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of this mode of evading, at once, the re- is the result of your nine years' preaching; quirements of the church and the orders if your people will commit perjury so of the commanding General. He rose in freely, the sooner you leave your pulpit his place and said: the better."

After further conversation, Dr. Leacock asked:

"Well, General, are you going to shut up the churches?"

"No, sir, I am more likely to shut up the ministers."

"Stop, sir. It is my duty to bring these exercises to a close. I came here for the purpose, and the sole purpose, of worshipping God; but inasmuch as your minister has seen fit to omit invoking a blessing, as our church service requires, upon the President of the United States, I propose The clergymen showing no disposition to close the services. This house will be to yield, General Butler ended the intershut within ten minutes." view by stating his ultimatum: "Read The clergyman, astounded, began to the prayer for the President, omit the remonstrate. silent act of devotion, or leave New Or"This is no time for discussion, sir," leans prisoners of state for Fort Lafaysaid the Major.


They chose the latter-Dr. Leacock, Dr. Goodrich and Mr. Fulton-and were duly shipped on board one of the trans

The minister was speechless and indignant. The ladies flashed wrath upon the officer, who stood motionless with folded arms. The men scowled at him. The ports. minister soon pronounced the benediction, the congregation dispersed, and Major Curiosity of Rebel Soldiers to hear President Strong retired to report the circumstances at head-quarters.

This brought the matter to a crisis. General Butler sent for the Episcopal clergymen, Dr. Leacock, Dr. Goodrich, Dr. Fulton, and others, who were all accustomed to omit the prayer for the President, and pray in silence for the triumph of treason. The General patiently and courteously argued the point with them at great length, quoting Bible, rubricks and history, with his wonted fluency. They replied that, in omitting the prayer, they were only obeying the orders of the Right Reverend Major-General Polk, their ecclesiastical superior The General denied the authority of that military prelate to change the liturgy, and contended that the omission of the prayer, in the peculiar circumstances of the time and place, was an overt act of treason.

"But, General," said Dr. Leacock, "your insisting upon the taking of the oath of allegiance is causing half of my church members to perjure themselves."

Lincoln's Message.

A few days after the publication of the President's message and Amnesty Proclamation, the fact of its promulgation having been made known to the rebel pickets of the Army of the Potomac, they manifested great curiosity to hear it, and one of the Union soldiers consenting to read it to them, quite a considerable party collected on the opposite bank to listen. While it was being read the utmost silence and attention were observed by the listening rebels; and after it was finished one of them called out, "We'll go back to camp and tell the boys about it." Papers had been frequently exchanged by the pickets, but about this time the rebels told our men that their officers did not like them to get our papers, as "there was nothing encouraging in them."

Slidell's Consolation.

In one of the great imperial soirees at Biarritz, one of the courtiers of the Em, pire, seeing the emissary Slidell alone "Well,” replied the General, "if that crossing one of the reception parlors, ex


John Minor Botts between Two Fires.

claimed: "Ah, Mr. Slidell! you may show | rather more precious than flocks of slaves, yourself as much as you please; you will "alone in his glory." never be recognized." "I beg your pardon," said the Southern diplomat, "I have been recognized long since for a patriot; a few more Southern victories and I will be called the representative of a great nation. As to you, Sir, I acknowledge, you are too well known to need recognition; and this is what consoles me for not being recognized!" Bah!

Handsome Rebuke from an Alabamian.

A highly instructive as well as amusing incident took place in a business house on one of the principal streets of Nashville, Tennessee, while a colored regiment was marching along to the music of the national airs.

While the Third Indiana cavalry were engaged in one of the bloody skirmishes which fell to their lot in Virginia, Major McClure, seeing a hale-looking, oldish gentleman in a doorway by the roadside, hailed him, and inquired: "Which way did the rebel cavalry, that a moment since passed here, go?" "Sir," was the reply, "I am under parole to the Confederate Government to tell nothing I see. But, Sir, my name is John Minor Botts-as devoted a Union man as the world can find. I put no 'ifs' nor 'buts' in the case."

Political Dialogue in Camp.

In the rear of General Grant's headquarters at City Point was the camp of Head-quarters Cavalry Escort. While passing through said camp on a certain occasion, a visitor overheard the following

Several gentlemen were looking on the parade, among them a wealthy planter of Alabama, the owner of a large number of slaves. One of the group stepped out to the door, looking on for a few minutes, and then indignantly turning on his heel, addressed himself to the grave Alabamian, dialogue-politico, coming from a group of to the following purport:

soldiers lounging under a shelter of pine

“Well, I'll be d-if that is not a burn-boughs: ing disgrace, which no decent white man can tolerate. Isn't that nigger regiment too great an insult?"

Says A.-"I tell you that a majority don't elect the President."

Says B.-"I know better; it does elect,

The Alabamian jumped to his feet, and and there ain't nothing else can elect.” replied, while his eyes flashed fire:

A.-"Well, it ain't so in our State, any

B.-"Well, if the majority don't elect, I should like to know who does?" A.—" Well, I'll tell you who does elect: it's the Pleurisy."

B.-"The what-i-sy? What the is that?"

"Sir, there is not a negro in that regi-how." ment who is not a better man than a rebel to this Government, and for whom I have not a thousand times more respect than I have for a traitor to his country. I think that the best possible use the Government can make of negroes is to take them and make them fight against the rebels. No traitor is too good to be killed by a negro, no weapon too severe to use against the wretches who are endeavoring to overthrow the Government. Now, Sir, swallow that, whether you like it or not."

A.—“Well, I don't know exactly, but I know it ain't the majority.”

A. was right. He only got the pleurisy for plurality; that's all.

Money Couldn't Buy his Vote. Up in Morris County, New Jersey, lives old Uncle Pete, who always votes the ticket that bids the highest. A few even

The rebel stepped off in utter amazement, without uttering a syllable in reply, leaving the sturdy Alabamian, who cherished the jewel of patriotism as something ings before the presidential election of 1864,

some Republicans went to his house to outbid some Democrats who had been there. But Uncle Pete informed them he had sold his vote three days before to the Democrats for ten dollars He was told that if he would carry his ticket and the ten dollars back to the one who gave them, and vote the Republican ticket, they would give him twenty dollars, which offer Uncle Pete immediately accepted. Just as the party had left the house they heard a couple of men coming up whom they knew to be Democrats. Being convinced they were on their way to Uncle Pete's, they hid themselves till the second party had passed into the house, and went back to listen. The Democrats had hardly become seated when Uncle Pete said:

his letter of presentation accompanying the
gift, the editor said :-"I have taken occa-
sion to present you this pen-holder, as a
relic whose associations are linked most
closely to the movement of which
you are
the head. Let it lie upon your desk for use
in your official duties. In the 'eternal fit-
ness of things,' let that be its appropriate
place. It links 1780 with 1861. Through
it, West Point speaks to Montgomery.
And if we may believe that spirits do
ever return and haunt this mundane
sphere, we may reckon with what delight
Benedict Arnold's immortal part will follow
this fragment of his paternal roof-tree to
the hands in which is being consummated
the work which he began."


"Gentlemen, you called upon me the Scene at Fort Warren: Exit of Mason and other day, and offered ten dollars if I would vote the McLellan ticket. I am poor, and took your money and the ticket. Here are both; take them back-I never sell my vote!"

They tried to induce him to stick to his first promise to them, but it was no go; for Uncle Pete said.

On the receipt, at Fort Warren, Boston, of the news that Messrs. Mason and Slidell were to be surrendered to the British Government, there was general dissatisfaction among both officers and men, and expressions very much against their personal safety were freely indulged in; but upon "There is no use to talk, gentlemen. I reading the very cool and logical deduction am a Lincoln man, and have been for over of the Secretary of State, especially the ten years!" And getting a little warmed latter part of his reply, where the insigup at the thought of the twenty dollars, he nificance of the worth of the custody of continued, "No, gentlemen, there is no use the Commissioners in this country is astrying to change my mind, as I always serted, and the fact that were it essential vote unflinchingly on principle, and money to the welfare or the safety of the Governcan't buy my vote. I am a Lincoln man, ment they would be retained at all hazand have been a Lincoln man all my ards, a general acquiescence was as freely life!" manifested.

The Democrats left in disappointment, the Lincoln men of course feeling sure of Uncle Pete's vote;-unless a higher bid came before election!

Northern Present to Jefferson Davis.


On the morning of their departure, the battalion was called out as usual, at 8:45, for dress parade, and were kept upon parade-ground, manoeuvring slightly, till after the rebels left. The guards were strengthened to prevent any from going upon the parapets, either soldiers or prisoners, and thus they left as quietly as a dog could-perhaps with not so much notice as a noble specimen of the Newfoundland ordinarily attracts. As they passed

The editor of one of the newspapers published in Norwich, Connecticut, sent Jefferson Davis, the "President" of the then "Six Nations," a pen-holder made from a rafter of the house in which his forerunner, Benedict Arnold, was born. In closing down to the wharf, they were accompanied

Like syllable of dolour.

by Colonel Dimmick, who kindly waved all Bestride our down-fall'n birthdom. Each new morn
New widows howl. new orphans cry; new sorrows
ceremony at the guard-house, save to sim-Strike heaven on the face, that it resounds
ply turn out the guard-as our men were As if it felt with Scotland and yelled out
unwilling and doubtless would have re-
fused to salute the Colonel, for in thus do-
ing, they would have had to salute the
rebels; but when the Colonel came back,
the thing was done to a nicety.

When taking leave of Colonel Dimmick, Mr. Mason was somewhat affected, and said, "God bless you, Colonel; God bless you!" and cordially shook hands with him. Mr. Slidell shook hands with the Colonel, and said: "Under whatever circumstances and in whatever relations in the future we may meet, I shall always esteem you as a dear friend."

Mr. Lincoln leaned back in his chair in the shade after this passage was pronounced. and for a long time wore a sad, sober face, as if suddenly his thoughts had wandered from the playroom far away to where his great armies were contesting with the rebellion a vast empire.

Interceding for her Father: Elizabeth Self and Jeff. Davis.


Poor Hessing Self was one of the many loyalists in Tennessee who were imprisoned and barbarously treated by the rebels because of their fidelity to the Stars and During the morning many rebels Stripes. He was told that a halter was thronged the rooms of Messrs. Mason and in preparation for him, only a few hours Slidell to get their autographs, and Mr. previous to the time appointed. Mason's hand was so unsteady as to be daughter, who had come down to adminnoticed through the window out doors. ister to his comfort and consolation-a Some of the political prisoners said to most estimable girl, about twenty-one years Mason: "We hope when you get to Eng- of age-Elizabeth Self, a tall, spare-made land you will represent our case, imprisoned on this island for no offence save differing from others in political opinions." He replied that if ever he arrived in Europe he would faithfully represent their



Interceding for her Father.

President Lincoln at the Play of Macbeth. One evening at the Washington theatre, while Macbeth was being rendered upon the stage by Mr. Wallack and Mr. Davenport, President Lincoln was observed to be present with his little "Tad" (Thaddeus Lincoln) with him. It being Mr. Lincoln's favorite play, one could not repress a certain curiosity to know-though he was familiar with them as with stump-speaking, girl, modest, handsomely attired, begged doubtless-how certain passages would leave to enter the jail to see her father. strike him. When the following passage They permitted her, contrary to their usual between Malcolm and Macduff was pro- custom and savage barbarity, to go in. nounced the audience was suddenly silent They had him in a small iron cage, a teras the grave: rible affair; they opened a little door, and the jailor admitted her. As she entered the cage were her father was, she clasped him around the neck, and he embraced her

Mal. Let us seek out some desolate shade and there
Weep our sad bosoms empty.


Let us rather
Hold fast the mortal sword and like good men

also, throwing his arms across her should


"Mr. Lincoln Forgot It!"

They sobbed and cried; shed their The capture of Mason and Slidell creattears and made their moans. When they ed intense excitement throughout Europe, had parted, wringing each other by the and in no country perhaps was this excitehand, as she came out of the cage, stam- ment more mercurial than in Paris. Pubmering and trying to utter something in- lic opinion was in painful suspense in retelligible, she lisped the name of Mr. gard to the forthcoming Presidential MesBrownlow, who was confined within the sage, which it was supposed would contain same walls. She knew his face, and he a broad and national enunciation relative could understand as much as that she de- to the event which held almost the whole sired him to write a dispatch to Jefferson world by the ears. The anxiously awaited Davis, and sign her name, begging him to document duly arrived, but no word did pardon her father. Mr. B. worded about it contain about the affair of the Trent. this: "HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS.-My The surprise of the volatile Parisians father, Hessing Self, is sentenced to be knew no bounds. A speculator at the hanged at four o'clock to-day. I am living Bourse, more spirituelle than his colat home, and my mother is dead. My father leagues, found an explanation of the enigis my earthly all; upon him my hopes are "Mr. Lincoln forgot it!" The word centered; and, friend, I pray you to parwas taken up at once, and had an immense don him. Respectfully, ELIZABETH success. Here was England about to fall SELF." Jefferson Davis, who then had a on the American coast with an armada better heart than some of his coadjutors, such as the world had never seen, all Euimmediately responded by commuting his rope was in consternation at the disasters sentence to imprisonment. that were to follow such a struggle, com merce was already paralyzed, the funds were fluctuating like the needle of a barometer before a storm, and—Mr. Lincoln had forgotten even to speak of the circumstance! The joke was too chilling; and people swore while they laughed. Was there ever such a people on the face of

Clerks of the President.


Examining one of the Baltimore Uncon


Some clever patriot, anxious that things political should square a little more nicely with his ideas of the necessities of the public welfare, went to Washington, and there sought the occupant of the White House. He said to Mr. Lincoln, "Sir, the earth? Ils ne se doutent de rien ! you must get rid of Mr. Seward—throw They fiddle while Rome is burning! him overboard." "Mr. Seward," said the President, "is Secretary of State. He conducts the diplomacy of the country. Considering the source from which the Have you read his diplomatic correspon- following narration comes the columns of dence?" "Yes, Sir." "Have you any the Charleston Mercury-it may perhaps be fault to find with it?" "No, Sir." "Well, regarded as 'drawn rather mild,' though the Sir, he is my clerk; I got him for that veraciousness of the affair, even as thus purpose." "Well, but you should throw given, is more than doubtful. It however Blair overboard." "Sir, Mr. Blair is gives the rebels a chance to set off the Postmaster General. Do you get your "unconquerable spirit of the women of papers and letters regularly?" "Yes, Baltimore," and this is at least instructive. Sir." Well, Sir, he is my clerk for that to the student of feminine benignity. But purpose; and I am President of the United to the "unconquerable” :— States." That was pretty much the idea entertained by President Jackson of his cabinet. 9

A Mrs. W., of Baltimore, about to pay a visit of a few days to the country, to some relatives, was driving through the city in

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