Jefus the author and finifher of our faith; who for the joy that was fet before him, endured the crofs, defpifing the fhame ; and is fet down at the right hand of the throne of God. The Ladies Library ... - Page 2721772Full view - About this book
 | Richard Baxter - Faith - 1655 - 366 pages
...were an Angel from heaven : And if this fatisfieyounot, look to Jefus the Authour and Finifher of yout Faith, who for the joy that was fet before him, endured the Ctoffe, delpifing the flaame, s*nd is fee caiicu plead FRom ail thisyoumay gather part of fwer to your... | |
 | Thomas Ken (bp. of Bath and Wells.) - 1699 - 196 pages
...Kindness and tender Mercies! Grant this, 0 Lord, for the fake ofjefus Chrift, thy bleffed and only Son, who for the joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofs, and defiifed the Shame, and if fet down at the right hand of the Majefty on high. To whom, with thee,... | |
 | John Tillotson (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1700 - 446 pages
...Apoftle tells us, that he was encouraged to do this out of a refpeft to a greater glory, Heb. t«. 2. Who for the Joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofs, defpifing the fhame, and is Jet down at the right hand of the throne of God, And in this fenfe, we are to underftand the command... | |
 | Clement Ellis - 1705 - 494 pages as a thing of that Concernment to them, that all feems nothing without it, as our blefled JESUS, who, for the joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofs, defpifing the fliame. It is the want of this confideration, that the things we feek for are of fo great Concernment... | |
 | John Austin - 1706 - 660 pages
...let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before us. Looking unto Jefus, the Author and Fiof our Faith; who for the Joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofs, defprfing the Shame, and is fet down at the Right- Hand of the Throne of God. For, confider him that... | |
 | Edward Wells - 1706 - 72 pages
...his Church, the J(ace which it ftt lefire Them, J£,ookfng unto J'fus the Author and FiniJ/jer of our Faith, who for the joy that was fet before Him Endured the Croft, DeJfiftng the Shame,&c. Let Them therefore be willing to Ertflure, and let Them Learn to Defpife... | |
 | Alexander Lunan - Sermons - 1712 - 160 pages
...then, but in all our Solitudes and Sufferings, to look up unto Jefus, the Author and Finijber of our Faith, who for the Joy that was fet before, ' him,' endured the Crofs, defiifing the Shame, and is fet '/:-^e\vn at the right Hand of the Throne of God. For consider *3&ni... | |
 | Isaac Barrow - Death - 1712 - 186 pages
...and ignominies; Who ( faith the Apoftle to the He- Heb. «; t lreivs, propounding his example to us ) for the joy that was fet before him endured the Crofs, defpifing the fhante, and is fet down at the right hand of God. Thus immediately, or by an eafie inference doth the... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - Trinity - 1712 - 554 pages
...Having д» HighTriefl [Gr. <z Gr^i Trieß] over the Houfe of God \ Let us draw near &c. 969. xii, 2. Who, for the joy that was fet before him, endured the Crofs, defpifed the Shame, and is fet down at the right hand of the Throne of God. 97©. 13, 14. - • ",... | |
 | Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...left ye be wearied, and faint in your Minds. And, look unto Jelus, the Author, and Finilher of our Faith; who, for the Joy that was fet before him , endured the Crofs, defpifing the Shame, and is fet down at the right Hand of the Throne of God: For, Chrift fuffered for us, leaving... | |
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