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in time, and in eternity. Indeed, whether we consider the unfathomable love wherein it originated, or the height of happiness to which it is designed to raise fallen, degenerate man, it demands of us every sentiment of gratitude, adoration and praise, to an all-wise Creator, who is called, and whose nature is, LOVE.


Sect. 1. The nature of true Worship-the public worship of
God a duty-the advantages that result from it-Prayer and
praise a part of Divine worship their nature. § 2. The quali-
fications of a gospel minister-the benefits attendant on a gos-
pel ministry. § 3. Of the Baptism of Christ-Of Water Bap-
tism-the latter not enjoined by Christ-the practice of the
apostles on this subject considered. § 4. The nature of the
Supper which Christ ate with his disciples the night before his
crucifixion-reasons for considering the celebration of it as not
now obligatory. - The Supper of the Lord, of which Christians
partake, inward and spiritual.
Page 85-110.

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