HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON. BY J. A. SPENCER, D. D., MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY AUTHOR OF "EGYPT AND THE HOLY Illustrated with highly Finished Steel Engravings, INCLUDING HISTORICAL SCENES AND FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS, FROM ORIGINAL PAINTINGS BY LEUTZE, WEIR, POWELL, CHAPPEL, NAST, VOLUME IV. New York JOHNSON, FRY AND COMPANY, 27 BEEKMAN STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundre·l and sixty-six, BY JOHNSON, F"Y & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS OF VOL. IV. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION: ITS DETERMINATION. Mr. Lincoln's journey to Washington..... Inaugural address and cabinet..... Cheerless prospect before Mr. Lincoln............... General Scott's plans, excitement, etc..... Hesitancy of the administration.... Confederate, secession assumptions. Fort Sumter, bombardment, etc.... 55, 56 "On to Richmond!" Paterson's course.. 23 General McDowell and the Grand Army. 58-60 60, 61 26, 27 Effect of the disaster in the loyal states... |