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exactly the position which he holds, or ought to hold, in the history of our great national struggle. It was his misfortune to have been extravagantly and foolishly lauded. Zealous but not overwise admirers have attributed to him every quality of nobleness and greatness, and they have striven to place him on an equal footing with the greatest generals of ancient or modern times. On the other hand, he has been loudly and persistently decried; all merit has been denied to him; and he has been spoken of in the vilest terms. It has been asserted, that he possesses no ability; that he is deficient in personal courage; and that, having no sympathy with the cause of loyalty, he has all along secretly wished and hoped for the success of the rebellion.

In this, as in other cases, no doubt both extremes are to be avoided. Gen. McClellan unquestionably possessed qualities of a high order for a military career, but not necessarily of the very highest. He displayed superior generalship and ability, on more than one occasion, which entitled him to rank high in the profession of arms; but it is evident that he lacked, at critical moments, the fiery energy and dashing boldness of the great heroes in military annals. Personally, he was very popular with the army, and certainly he had a

remarkable faculty of attaching 1862. men to him, and leading them to put entire faith and trust in him; but he was not in favor with the officials at Washington; he was thwarted in his plans; subjected to mean and petty annoyances; criticised by committees of Congress, who were desirous


to have a hand in the conduct of the war; and he was denounced by an influential portion of the press, as too cautious and too slow in his movements, and as wanting in needful efficiency and activity.

In submitting his Official Report to the war department, which was made, August 4th, 1863, nine months after his removal, and which he styles a "plain and truthful narrative," McClellan has sought to place matters in which he was concerned in such a light as to disarm hostile criticism towards himself, and justify his conduct and principles while in command of the Army of the Potomac, and also to set before his countrymen that brave body of men as one of the noblest organizations ever made, and as entitled to a position "high on the roll of the historic armies of the world."

The reader who has carefully examin ed the pages of the present volume, in which we have given a narrative of Gen. McClellan's campaigns, and his relations to the army and the govern ment authorities at Washington, will have no difficulty in arriving at what we think a fair and just estimate of his character and career. We have narrated the events and connections of the war as fully as our limits admit, and with an earnest endeavor to arrive at and state frankly the truth. If we have succeeded in our endeavor, it will appear that McClellan, while filling large space in the history of the war in Virginia, and while displaying ability of a high order, did not accomplish all that he might have accomplished-all that he ought to have accomplished, despite

the difficulties and hindrances and an- the command." Gen. Burnside, his sucnoyances to which he was subjected. sessor, was reluctant to accept the posi We believe him to have been sincere, tion virtually forced upon him. He and desirous to do his duty to the was not only a warm friend and adcountry in the work entrusted to him; mirer of McClellan, but he was clearly but we cannot pronounce with satisfac- of the opinion that the command tion ipon his success. We admit the ought not to have been taken from adverse influences against him, and McClellan. In his judgment," McClel make all due allowances therefor; but lan could command the Army of the we cannot escape the conviction, that he Potomac better than any other general was not the man for the momentous in it." crisis in our history; he was lacking in those essential qualities which a struggle such as ours imperatively de


Yielding, however, to a sense of duty, Burnside acquiesced in the wishes of the government, and prepared at once to enter upon the difficult task before him. On the 10th of November, he issued an address to the troops, and the public were led to expect im

In the lapse of time, history may place a different estimate upon George B. McClellan, and rank him more highly in its records; but, so far as we can portant and decisive results. now see, he must hold substantially the position we have assigned to him, and must be content to be judged by what he has left undone quite as much as by what he has done.*

It was an ungracious moment, to say the least, that was taken for the removal of McClellan; it showed a degree of spitefulness in the authorities at Washington to choose this particular time for dismissing him, when, as he asserts, "the army being renovated and refreshed, in good order and discipline, and confident of a decisive victory, while his advance guard was actually in contact with the enemy, he was removed from

* Mr. Swinton, in his criticism, says that "he was assuredly not a great general;" he was a better strategist than a tactician; and "if he does not belong to that foremost category of commanders made up of those who have always been successful, and including but a few illustrious names, neither does he rank with that numerous class who have ruined their armies

without fighting."-"Army of the Potomac," pp. 228-9.



The new commander did not attempt to carry out McClellan's plan, which was, by a rapid advance on Gordonsville, to interpose between Lee's divid ed forces and beat them in detail. preferred endeavoring to take his army to Richmond by way of Fredericks burg, on the Rappahannock, and on consulting with Halleck, who made him a visit in camp, he fixed upon his course of operations. While delaying some ten days at Warrenton, his headquarters, Burnside reorganized the Army of the Potomac by consolidating the six corps into three grand divisions of two corps each; the right grand divi sion being placed under Sumner, the centre under Hooker, and the left under Franklin. With this arrangement of his troops, Burnside prepared to carry out his purpose, and make a change of base to Fredericksburg. In order to cross the river at this place, he called, at




an early moment after taking command ever be defended: The General hopes of the army, for a sufficient pontoon and trusts that every officer and man train to be forwarded from Washington, will endeavor to live and act as be and meet his advance on the Rappahan- comes a Christian soldier, defending nock. A depot of supplies he request- the dearest rights and privileges of his ed should be established at Aquia Creek, country.'' and other provisions sent overland towards Fredericksburg.

As evidencing the spirit and disposition of the President of the United States, and as according with the sentiment of the people throughout the country, we may fitly quote Mr. Lincoln's order, issued on the 16th of November:-"The President, Commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy, desires and enjoins the orderly observance of the Sabbath by the officers and men in the military and naval service. The importance for man and beast of the prescribed weekly rest, the

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After a delay on Burnside's part, which was unwise, to say the least, when every hour of active operation was important, the new movement was begun on the 15th of November, Sumner's grand division taking the advance. Moving by the north bank of the Rappahannock, he reached Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, on the afternoon of the 17th, and was very desirous to cross the river at once and take possession of the town and the bluffs on the south bank; but the commanding general instructed him not to do so at that time, as he wished to estab lish his communications before occupying Fredericksburg. During the fol lowing days, November 19th and 20th, Hooker's and Franklin's divisions reached the Rappahannock, and the rebel commander, having ascertained Burnside's probable purpose, rapidly moved his troops to meet the emergency. Both armies were now in easy communication with their respective bases, and the high grounds on either side of the river gave to each army an excellent defensive position.

sacred rights of Christian sol1862. diers and sailors, a becoming deference to the best sentiments of a Christian people, and a due regard for the Divine Will, demand that Sunday labor in the army and navy be reduced to the measure of strict necessity. The discipline and character of the national forces should not suffer, nor the cause they defend be imperiled, by the profanation of the day or name of the Most High. At this time of public distress, adopting the words of Washington in 1776, 'Men may find enough to do in the service of God and their country, without abandoning themselves to vice and immorality.' The first general or der issued by the Father of his Coun-fordable, try, after the Declaration of Indepen- force. The rebels opened fire upon our troops, but dence, indicates the spirit in which our institutions were founded, and should heights, had he been allowed to cross.

It now became a serious question what next was to be done. Some forward movement was absolutely neces

and Fredericksburg was occupied by a small

*When Sumner reached Falmouth the river was

after a few minutes their guns were silenced, and Sumner might readily have secured the town and the

sary; the demand for action was not plan was discovered; a large body of to be put off. Lee had lost not a troops was concentrated to oppose the moment in constructing defences along crossing; and a considerable force was the crest of hills in the rear of Freder kept there, after the purpose of crossing icksburg, and by the beginning of De- had been abandoned. In this position cember, there was a formidable array of affairs, Burnside, hoping to surprise of artillery on those terraced heights, Lee, resolved to make the passage at which evidenced the terrible struggle Fredericksburg. It was a great risk in prospect for our men, should they to run, and the chances of surprise were attempt an assault. The crossing the slender; but Burnside had made up river, too, was by no means the easy his mind, and he expected to pierce matter which it had been at the first, for Lee's lines and rout his army. For the rebels were now prepared to con- this purpose he meant to secure and test it to much better advantage, and occupy a military road which the rebels the pontoon train, owing to some un- had constructed in the rear of the line explained blundering, did not arrive of heights on which they were posted till the last moment.* Nevertheless, behind Fredericksburg. With a demonstration of some kind was im- a movement on their flank and perative, and accordingly Burnside re- rear, a direct attack was to be made in solved to cross the Rappahannock front, and the main works carried by directly. All his preparations were storm. Such was Burnside's plan, Demade; the president visited the camp; and the whole matter was committed to Burnside without let or hindrance from Washington.


cember 10th, and during the night ac tive preparations were made to carry the design into effect.

The Stafford Heights, near the river's Just where to cross was a grave margin and commanding the opposite question. Burnside must either force side, were crowned by twenty-nine a direct passage at Fredericksburg, or powerful batteries, numbering 147 the attempt must be made on one or guns, in order to protect the construcother of the rebel flanks. The latter tion of the bridges and cover the passeemed preferable, and it was deter- sage of the troops. There were five mined to try the crossing at Skenker's pontoon bridges to be thrown across Neck, some twelve miles below Fal- the stream, which was about three mouth, and make an attack on Lee's hundred yards wide; three immediateleft; but that watchful adversary was ly in front of Fredericksburg, within a not easily to be deceived. Burnside's short distance of each other, and the others about two miles below. In the

* Woodbury investigates this subject with much passage of the river, the division of

fulness. Halleck's course is sharply criticised in not giving attention to this matter of the pontoon trains, as he promised, and the damaging effect upon Burn side's plans and expectations, by their non arrival, is well pointed out.-See " Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps," pp 190-199.

Franklin was to use the latter, while the right and centre of Sumner and Hooker were to cross at the town. The work was well advanced during the



darkness of the night, and was partially concealed by the morning's fog. The bridges below Fredericksburg were constructed without much hindrance from the enemy's sharpshooters; but these troublesome persons, having obtained secure lodgment behind the stone walls of the river street of the town, gave infinite annoyance to those engaged in building the bridges, and for a considerable time put a stop entirely to the work.


crossing the river, but not without severe loss. Another and another boat followed; and our men, with great rapidity, dashed upon the lurking places of the enemy, drove them out, and captured over a hundred of them. The bridges were now speedily com pleted, and the evening of the 11th saw Fredericksburg in possession of the advance guard of Sumner's division, while a brigade of Franklin's division was also encamped on the southern shore at the lower crossing.

Early the next morning, December 12th, the remainder of Sumner's division crossed the Rappahannock, and occupied the town. Franklin's com

on the north bank of the river, to serve, if necessary, to fall upon the enemy in their retreat. The day was passed in crossing the troops and reconnoitring the rebel position. Our men lay on their arms, and when Saturday, December 13th, arrived, they were in readiness for the battle which was to follow.

It was about four o'clock, on the morning of the 11th of December, when the engineer troops entered upon their work, amid a dense fog and exposed to the raw winter weather which had already set it. An hour later, two sig-mand also crossed by the bridges below, nal guns announced that the rebels and were in position by one o'clock, were aware of the projected attack. P.M. Hooker's grand division remained The surprise part of the plan had failed, and as the sharpshooters must be dislodged, Burnside, about ten o'clock, ordered a bombardment of the town. This was accordingly done; but the sharpshooters were unharmed. It was then determined to send a party across the river in the pontoon boats, in order to dislodge the enemy. Volunteers were called for, and the plan was that they should take the boats, of which ten were lying on the bank of the river, and crossing over drive out the rebels. The undertaking was gallantly entered upon and executed. Rushing down the steep banks of the river, the party found temporary shelter behind the pontoon boats lying on the bank. After a while, they made a rush for the boats, pushed them into the water, and lying low so as to escape as much as possible the rebel rifles, succeeded in

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A direct attack upon the enemy was now to be made, under circumstances far from encouraging. It has been asserted* that Burnside, having formed one plan of battle, determined to fight

* Mr. Augustus Woodbury, in his "Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps," (8vo, pp. 553) is extremely

earnest in the defence of the hero of his book. He writes rather too much in the style of an advocate; full account of Burnside's public services, and also as defending him against unjust criticisms and perver

but his book is worth consulting, both as giving a more

sions of truth, such as, he asserts distinctly, Swinton


guilty of, in almost every case, where he speaks of Burnside.

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