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My highest ambition is to leave to piano-players after me some useful instructions, the footprints of attained advance, in fact, a work which may some day provide a worthy witness of the labor and study of my youth.

I remember the greedy dog in La Fontaine, which let the juicy bone fall from its mouth in order to grasp a shadow. Let me gnaw in peace at my bone. The hour will come, perhaps all too soon, in which I shall lose myself and hunt after a monstrous intangible shadow.

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HE first performance of the Messiah took place in the Neale's Music Hall in Dublin, on 18th April, 1742, at midday, and, apropos of the absurdities of fashion, it may be noted that the announcements contained the following request: "Ladies who honor this performance with their presence will be pleased to come without hoops, as it will greatly increase the charity by making room for more company."

The work was gloriously successful, and over £400 were obtained the first day for the Dublin charities. Handel seems always to have had a special feeling with regard to this masterpiece of his-as if it were too sacred to be merely used for making money, like his other works. . . . In this connection a fine saying of his may be repeated. Lord Kinnoul had complimented him on the noble " entertainment which by the Messiah he had lately given the town.

"My lord," said Handel," I should be sorry if I only entertained them-I wish to make them better."

And when some one questioned him on his feelings when composing the Hallelujah Chorus, he replied in his peculiar English," I did think I did see all heaven before me, and the great God Himself."

What a fine saying that was of poor old George III, in describing the Pastoral Symphony in this oratorio-" I could see the stars shining through it!"

The now constant custom of the audience to rise and remain standing during the performance of this chorus, is said to have originated in the following manner: On the first production of the work in London, the audience were exceedingly struck and affected by the music in general; and when that chorus struck up, "For the Lord God Omnipotent" in the "Hallelujah," they were so transported that they all together, with the king (who happened to be present), started up and remained standing until the chorus ended. This anecdote I had from Lord Kinnoul.-Dr. James Beattie.

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HE Parnell I knew-and I may claim to have known him more intimately than anyone else on earth, both in public and private lifewas incapable of motiveless brusqueries. That Parnell could crush utterly and without remorse I know; that he could deal harshly, even brutally, with anyone or anything that stood against him in the path he meant to tread, I admit, but that he would ever go out of his way to say a grossly rude thing or make an unprovoked attack, whether upon the personal appearance, morals, or character of another man, I absolutely deny. Parnell was ruthless in all his dealings with those who thwarted his will, but-he was never petty.

Parnell had a most beautiful and harmonious voice when speaking in public. Very clear it was, even in moments of passion against his own and his country's foes-passion modulated and suppressed until I have seen, from the Ladies' Gallery, his hand clenched until the "Orders of the Day" which he held were crushed into pulp, and only that prevented his nails piercing his hand. Often I have taken the "Orders out of his pocket, twisted into shreds-a fate that also overtook the slips of notes and the occasional quotations he had got me to look out for him.

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Sometimes when he was going to speak I could not leave my aunt long enough to be sure of getting to the Ladies' Gallery in time to hear him; or we might think it inexpedient that I should be seen to arrive so soon after him at the House. On these occasions, when I was able, I would arrive perhaps in the middle of his speech and look down upon him, saying in my heart, "I have come!" and invariably I would see the answering signal-the lift of the head and lingering touch of the white rose in his coat, which told me, "I know, my Queen."

This telepathy of the soul, intuition, or what you will, was so strong between us that, whatever the business before the House, whether Parnell was speaking or not, in spite of the absolute impossibility of distinguishing any face or form

behind the grille of the Ladies' Gallery, Parnell was aware of my presence, even though often he did not expect me, as soon as I came in, and answered my wordless message by the signal that I knew.-Katherine O'Shea (Mrs. Charles Stewart Parnell).

Rome endured as long as there were Romans. America will endure as long as we remain American in spirit and in thought.-David Starr Jordan.


If we had paid no more attention to ou plants than we have to our children, we would now be living in a jungle of weeds. -Luther Burbank.

The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do.-James M. Barrie.

We no longer depend for Salvation upon either a man or a book. Men help us; books help us; but back of all stands ou divine reason.-Charles W. Eliot.

You may depend upon it that there are as good hearts to serve men in palaces as in cottages.-Robert Owen.

It is only those who do not know how to work that do not love it. To those who do, it is better than play.—it is religion. -J. H. Patterson.

Affection can withstand very severe storms of vigor, but not a long polar frost of indifference.-Sir Walter Scott.


Illusion and wisdom combined are the charm of life and art.-Joseph Joubert.

When one begins to turn in bed it is time to turn out.-Wellington.

Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. -Mark Twain.

Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.-Victor Hugo.

my house you have met General Bonaparte. Wellhe it is who would supply a father's place to the orphans of Alexander de Beauand a husband's to his widow. I the General's courage, the exhis information, for on all subjects s equally well, and the quickness judgment, enables him thethoughts hers almost they are exd; but, I conit, I shrink



he seems de

of exercising

all who apch him & His ching glance something zular and inlicable, which oses evenon our ectors; judge t may not inidate a woman. en-what ht to please me me force of a sion, described nan energy that es not a doubt

in "the still, small voice," and in a voice from the burning bush. The soul of man is audible, not visible. A sound alone betrays the flowing of the eternal fountain, invisible to man!-Longfellow.

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,

(OLDIERS, what I have to offer you is fatigue, danger, struggle and death; the chill of the cold night in the free air, and heat under the burning sun; no lodgings, no munitions, no provisions, but forced marches, danger

Healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.


Henceforth I ask not good fortune, 1
myself am good-fortune;
Henceforth I whimper no more, post-
pone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries,
querulous criticisms,

Strong and content I travel the open road

All seems beautiful to me.

I can repeat over to men and women, You have done such good to me I would do the same to you,

ous watchposts

and the continual

struggle with the bayonet against

batteries-those who love freedom

and their country may follow me. -Garibaldi to his

Roman soldiers.

HE chief dif

I will recruit for myself and you as I go. ference beI will scatter myself among men and

women as I go,

I will toss a new gladness and roughness among them.

"The Open Road," by Walt Whitman

mis sincerity, is precisely the cause ch arrests the consent I am often on point of pronouncing.

-Letters of Josephine.

a better live your best and act your t and think your best today; for today me sure preparation for tomorrow and the other tomorrows that follow. -Harriet Martineau.

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OW wonderful is the human voice! It is indeed the organ of the soul! e intellect of man sits enthroned bly upon his forehead and in his ; and the heart of man is written on his countenance. But the soul eals itself in the voice only, as God ealed himself to the prophet of old,

tween a wise man and an ignorant one is, not that the first is acquainted with regions invisible to the second, away from common sight and interest, but that he understands the common things which the second only sees. -Starr King.

We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never either so wretched or so happy as we say we are.—Balzac.

That silence is one of the great arts of conversation is allowed by Cicero himself, who says there is not only an art, but an eloquence in it.-Hannah More.

Whether you be man or woman you will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. -James L. Allen.

Achievement, Ibsen, 104.


Adversity: Uses of, Stowe, 45; and prosperity,
Johnson, 95; McCarthy, 112; Tacitus, 174;
Byron, 191.

Advertising and humor, Ade, 54.
Advice, Von Humboldt, 100.
Affection, Scott, 227.

Affliction, Cecil, 171.

Age, old: Fear of, Goldsmith, 47; and youth, Holmes,
50; Yeats, 77.

Agriculture, Edison, 21; Importance of, Hill, 34;
Warner, 39; Jefferson, 148.

Ambition: Burke, 23; Intellectual, Holmes, 25;
Marden, 27; Attainment of, Appel, 70; Lincoln,


America, the melting-pot, Zangwill, 96.
Americanism, Gordon, 227.

Amusement: Balzac, 140; and work, Ruskin, 31.
Ancestry: Voltaire, 165; Pride of, Overbury, 21.
Ancients, The, Savonarola, 218.

Andre, The fate of, Hamilton, 134.

Anger: Dangers of, Metchnikoff, 78; Work and,

Luther, 82; Dodsley, 164; Penn, 205.

Animals, Cruelty to, Victoria, 20.

Aphorisms, Disraeli, 225.
Apples, Burroughs, 92.
April, Watson, 171.

Argument, Gibbon, 94.

Aristocracy, Today and tomorrow, Mazzini, 60.
Art: Ingersoll, 89; Michelangelo, 176; Ruskin, 30;
and education, Whistler, 38; and life, Morris,
120; and nature, Dostoievski, 41; and science,
Opie, 153; Charm of, Guizot, 72; Work and,
Mathews, 19.

Artistic temperament, The, Phillips, 44.
Artist, The first, Whistler, 24.

Aspiration, Alcott, 62.

Autumn, Carman, 20; Landor, 193.

Baltimore, Lord, Straus, 51.

Beautiful, The, Grayson, 38.

Beauty: Balzac, 15; an all-pervading presence,
Channing, 56; and truth, Keats, 59; Maeterlinck,

Beethoven, Music of, Wagner, 71.

Behavior, Necker, 143.

Belief: Terence, 168; Disraeli, 215.

Bibieni, Cardinal, Letter to niece of, Raphael, 188.
Bible, The: Aked, 227; Gladden, 227; and democracy,
Huxley, 92.

Bigotry, O'Connell, 33.

Birth of a child, Tagore, 54.

Bixby, Mrs., Letter to, Lincoln, 133.

Brahma, Emerson, 146.

Bravery, Shakespeare, 189.

Bribery, Garrick, 58.

Britain, Great, Jay, 193.

Brotherhood of man: Herron, 32; Markham, 35, 39;
George, 17; Terry, 19; Altgeld, 30; Mills, 78;
Robinson, 34.

Brown, John: Wise, 119; His address to the court,
120; Burial of, Phillips, 124.
Books, Bacon, 8; Gosse, 27; Burroughs, 81; Channing,

153, 198; Traubel, 161; Barrow, 171; Curtis, 179;

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Chillon, Byron, 188.

Chivalry, The age of, Burke, 99.
Choir Invisible, The, George Eliot, 217.
Christmas, Dickens, 79.

Church: Roman and Protestant compared, White
197; The new, Emerson, 172; The, Garibaldi, 218.
Circumstantial evidence, Mark Twain, 57.
Civilization and slavery, Wilde, 48.

College, The, and democracy, 21.

Columbus, Joaquin Miller, 60.

Comfort, Peace and, Morris, 70.

Commercialism, Garfield, 169; Paine, 202.
Company, Great men as, Carlyle, 215.
Competition, Armour, 227.

Compromise, Watterson, 66.

Conduct: Newton, 211; The reward of good, Froebel,


Confidence, Cavour, 97; Lack of, Bovee, 56.
Consistency, Gilman, 52.

Contentment: Brooks, 17; Keats, 101; Riley, 167.
Conversation: Bovee, 56; Disraeli, 214; Equality and,
Steele, 56; Relaxation and, Steele, 196.

Co-operation, Aurelius, 211; Blatchford, 20; Fitch,
78; Herron, 32; Steinmetz, 165.
Corn laws, The, Bright, 208.
Correggio, Symonds, 217.

Corruption, Political, Macdonald, 225.

Country: Life in, Penn, 210; Dickens, 83; Petrarch,


Courage: Carlyle, 225; Allen, 228; and perseverance,
Adams, 96; Need of, Smith, 67.

Courtesy, Washington, 26.

Craftsmanship: Ruskin, 30; Lippmann, 62.
Creeds, Kipling, 128.

Crime, Meredith, 111; and poverty, Griffith, 68.

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Daisies, Carman, 100.
Dante, Michelangelo, 179.
Darwin, Charles, Huxley, 211.

Death: Bell, 15; Lincoln, 17; Stevenson, 49; Raleigh,

80; Tennyson, 101; Scott, 108; Stevenson, 108;
and life, Crosby, 43; The mystery of, Cook, 76;
Democracy of, Ingalls, 77; King, 97; a friend,
Franklin, 118.

Debt, a teacher, Emerson, 104.
Dedication, A, Kipling, 138.
Defoe, Daniel, Besant, 196.

Demagogues and Agitators, Disraeli, 196.
Democracy: Whitman, 121; Jay, 180; and England,
Cobden, 179.

Destiny, Burroughs, 8; Socrates, 109; Shakespeare, 185.
Dirt, The love of, Warner, 39.

Discipline: St. Benedict, 222; Plato, 23.
Discontent, Varities of, Graham, 78.
Discretion, Franklin, 225.

Divinity, Luther, 120.

Dore, Gustave, Roosevelt, 224.

Doubt, Stanislaus, 140.*

Drama, The, Cushman, 26.

Dreamer, The, O'Reilly, 131.
Dreams, Davies, 181.

Duty: Beecher, 19; Osler, 70; Stevenson, 88; Millet 157

Education: Whitlock, 43; Locke, 68; Bismarck, 128;
Peabody, 211; Cooper, 214; Meaning of, Ruskin,
17; Benson, 73; and democracy, Wilson, 21;
Dangers of, Wu Ting-Fang, 55; A liberal, Hux-
ley, 90; First aim of, Seton, 145.

Egotism and ignorance, Bulwer-Lytton, 61.
Electricity, Wonders of, Hawthorne, 57.

Eloquence, Cicero, 87.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Holmes, 183.

Endeavor, Fiona Macleod, 142.

Energy, Buxton, 72.

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Folly and wisdom, Goldsmith, 86.

Food, Wiley, 145.

Foolishness: Lamb, 166; Mark Twain, 227.

France, Anatole, Characterization of, Brandes, 52.
France, The Queen of, Burke, 99.

Franklin, Benjamin: Epitaph of, 129; Fiske, 199;
and Washington, Jefferson, 177.

Freedom: Kant, 222; Lowell, 32; Dangers of, Gar-
rick, 58; Guardians of, Depew, 74; of speech,
Bradlaugh, 72; of thought, Straus, 51; Principles
of, Paine, 204; Religious, Straus, 51; Carlyle, 180.
Free-Thought, Owen, 223.
Friendship: Gorky, 14; Montaigne, 75; Burroughs,
108; Washington, 26; Emerson, 83; Stevenson, 29;
Perils of, Bourne, 59; a gift, Hughes, 75.

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Habit: James, 76; Mann, 167; Astor, 211; Sweden-
borg, 214.

Handel, George Frederick, Beattie, 226.
Handshaking, Everett, 144.

Happiness: Southey, 16; Maeterlinck, 30; Edison, 21;
Fiske, 36; Jerrold, 70; Aurelius, 79; Santayana,
92; Franklin, 98; Ruskin, 102; Ingersoll, 106;
Cheney, 127; Aristotle, 214; an incident, Haw-
thorne, 47; The attainment of, Franklin, 19; and
passion, Tennyson, 83; and pleasure, Eliot, 198;
Barrie, 227; Balzac, 228.

Hardship, Garibaldi, 228.
Harmony, Eddy, 182.

Hate, Miller, 41.

Health: Disraeli, 220; Higginson, 222; and happi-
ness, Johnson, 96.

Heart, The human, Ouida, 41.

Herndon, Wm. H., Masters, 150.

Henry, Patrick, Henry, 192.

Hesitation, Lincoln, 149.

Historian, The perfect, Macaulay, 48.

History, Disraeli, 146.

Homesickness, Crosby, 31.

Honesty: Lippmann, 62; Carlyle, 189; of thought,
Haeckel, 82.

Honor, Shaw, 172.

Hooker, General J., Letter to, Lincoln, 177.
Humanity: Gorky, 14; George, 17; The war of,
Heine, 94; Franklin, 99; Comte, 211; Intellectual
development of, Fiske, 194; and literature,
Schopenhauer, 208; Love of, Lloyd, 24; War and,
Pasteur, 14.

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