.-Flight

and Escape of Floyd-Insubordination of Wise, 97.-Reynolds's Command-Lee plans for seizing and

Holding West Virginia-Reynolds wounded, 98.-Attempt to capture the Summit foiled-Lee repulsed at

Elkwater, 99.-He joins Floyd at Meadow Bluff-Conflict near "Traveler's Repose," 100.-Rosecrans and

Lee between the Gauley and New Rivers-Floyd driven from New River, 101.-Benham's unsuccessful

Pursuit of Floyd-Rosecrans retires--Kelley in Western Virginia, 102.-Battle near Romney-Milroy

holds the Cheat Mountain Region-He fights Johnston, of Georgia, at Alleghany Summit, 103.-Expedition

to Huntersville-Operations on the Seacoast, 104.-Burning of Hampton by Magruder-General Wool at

Fortress Monroe, 105.-Expedition to Hatteras Inlet, 107.-Captures of the Forts and Hatteras Island-But-

ler commissioned to raise Troops in New England, 108.-Naval Operations near Cape Hatteras-Perils of

the Nationals on Hatteras Island, 109.-Hawkins's Proclamation-Attempt to establish a loyal Civil Gov-

ernment in Eastern North Carolina, 110.-Stirring Events near Pensacola-Wilson's Zouaves on Santa

Rosa Island attacked, 111.-Battle on Santa Rosa Island, and Repulse of the Confederates-The Confede-

rates before Fort Pickens, 112.-Attack by Fort Pickens and War-vessels on the Confederate Works-Folly

of Hollins on the Mississippi, 118.-Naval Engagement at Southwest Pass-Incompetency of Hollins, 114.

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