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of glistening bayonets-it was only a skirmish, a bushwacking fight for the possession of a swamp. A few companies were deployed as skirmishers, to drive out the enemy.

"Now, boys," shouted the Captain, "after 'em! Shoot to kill, not to scare 'em!"

dicament that all are liable to fall into he was in love, and with Christina, Herr Kordwaner's daughter. Christina was a plump maiden, with a round, rosy face, an extensive latitude of shoulders, and a general plentitude and solidity of figure. All these she had; but what had captivated Hopeful's eye was her trim ankle, as it appeared to him one morning, encased in "Ping! Ping!" rang the rifles. a warm white yarn stocking of her own "Z-z-z-z-oit!" sang the bullets. knitting From this small beginning, his On they went, crouching among the great heart had taken in the whole of her, bushes, creeping along under the banks and now he was desperately in love. Two of the brook, cautiously peering from beor three times he had essayed to tell her hind trees in search of "butternuts." of his proposed departure; but every time Hopeful was in the advance; his hat was that the words were coming to his lips, lost, and his hair more defiantly bristling something rushed up into his throat ahead than ever. Firmly grasping his rifle, he of them, and he couldn't speak. At last, pushed on, carefully watching every tree after walking home from church with her and bush. A rebel sharpshooter started one Sunday evening, he held out his hand to run from one tree to another, when, and blurted outquick as thought, Hopeful's rifle was at his

"Well, good-bye. We're off to-mor-shoulder, a puff of blue smoke rose from row."

"Off! Where?"

"I've enlisted."

Christina didn't faint. She didn't take out her delicate and daintily perfumed mouchoir to hide the tears that were not there. She looked at him for a moment, while two great real tears rolled down her cheeks, and then-precipitated all her charms right into his arms. Hopeful stood it manfully-rather liked it, in fact. But that is a tableau that may be left to the imagination, the tears and embraces, protestations of undying affection, promises of eternal remembrance, etc.

its mouth, and the rebel sprang in the air and fell back-dead. Almost at the same instant, as Hopeful leaned forward to see the effect of his shot, he felt a sudden shock, a sharp burning pain, grasped at a bush, reeled, and sank to the ground.

"Are you hurt much, Hope?" asked one of his comrades, kneeling beside him and staunching the blood that flowed from his wounded leg.

"Yes, I expect I am; but that red wamus over yonder's redder'n ever now. That feller won't need a pension."

They carried "Hope" back to the hospital, and the old surgeon looked at the wound, shook his head, and briefly made his prognosis :

"Bone shattered-vessel injured-bad leg-have to come off. Good constitution, though; he'll stand it."

The next morning found Hopeful with a dozen others, in charge of the Lieutenant, and on their way to join the regiment, and as he went through the various duties and changing experiences of soldier life, he would say, "Hopeful, the Banger's took care of you all your life, and now you're here to take care of it. See that you do it the best you know how? But in his case the path to glory was not amid the Once more Hopeful is sitting on his lit roar of cannon and muskets, through a tle bench in Mynheer Kordwaner's little storm of shot and shell, over a serried line shop, pegging away at the coarse boots,

And he did stand it; always cheerful, never complaining, only regretting that he must be discharged—that he was no longer able to serve his country.

singing the same glorious prophecy that he | embrace his stump of a leg, gently patting was first heard singing. He had but two and stroking it, and talking to it as to a troubles after his return. One, the linger-pet. If a stranger was in the shop, he ing regret and restlessness that attend a would hold it out admiringly, and ask: civil life, after an experience of the rough, "Do you know what I call that? I call independent life in camp. The other that 'Hopeful Tackett-his mark!'" trouble was when he first saw Christina after his return. The loving warmth with which she greeted him pained him; and when the worthy Herr considerately went


And a mark of distinction-a badge of patriotism and honor-it might well be called.


out of the room, leaving them alone, Hope- Substitute Broker Sold-"Indians" for the ful relapsed into gloomy silence. length, speaking rapidly, and with choked utterance, he said:

And he leaned his head upon his hands and wept bitter tears, wrung by a great agony from his loving heart.

Christie gently laid her hand upon his shoulder, and spoke, calmly and slowly-Hopeful, your soul was in that leg, was it?"


Well, one

Along the dock near the foot of First Street, Detroit, is a large wooden figure "Christie, you know I love you now, as of an Indian, embellished with all the trapI always have, better'n all the world. But pings of a Chippewa chief, and leaning I'm a cripple now-no account to nobody against the warehouse of -just a dead weight-an' I don't want day a stranger appeared in front of the you, 'cause o' your promise before I went provost-marshal's office, and beckoning to away, to tie yourself to a load that'll be a one of the substitute brokers hanging around drag on you all your life. That contract there, said to him, "You are in the substi-ah-promise-an't-is-is hereby re- tute business, I believe?" Being answered pealed! There!" affirmatively, he continued, "Do you take Indians?" "Oh, yes," said the broker. "Well," inquired the stranger, “what will you give me if I tell you where you can get one, sound in every respect, not liable to draft, and will go as a substitute, if accepted?" "Give you?" replied the broker, every feature in his face beaming with delight at the prospect of making a lucky strike, "give you! why, I'll give you a hundred dollars in greenbacks." "It's a bargain," said the stranger, and here they clasped hands fraternally over it. "Here's my name,' he continued, handing the broker a card, on which was pencilled "Enoch Ketchum.” "Take this to near the foot of First street, and tell them that I sent you after that Indian; they will understand it; and don't forget the hundred dollars when you get him through." "All right,” shouted the broker, as he jumped on board of a street car, on his way to the foot of First street. Having reached the

It would seem as if Hopeful had always thought that such was the case, and was just receiving new light upon the subject, he started up so suddenly.

"By Jing! Christie!"

And he grasped her hand, and—but that is also one of those scenes to be left to the imagination. And Christie promised the next Christmas to take the name, as she already had the heart, of Tackett. Herr Kordwaner, too, had come to the conclusion that he wanted a partner, and on the day of the wedding a new sign was to be put up over a new and larger shop, on which "Co." would mean Hopeful Tackett. In the mean time, Hopeful hammered warehouse, he presented his card, and inaway lustily, merrily, whistling and sing- formed the attendants of his mission. "Go ing the praises of the "Banger." Occa- right through the back door on to the dock, sionally, when resting, he would tenderly and turn to the left, and you will find the

only Indian that I know anything about in incident occurred which seemed to warm this neighborhood," said the attendant. and gladden every loyal heart. A young Having followed directions, he soon came lady stepped from the crowd, went up to face to face with the Chippewa chief here- her betrothed, took him by the hand, and tofore referred to. Fully realizing the joke led him up to the stand, where the recruitwhich had been played upon him, he went ing officers were taking the names of those back to the warehouse, and finding the who desired to enlist in the service of party laughing at his expense, he bawled their country. Having done this, and out: "That was well done, but that without seeming in the least abashed in wooden Indian is better than some live the presence of the large assembly, the men that have gone in as substitutes," and fair girl kissed him warmly, and then with left said dock in a hurry, occasionally cast- her own plighted hand gracefully placed ing a furtive glance around to see if any his hand on the roll, for him to sign his one he knew was interested in the sell. name. It was the rarest scene and subject for a painter-a fair and beautiful girl inspiring her lover to go forth to noble deeds for their common country! There was enthusiasm in that meeting.

Union Recruits among the Negroes. Some queer things now and then turn up, and the following is a pretty fair sample of the best:

A Tennessee slaveholder from the country approached an old acquaintance, also a slaveholder, residing in Nashville, and said in quite a friendly and confiding man

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He used to own a little schooner, the Maria Louisa, and traded up and down the James and York rivers, especially during the oyster season. He hardly ever slept on shore, making the schooner his real home, having his wife and two children with him. In April, 1861, when the enlistment in the rebel army was progressing favorably, some one made overtures to White about enlisting. Being at heart a Union man, he did not feel inclined to do so, yet he wished, if possible, to save the

The astonished planter thoughtfully ab- schooner and its contents, that being all squatulated.

the property he owned in the world. He therefore ran into a little bay in the Chickahominy river, a small branch of the James, where he found a safe hiding-place. At this time his wife died, and he had a good excuse in the care of his children

Putting his Hand to the Roll. In one of the counties of Indiana a meeting was held by the patriotic citizens, for the purpose of getting volunteers, by the usual means of encouragement and for refusing to accept the offers of enlistpromise. After the matter had progressed ment, which were still occasionally made some time in the usual manner, a pleasant to him.

He remained at this place until the 9th the following Monday, to Williamsburg to of September, when he ventured out of endeavor to bring his children back. He his retreat, to go up to Jamestown, hoping consequently remained at her house, purthat, as the patriotic enthusiasm among posing to await her return; but on Sunthe Southerners had considerably died day he saw a certain Mr. Slader, a well away, he would be granted the necessary known slave hunter in those regions, come pass for following up the oyster business towards the house, and knowing that a at Hogg's Island. However, poor Peter price of $500 had been put upon his head, soon found himself mistaken on this score. he thought it best to 'vamose' as quickly The authorities at Jamestown, in pursuance as possible; therefore, when he came in at of Governor Letcher's mandates, under the front door Peter ran out at the back, confederate law, at once demanded that and, it being dusk at the time, he safely he should unconditionally enlist in the reached the shore, where he soon found a army, and when he refused to do this they skiff, and pushed off into the river. In confiscated his schooner with all its con- thirty-two hours he rowed between forty tents, including $150 in gold, and sent and fifty miles. him as a prisoner to Williamsburg. Here he remained for forty two days, without being once permitted to have a fair hear

Effect of Crinoline on 'Union' Sentiments.

William Growman, a rebel deserter, who was drafted in Michigan, escaped from the provost-marshal by concealing himself under the crinoline of his intended. After the marshal left, it was hard to persuade the man to run the risk of coming forth


Gov. Letcher.

ing. He was confined in a cell next to three negroes, who had previously attempted to run away, and with their assistance, a hole was dug sufficiently large, under the wall, to admit one man at a time.

On Thursday evening he made good his escape. That night he walked twelve

Effect of Crinoline.

miles, and during Friday hid himself in from his hiding-place, fearing, so he said, a cornfield. Towards midnight he reached that the officer was still on the look-out the house of Becky Simpson, an old ac- for him. But when he did finally emerge quaintance of his, and a woman with from the friendly shelter thus afforded him, strong Union feelings, who offered him he wanted-out of gratitude, probablyshelter, and further volunteered to go, on to marry the girl on the spot, and did so

the next day, after paying his three hundred dollars commutation. He thus, at least in a constructive sense, proved himself a prompt 'Union' man.

Married Applicants for Exemption. Commissioner.-"What have you to


verses: 2d book of Chronicles, 20th chap-
ter, 16th and 17th verses:
66 To-morrow
go ye down against them: behold they
come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall
find them at the edge of the brook before
the wilderness of Jeruel. Ye shall not
need to fight in this battle; set yourselves,
stand ye still, and see the salvation of the

Applicant.-"I'm forty-eight years old." lord with you. O, Judah and Jerusalem: "Where were you born?"

"Don't know."

fear not, nor be dismayed; to-morrow go out against them; for the Lord will be

"How old were you when you came to with you." The thing was settled-the

this country?"

"Don't know."

mother consented. There was no appeal from the very pointed text which had

"How do you know you are forty-eight been resorted to as the arbiter. years old?"

"I know it. I'm sure of it."

The Commissioner, after various ineffectual trials to make applicant show what reasons he had for his belief, now asks, "Are you married?"

Enlistment of Stonewall Jackson in the

Union Army.

One morning, a young farmer from Ogdensburg, N. Y., applied at the recruiting office in Brooklyn for a place in the Union ranks. The attending surgeon gave a favorable opinion of applicant's physique and he was accepted. When asked to sign his name he wrote, in very legible characters, "Stonewall Jackson." The commissioner very Are naturally asked him, on seeing the signa

(Applicant very sulky, but no answer.) "I asked you if you are married. Did you hear?"


"I don't wish to be insulted." "No one wishes to insult you. you married?"

Applicant, in a very loud voice,-" Of course I am!"


No Appeal Left.

At Newport, R. I., on mustering in the new companies for military service, several minors were finally rejected, because they did not produce the certificate of consent from their parents. One young man-his

Stonewall Jackson

mother a widow--had first enlisted and then went to his mother with a certificate for her signature. But she, not being willing for him to go, withheld her consent, yet finally, after much persuasion, said she would agree to do it on one condition, namely, that her son should thrust his finger at random through the leaves of the closed Bible, and the language of the text upon which it rested should decide her action in the matter. He did as she requested, and his finger, when the Bible was opened, was found resting over the two following likeness of that noble youth, side by side

ture, if that was really his name. "Everybody asks me that question," said the young volunteer; "it riles my blood. It is my name, and I mean to let the rebels know that there is a Stonewall Jackson North." We would like to adorn these pages with a

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