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Brandy for all Hands.

Official Likeness of President Lincoln.

posed for sale, he seemed as valiant as When Stuart made his famous cavalry Ajax. The rest of the company were raid around McClellan's lines before Rich-dressed too finely to shake hands with the mond, the appointed rendezvous of the dusty strangers, so smoked and talked Confederate troops was not far from New apart, in dignified reserve. Hearing the Kent Court-House, at a small village approach of a squadron, the cavalry troopwhere several main roads joined. The ers went to the door, and the landlord prefirst party that arrived found that the pared bottles and glasses for his expected place contained several finely furnished visitors. "Are these coming some of your suttlers' stores, and depots of goods depos- party, gentlemen?" "Yes," was the reited thus far in the rear of the army, to ply, "and as 'tis no use fooling any more, be conveyed up to the front as circum- we are Stuart's cavalry." All present stances demanded. They were, in fact, were struck dumb with astonishment, but central or wholesale Union establishments, were soon disarmed and made prisoners. to furnish regimental sutlers, stocked with everything that could be required, having tasteful bar-rooms attached, in which were Just before Mr. Lincoln was put forsold champagne, and all sorts of expensive ward as a candidate for the presidency, a wines and liquors. The fatigued and friend fell into conversation with him upon dusty men hitched their horses and entered, the photographs of his face then before without ceremony, but were so unprepos- the public, and a regret was expressed to sessing and unpresentable, that all present him that none had been found that did rose, including several field officers who him justice. He laughingly suggested had trotted to the rear "to spend the day" that it might not be desirable to have convivially. "Brandy, gentlemen!" in- "justice" done to such forbidding features quired the fat proprietor, urbanely-" cer- as his, but added that a likeness taken in tainly!" and presenting decanters, the Springfield a few days before was, in his new comers began to imbibe freely. judgment, and that of his friends, the best "Might I inquire to what cavalry you be- ever had. Of that his friend procured long, gentlemen?" asked the proprietor, four copies, and subsequently asked Mr. acutely surveying their dusty figures, from Lincoln to append to each his autograph head to foot. "We?" answered one, lay- and the date, which he did with apparent ing his violent hands on a box of Havan- pleasure, calling for a pen and ink, and nas, and emptying the decanter, "oh! we writing upon his knee. Of these pictures, are Maryland cavalry, just arrived; a new which were the first taken after he had regiment raised in Baltimore, just returned allowed his beard to grow, and the first to on a scouting party after the rebel Stuart!" give those that had not seen him a belief "Stuart, eh? You don't mean to say that that he was not "horrid ugly," three were he is in our lines; do you? Well, let him distributed to friends, and from one of come, that's all, and, although I'm not in them the head of Mr. Lincoln upon the the army, I'll show him a thing or two; ten dollar Treasury Note was engraved— just see if I don't!" And as his eye which may be called the official likeness glanced over a fine case of revolvers ex- of the Western President.

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