A Blow at the Root of the refined Antinomianism of the present age, &c.
That there is but one Covenant, whereof Raptism and the Lord's Supper
are Seals, viz. the Covenant of Grace, proved from the word of God;
and the doctrine of an external graceless covenant, advanced by the
Rev. Mr. Moses Mather, shown to be an unscriptural doctrine.
Section I. The nature of Mr. M.'s external graceless covenant, its differ-
ence from the covenant of grace, and a general view of the
II. The covenant with Abraham was a holy covenant, and could
not be really complied with but in the exercise of real holiness,
III. The covenant with the Israelites in the wilderness was a holy
covenant, and could not be really complied with, but in the ex-
ercise of real holiness,
IV. The Gospel of Christ essentially different from Mr. Ma-
ther's external graceless covenant,
- V. Baptism and the Lord's Supper, are seals of the covenant of
grace, and of no other covenant,
VI. It cannot be determined what Mr. M.'s external covenant
requires, and wherein a real compliance with it doth consist, so
that any man can ever know that he has complied with it,
VII. Various distinctions stated, to render the subject more easy
to be understood by Christians of the weakest capacities, and to
enable them to answer the usual objections, at least to their
own satisfaction,
VIII. Mr. Mather's scheme inconsistent with itself,
A careful and strict Examination of the external Covenant, and of the
principles by which it is supported: a Reply to the Rev. Mr. Mather's
piece, entitled, "The Visible Church in Covenant with God, further
illustrated," &c. A Vindication of the plan on which the Churches
in New-England were originally formed, &c.
Section I. The nature of Mr. M.'s external covenant, as stated by him-
self, under the notion of a conditional covenant,