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L. S. BE it remembered, That on the twenty-third day of January, in the fifty-
second year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D.
1828, TIMOTHY PITKIN, of the said District, hath deposited in this Office the Title
of a Book, the right whereof he claims as author; in the words following-to wit :

"A Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from the year 1763
to the close of the administration of President Washington, in March, 1797: including
a summary view of the Political and Civil state of the North American Colonies, prior
to that period. By TIMOTHY PITKIN. In two volumes."

In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act for
the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to
the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned"--and
also to the act entitled "An act supplementary to an act entitled ' An act for the en-
couragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the au-
thors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extend-
ing the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and
other prints."

Clerk of the District of Connecticut.




Outlines of the plan of confederacy submitted to congress by Dr. Franklin, July,

1775-Not acted upon June 11th, 1776, congress appoint a committee of one

from a state to prepare a plan of confederation-Plan reported July following

---Is debated in congress at various times until the 15th of November, 1777,

when it is adopted---Outlines of the system---Congress divided as to terms of

union---Particularly the mode of voting in congress, the rule of apportioning

expenses among the states, and the disposition of the western lands---Articles

sent to the several states with a circular letter---Adopted by some states with-

out amendment---Principal amendments proposed by several states---All the

states except New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, instruct their delegates to

ratify and sign the articles, if their amendments should be rejected by congress

-Objections of New Jersey---Congress nearly equally divided on the amend-

ment proposed about the western lands---Articles ratified by New Jersey and

Delaware---Maryland gives special instructions to her delegates not to ratify

them, without an amendment securing the western lands for the benefit of the

union---These instructions laid before congress---States of Virginia and Con-

necticut empower their delegates to agree to the confederacy, exclusive of

Maryland---Other states unwilling to do this---Compromise about the western

lands---New York cedes for the benefit of the union her claim to lands west

of a certain line---Congress recommend to the other states to make liberal ces-

sions for the same purpose---Virginia cedes her right to the country north

west of the Ohio---Maryland accedes to the union, and the articles signed by

her delegates March first, 1781---The union then completed,

British Ministry call upon the people of Great Britain for voluntary contribu-

tions-Parliament meet January 20th, 1778-Ministers propose a plan of recon-

ciliation on the 17th of February-this plan contained in three bills-Purport

of the bills-Sent to America before they had passed-Governor Tryon, to

whom they are entrusted, sends them to general Washington and to the gov-

ernors of some of the states-General Washington transmits them to congress-

Are referred to a committee-Report made against them-Answer of governor

Trumbull to the letter of Tryon-Treaties with France arrive in May, 1778-

Are immediately ratified and published-Congress prepare an address to the

people of the United States--British commissioners arrive in America to offer

terms of reconciliation-Dr.: Franklin secretly consulted as to terms, before

the commissioners left England-David Hartley and others go to France to

sound him on the subject of terms of reconciliation-Propose that America

should yield certain advantages in; trade, on condition of peace-British com-

missioners arrive in America Propose to congress certain conciliatory prop-

ositions-Congress refuse to listen to any terms short of independence and the

withdrawing of the fleets and armies Reply of the British commissioners-

Governor Johnston, one of the commissioners: sends letters to several mem-

bers of congress, and through a lady makes certain offers to Mr. Reed-Con-

gress declare this an attempt to bribe one of their body and refuse all further

intercourse with him-British commissioners present an address or manifesto

to the people of the states making the same offers they had sent to congress

-The people refuse the offers-Congress issue a counter manifesto,

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