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Prosperity and adversity, Johnson, 98.
Prostitution, Lecky, 12.

Providence: Hugo, 7; Wesley, 215.
Publicity, Place of, Perkins, 64.
Punishment: Griffith, 68; Meredith, 111.

Railroads, American, Hill, 70.
Rain, Loveman, 113.

Reading, and exercise, Addison, 37.

Reading Gaol, The Ballad of, Wilde, 213.

Reason: Johnson, 97; Franklin, 123; and the law,
Coke, 42; versus force, Gompers, 75.

Red Jacket, Speech of, 219.
Reform, Social, Gladstone, 86.
Relations, Poor, Lamb, 105.
Relaxation, Steele, 196.

Religion: Balzac, 15; Penn, 30; Emerson, 51; Frank-
lin, 104; Mill, 149; Copernicus, 208; Eliot, 227;
of usefulness, Ingersoll, 13; and goodness, Renan,
32; and theology, Burbank, 41; Differences in,
Penn, 47; Denominations of, Paine, 202.
Rembrandt: Meissonier, 153; Michel, 218; Van
Dyke, 223; Place of, Michel, 11.

Remembrance, Twelve things worthy of, Field, 78.
Renunciation, Dante, 16.

Republic, The Ideal, Bryan, 87.

Resignation: Stevenson, 49; Scott, 108.

Resolution: Edgeworth, 123; Nelson, 133.
Responsibility, Pinchot, 70.

Right and wrong, Clarke, 95.

Rogers, H. H., Mark Twain, 213.

Romance: Age of, Carlyle, 14; Ideas of, Deming, 54.

Rome, Supremacy of, Fuller, 71.

Romola, Eliot, 198.

Rutledge, Anne, Masters, 185.

Satan, The case of, Mark Twain, 44.
Schools and the nation, Bismarck, 128.
Schopenhauer, Saltus, 166.

Science: Spencer, 215; Morley, 225; Teachings of,
Huxley, 69; Modern, Huxley, 75.

Scripture: The power of, Shaw, 108; Authority of,
Galileo, 208.

Sculpture, Cushman, 26.

Sea, The: Conrad, 98; Masefield, 107; Tennyson,147.
Self-confidence, Johnson, 150.

Self control: Arnold, 36; Seneca, 167; Da Vinci, 218;
Maclaren, 226.

Self-interest, Steinway, 83.

Selfishness, Wilde, 25; Noyes, 63.

Self-knowledge, Disraeli, 224.

Self-mastery, Meredith, 99.

Self-restraint, Cato, 54.

Self-sacrifice, Ruskin, 29.

Sentiment: Le Gallienne, 38; and the imagination
Lamartine, 57; The story of human, Henderson,

Separation, Hitopadesa, 21.

Service: Crane, 20; Stevenson, 29; Traubel, 59;
Morgan, 79; Owen, 227; Rewards of, Aurelius, 89.
Sex superiority, Ruskin, 94.
Shadow and light, Gay, 68.
Shaw, G. Bernard, Frank, 145.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Poetry of, Thompson, 128;

The death of, Thompson, 148.

Shepherdess, The, Meynell, 76.

Shirt, Song of the, Hood, 29.

Silence: Carlyle, 215; Confucius, 224; More, 227;

varities of, Guyon, 78.

Simplicity, Reynolds, 215.

Sin, Fiske, 36.
Sincerity, Garrison, 22.
Singer, The Idle, Morris, 191.
Singing, Carlyle, 68.

Slander: Haeckel, 89; Beecher, 159.

Slavery: Industrial, Edwards, 18; and civilization,
Wilde, 48; Agricultural, George, 199.

Sleep: Byron, 42; Cervantes, 86; Colton, 100; Napo-
leon, 155; Wellington, 227.

Snobbery, Braley, 83.

Society, Lavater, 187; Human, Shaw, 30; and nature,
Wilde, 63; Organization of, Jefferson, 176.
Solitude: Thoreau, 63; Wordsworth, 87; Lowell, 222;
Independence of, Emerson, 29.

Sonnets, Rossetti, 221.

Sorrow, Universality of, Longfellow, 46; and fear,
Benson, 127.

Soul, The: Houseman, 124; compared with fire,
De Stael, 19; Existence of, Voltaire, 66.
Speech, Kipling, 6; and the mind, Seneca, 8; Words
and things, Johnson, 21; The English, Emerson,


Spencer, Herbert, Letter to, Huxley, 216.
Spirit, Life of the, Ehrmann, 37.

Stage, Traditions of the, Shaw, 9.

Stars, The: Byron, 23; Untermeyer, 25; Von Hum-
boldt, 32; Keats, 203; Man and the, Ovid, 26.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Death of, Quiller-Couch,

Stoicism, Santayana, 161.

Stomach, The, Souvester, 200.

Strife, Hall, 215; Family, Esop, 128.
Strike, The, Edwards, 18.

Style, Literary, Burroughs, 81.

Success: Howe, 16; Brisbane, 40; Mirabeau, 71;
Vail, 95; Horton, 102; Schopenhauer, 136; Camp-
bell, 169; Whiting, 13; Stanley, 56; Field, 78;
and mental attitude, Scott, 20; Cheerfulness and,
Kingsley, 29; and caution, Rockefeller, 54; Es-
sentials of, Harriman, 58; and work, Bolton, 61;
Business, Selfridge, 61; Secret of, Rockefeller, 69;
Perils of, Smith, 69; Conditions of, Sage, 70;
and anxiety, Stowe, 87; and merit, Cockran, 91;
in life, Nelson, 133; and failure, Jones, 173; and
failure, Thackeray, 223.

Sublime, The, and the ridiculous, Paine, 161.
Suffering, Young, 169.

Summer: Indian, Longfellow, 8; The pleasures of,
Jefferies, 67.

Sundown, Whitman, 52.

Superstition: Stephen, 20; Darwin, 34; Farrar, 67;
Paine, 181.

Sympathy: Ouida, 41; Wilde, 204.
System, Hugo, 169.

Tardiness, Dionysius, 52.
Task, A, Stevenson, 26.

Tears: Reese, 143; Tennyson, 183.
Thanksgiving, A man's, Newcomb, 23.

Theater, The, and social questions, Shaw, 42.
Theology: Emerson, 218; and religion, Burbank, 41.
Thrift: of time, Gladstone, 82; Smiles, 176.
Thought: Stephen, 23; Carlyle, 147; Pythagoras, 190;
Hugo, 227; Power of, Carlyle, 118; Religion and,
Fiske, 194.

Thoroughbred, The, Patterson, 48.

Thorwaldsen, Mendelssohn, 191.

Tiger, The, Blake, 139.

Time: Turgenef, 11; Bailey, 22, Browne, 101; Hodgson,
198; Use of, Brisbane, 40; Wrecks of, Voorhees, 62

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Truth: Muller, 25; Emerson, 86; Mark Twain, 94;

Munger, 156; Stevenson, 165; St. Augustine, 168;
Hypatia, 187; Stephens, 195; Pindar, 196; Owen,
223; and justice, George, 47; Love of, Burbank, 53;
Evolution of, White, 200; Love of, Parker, 224.
Turner, J. M. W., Hamerton, 141, 144.
Tyranny, Paine, 181.

Union and strength, Esop, 128.
Universe, Forces of the, Jefferies, 41.
Unselfishness, Wilde, 25.

Useful, The, Shelley, 143.

Venice, Smith, 149.

Virtue: Triumph of, Darwin, 34; Oliver, 161.
Vivisection: Victoria, 20; Lamartine, 75.
Vocation, Respect of, Dickens, 51.
Voice, The human, Longfellow, 228.
Walking, Joys of, Burroughs, 65.

War, Hugo, 12; Pasteur, 14; Swift, 128; Solon, 135;
Sophocles, 142; Crane, 178; Von Moltke, 218;
Illusions of, Le Gallienne, 9; Women and,
Schreiner, 31; Foolishness of, Carlyle, 33; Logic
of, Tolstoy, 35; Waste of, Sumner, 37; Hatred of,
Miller, 41; Vulgarity of, Wilde, 44; Evils of,
Channing, 45; Waste of, Franklin, 46; Causes of,
Ingersoll, 82; and Progress, Cobden, 180.
Washington, George, The character of, Webster, 21;
Greatness of, Curtis, 74; Character of, Jefferson,
178; Adams, 190; Fiske, 199.

Waterloo, Battle of, Hugo, 151.
Wealth: Shaw, 14; Lee, 17; Lorimer, 96.

Wesley, Samuel, Letter of mother to, 150.

Will, The: Bennett, 75; and Strength, Hugo, 164.
Williams, Roger, Straus, 51.

Wind, The, Garland, 103.

Wisdom: Lincoln, 129; Spencer, 225; Path of, Eliot,
72; Dante, 74; and folly, Goldsmith, 68; and
ignorance, King, 228.

Wit: Penn, 218; De Stael, 126.

Woman, Tribute to, Stevenson, 69; Self-deception of,
Ashmun, 73; The heart of, Watson, 81; Uplift of,
Schreiner, 94; Relation of man to, Walker, 204;
Tribute to, Mill, 214.

Women and War, Schreiner, 31.
Wonder, Young, 73.

Work: Norvell, 20; Hood, 28; Ehrmann, 37; Phillips,
44; Ballinger, 68; Du Maurier, 110; Carnegie, 210;
Drudgery of, Fuller, 9; The world's, Keller, 27;
and amusement, Ruskin, 31; and play, Le Gal-
liene, 38; and joy, Briggs, 58; Necessity of,
Burdette, 59; and success, Bolton, 61; Joyful,
Morris, 62; Joys of, Kingsley, 72; the mission of
mankind, Shaw, 74; Creative, Page, 123; Love
of, Weltmer, 156; Energy and, 47.

Workmanship, Good, Ruskin, 30.

Workers, March of the, Morris, 163.

World, The beauty and wonder of, Burroughs, 66;
Wadsworth, 189.

Worlds, Two, Hunt, 144.
Worlds, Other, Spinoza, 148.
Worry: Edison, 21; Hall, 137.
Writing, The art of, Buffon, 165.

Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the lower falls of the,
Hoyt, 28.

Youth: Burroughs, 80, 92; Conrad, 98; and age,
Holmes, 50; and age, Schopenhauer, 165; and age,
Hugo, 196; and old age, Stevenson, 112; and
reform, Rousseau, 181.

Zarathustra, Nietzsche, 193.

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