PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF RHODE-ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, AS REVISED BY A COMMITTEE, AND FINALLY ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, THE CHARTER OF CHARLES II., DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. PROVIDENCE: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY KNOWLES & VOSE. 1844. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by Knowles & Vose, in the 199329 GENERAL CONTENTS. THE CHARTER of Charles II., to the Colony of Rhode-Island and Pro- An act establishing the Digest of Laws, as reported by the committee appointed to revise the laws of this State, and amended by the An act defining the extent of the several Counties in this State, An act in relation to certain lands in this State, owned by the United An act directing the method of passing the Acts of the General Assem- bly, for recording and distributing the same, and distributing the An act relative to Senators and Representatives to represent this State in Congress, and of Electors for the election of President and |