Finally, brethren, whatfoever things are ' true, whatfoever things are honeft, whatfoever things ' are juft, whatfoever things are pure, whatfoever things ' are lovely, whatfoever things are of good report : If ' there be any virtue, and if there be any... The Ladies Library ... - Page 2521772Full view - About this book
 | Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 pages
...whatfoever Things are pure, wbatfoever Things are lovely, whatfoever Things ars of good report, if there be any Virtue, and if there be any Praife, think on thefe Things. I might with as much Eafe number the Stars of the Sky, as reckon up all the Paffages that call upon... | |
 | James Foster - 1743 - 416 pages remains but, IN the THIRD place, to explain briefly the latter claufe of the text — If there be any Virtue, and if there be any Praife, think on thefe things. It may perhaps be thought, that nothing is here fuggefted but what was fully comprehended in the preceding... | |
 | Peter Browne (bp. of Cork and Ross.) - Sermons, English - 1749 - 462 pages
...things, are pure, ivhatfoever things are lovely, •whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praife, think on thefe things. Our Saviour profefles to give us but one new commandment, namely, that we love one another. And it... | |
 | Conduct of life - 1751 - 392 pages
...Things are pure, wiiat/iie•ver Things are lovely, 'whaefoever Things are of good Report : If there be any Virtue, and if there be any Praife, think on thefe...importing, that 'Faith is a principle of univerfal Righteoufnefs ; that the fear and love of God do equally oblige us to all his Commandments; and that... | |
 | Samuel Blyth (of Bolton.) - 1754 - 38 pages
...whatlbever " Things are honeft, whatfoever Things are *•' juft, whatfoever Things are pure, what" foever Things are lovely, whatfoever Things " are of good...if there be any Praife, think on thefe *.' Things. Thofe Things which ye have " both learned, and received, and heard, and " feen in him, do : and the... | |
 | Thomas Boston - 1755 - 320 pages
...are true, ' whatfoever things are honeft, whatfoever things ' are juft, whatfoever thirigs are purer whatfoever ' things are lovely, whatfoever things...if there be ' any praife, think on thefe things.' ffeb. xiii. 21. ' New the God of peace mr«':e you peifeft in eve' ry good work, to do his will, working... | |
 | John Leland - Apologetics - 1755 - 700 pages
...whatjaeiter things are pure, whatfoever things are lovely, whatjoever things are of good rtport, if there be any -virtue, and if there be any praife, think on thefe things. • *" 4 O P'" " '"^^ wj^O ... | |
 | John Tillotson - Sermons, English - 1757 - 508 pages
...brethren, " whatfoever things are true, whatfoever things are " honeft, whatfoever things arejuft, whatfoever things " are pure, whatfoever things are...and if there be any praife, think on thefe things." St. James likewife declares to the fame purpofe the genuine effect of chriftianky, which he calls "... | |
 | John Leland - 1764 - 470 pages
...things are true, -whatfoever things are honeft, -whatfoever things are jitjl, -whatfoever things arc pure, "whatfoever things are lovely, •whatfoever...and if there be any praife, think on thefe things. I have now liniflied the defign I undertook, and which hath been carried on to a much greater length... | |
 | John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - Grace (Theology) - 1765 - 298 pages
...following terms : " Finally *.' brethren, whatfoever things are true, what*' foever things are honeft, whatfoever things are " lovely, whatfoever things...and if there be any " praife, think on thefe things *." Does not this at once difcover how many may attain to a confiderable degree of regularity in the... | |
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