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" Being encompaffed with a cloud of witnefles, let us lay afide every weight, and the fin which doth fo eafily befet us : and let us run with patience the race that is fet before us... "
The Ladies Library ... - Page 272
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Devotions in the ancient way of offices,: with psalms, hymns and prayers for ...

John Austin - 1706 - 660 pages
...teflon, fart ef the 1 and i yh of the Hebrews T ET us lay afide every Weight, and the 1 j Sin that doth fo eafily befet us, and let us run with Patience...fet before us. Looking unto Jefus, the Author and Fiof our Faith; who for the Joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofs, defprfing the Shame, and...
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The Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion, Volume 1

Robert Jenkin - Apologetics - 1708 - 604 pages
...Flight the Armies of the Aliens ; that from thefe, as well as from fuffering Examples, we mould learn to run with patience the Race that is fet before us, looking unto Jefus the Author and Finiftier of our Faith-, who for the joy that wot fet before him, endured the Crofs, defpifing the...
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An History of the Archbishops and Bishops, who Have Been Impeach'd and ...

Daniel Defoe - Bishops - 1722 - 90 pages
...the Scaffold, With an Air of Refolution and Cheerfuf. nefs. His Speech begins with this Text, Let tit run with Patience the Race that is fet before us, looking unto Jefut, £c. After his Speech, the Archbifhop made a very Pious anJ Affefting Prayer, and then moved...
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The Christian's defence against the fears of death, tr. by M. D'Assigny ...

Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 pages
...ef Witnejfes, let us lay afede every freight, and the Sin which doth fo eafily lefet us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before us, looking unto Jefus the Author and Fini/her of our Faith, who, for the Joy that was Jet before him, endured the Crofs, Rom. viii. Heb....
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Religious perfection: or, A 3rd part of the Enquiry after happiness, by the ...

Richard Lucas - Perfection - 1735 - 486 pages
...incompajjed with a cloud of witnejjes, let us lay afide every weight, and the Jin which doth fo eajily befet us ; and let us run with patience the race that is fet before us, looking unto Jefus the author andjinijker of our Jaith; who, for the joy that was Jet before him, endured the Crofs, dejpijing the...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...cometh to the Light, that his Deeds may be made manifeft, that they are wrought in Gon. and the SIN which doth fo eafily befet us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before us : 2. LOOKING unto Jefus, the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our FAITH; who for the Joy that was fet before...
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A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and Upon All ..., Volume 2

Bible - 1737 - 470 pages
...Cowardly ApoItacy, -)• to which your prefent Sufferings are fo apt to tempt and draw you. * Cbatand the fin which doth fo eafily befet us, and let us run with patience the race that is fet before us, J "' t J» 2. Aad 578 APA RA PH RA SE OH the Vol. II. 63. 2 Icnkhg unto 2. And, for your Ml higher...
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Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount ... explained ... in ..., Volume 1

James Blair - 1740 - 564 pages
...about with fo great a Cloud of Martyrs, let us lay afide every Weight, and the Sin which doth fo eajily befet us, and let us run with Patience the Race that...fet before us, looking unto Jefus, the Author and Finijher of our Faith; who for the Joy that was fet before him, endured the Crojs, defpijing the Shame,...
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Fifty sermons on several subjects and occasions, Volume 3

Charles Wheatly - 1746 - 420 pages
...loithfo great a Cloud of Witnejes, let us lay afide every Weight, and the Sin which doth fo eajily befet us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before us, Looking unto JefiiS, the Author and Finijher of our Faith ; /. WE are now, my dear Chriftians, drawing towards the...
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The New Testament, with references. To which are added, the ..., Volume 2

Francis Fox - 1748 - 602 pages
...perfect. . . fc HA P. XIL WHEREFORE, feeing we alfo are cbmpa about with fo great a cloud of witueffes, * let us lay afide every weight, and the fin which doth fo eafily befet its, arid b let us run with fc patience the race that is fet before us. 2. Looking unto Jefus the a...
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